Federal Judge Sides With Mo’Nique in Pending Discrimination Lawsuit Against Netflix


Apr 30, 2012
It became a civil rights matter when they gave Amy Schumer, who everybody on the planet admits is a terrible comedian, $13m.
I don't find Amy Schumer funny at all, but you can't say that everyone on the planet thinks she's a terrible comedian when around the time she got her deal, she was selling out arenas over the world, starring in movies that opened at #1, had a show on Comedy Central that was getting recognition and released a book that was a #1 seller.

A bunch of people didn't find her funny, but enough did that she could ask for a ton of money and get it.

She's fukking terrible, but people fukked with her heavy at the time. She can point to all of those things and say "Right now I bring asses to the seats" to get that bag. She had her recent success as leverage.

There are plenty of black women in Hollywood that aren't paid what their contemporaries are paid.

Viola Davis even talked about how networks and execs always tell her she's the black Meryl Streep and how they thought so little of her intelligence to tell her something like that while paying her a fraction of what they pay Meryl Streep
Hollywood is all about making money.

in 2018 Meryl Streep starred in a movie that made $395M. The Post, which came out in 2017, made $175M. People see her name and will go to the movies.

I would consider Widows the first movie that was a Viola vehicle, it was not considered a commercial success, making $76M against a $42M budget.

You don't get paid in Hollywood for talent, you get paid by making studios money.

However you feel about Will Smith as an actor, he was able to get big salaries because he had a track record of getting people to see him. In the 90s if you saw a trailer for a Will Smith movie coming out Memorial Day/4th of July, you knew you were going to see it.

Even if you act better than Streep, you're not getting Streep money if you can't get enough people to come see you act.
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Jun 23, 2012
But apparently that’s not up for the general public to decide since a federal judge decided that her case has merit based on her complaint, if you actually read the court filing.
There’s a component of her lawsuit that stipulates that she was essentially blacklisted from engaging in forms of work beneficial to her career and impacted her ability to further her acting career. None of those people you listed earned an Oscar either.

I thought they were offering a comedy special? Most comedians don't have an Oscar. I don't doubt she was discriminated against and perhaps blacklisted in away, but her overall body of work prior to the Netflix thing didn't suggest she was rolling in options and they somehow impacted that. I was also speaking on HER overall comparison to the comedians listed, again she simply has not put in the same amount of work in her comedy career as they have, so using them to baseline the discrimination seems delusional.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
That’s her point I guess; Netflix paid Chapelle, Seinfeld and Schumer these big amounts, but discriminated against her with what they offered.

Those people bring in huge crowds. How many people does Monique bring in? Netflix has been giving a lot of black actors the chance, I like them way better than Hollywood. If Monique can bring in the numbers then yeah she should get more.

That's like a WNBA player mad she not making LeBron James salary


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Netflix offered Wanda Sykes even less than Mo'nique in 2017 and she passed without complaining. Took her special, which was already made and ready to go, over to Epix.
In 2019 Netflix made a 7 figure offer that she accepted.

I say all that to say this, I personally think Mo over reacted as if Netflix was the only game in town. Plus, all the cats that she mentioned came with their special already made. She still has a up hill battle ahead of her

No shade to Wanda, really :hubie:, she funny...

However she's a lesbian married to a ww, raising two white children. :usure: Monique is married to a bm who is also her manager. Im not saying nothing about Wanda's life except to say, she likely has different opportunities all around, access to more capital and loans, people who deny racism giving her advice. :mjpls:

Thus, while that method may have worked for Wanda personally, it didn't move the needle for bp as a group.

Those arguing that Monique is not a Dave Chappelle, you're right. Dave Chappelle has a huge white audience, as does Kevin hart. (For completely different reasons lol.)

So, essentially, Monique is being punished for not having a white audience. By the numbers, if we only 13%, there's literally no way any artist who caters to a black audience will ever be viable on Netflix, the largest and most dynamic content aggregator of our period, akin to all cable channels in one, damn near a utility at this point.

I'll say it again, taking Netflix side is anti black in ways you can't even foresee. I usually stay away from those extra broad generalizations about bp, but we really do turn against our own, and therefore ourselves. Ive literally never seen any other race so vehemently argue a position that will hurt them. I really have to wonder if yall black, ados, raised by :mjpls: parents.... what? Im legit perplexed. :snoop:

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
No shade to Wanda, really :hubie:, she funny...

However she's a lesbian married to a ww, raising two white children. :usure: Monique is married to a bm who is also her manager. Im not saying nothing about Wanda's life except to say, she likely has different opportunities all around, access to more capital and loans, people who deny racism giving her advice. :mjpls:

Thus, while that method may have worked for Wanda personally, it didn't move the needle for bp as a group.

Those arguing that Monique is not a Dave Chappelle, you're right. Dave Chappelle has a huge white audience, as does Kevin hart. (For completely different reasons lol.)

So, essentially, Monique is being punished for not having a white audience. By the numbers, if we only 13%, there's literally no way any artist who caters to a black audience will ever be viable on Netflix, the largest and most dynamic content aggregator of our period, akin to all cable channels in one, damn near a utility at this point.

I'll say it again, taking Netflix side is anti black in ways you can't even foresee. I usually stay away from those extra broad generalizations about bp, but we really do turn against our own, and therefore ourselves. Ive literally never seen any other race so vehemently argue a position that will hurt them. I really have to wonder if yall black, ados, raised by :mjpls: parents.... what? Im legit perplexed. :snoop:

Being punished for not having a white audience? I think that's silly. It boils down to whether she can bring in a big audience or not. Eddie Murphy supposedly signed a $70 Million contract with Netflix. I fail to see how they're discriminatory

Monique needs to prove she can bring in the numbers if she wants, that's all it boils down too

Kat Williams said Netflix operate on ticket sales, how much did Monique bring in at her last specials. That will be the deciding factor on this case
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Jun 23, 2012
No shade to Wanda, really :hubie:, she funny...

However she's a lesbian married to a ww, raising two white children. :usure: Monique is married to a bm who is also her manager. Im not saying nothing about Wanda's life except to say, she likely has different opportunities all around, access to more capital and loans, people who deny racism giving her advice. :mjpls:

Thus, while that method may have worked for Wanda personally, it didn't move the needle for bp as a group.

Those arguing that Monique is not a Dave Chappelle, you're right. Dave Chappelle has a huge white audience, as does Kevin hart. (For completely different reasons lol.)

So, essentially, Monique is being punished for not having a white audience. By the numbers, if we only 13%, there's literally no way any artist who caters to a black audience will ever be viable on Netflix, the largest and most dynamic content aggregator of our period, akin to all cable channels in one, damn near a utility at this point.

I'll say it again, taking Netflix side is anti black in ways you can't even foresee. I usually stay away from those extra broad generalizations about bp, but we really do turn against our own, and therefore ourselves. Ive literally never seen any other race so vehemently argue a position that will hurt them. I really have to wonder if yall black, ados, raised by :mjpls: parents.... what? Im legit perplexed. :snoop:
So Netflix is the reason Monique doesn't have a crossover audience? Monique hasn't really done anything after Precious and that was 2009.


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
I’m sorry but I’m with Kat Williams on this one. Amy whatever her name is is not funny at all but they get paid based upon how many tickets their last tour sold. She sold 316,000 tickets compared with Amy who sold over a million. Kat Williams said this..
It’s not cuz her audience ain’t white..

I’m happy for her and off principle supporting her over a white organization. But just like the everyday jobs is regular people have, we can get lowballed for jobs and that’s up to what someone thinks your value is. If a large portion of black people at a job are saying they are being paid less, that is obviously a case of racism and discrimination. But if one person get offered a job for a low amount or being paid less. That’s not a trend.Haven’t all of us here been offered a job for way less of what our value actually is. Byron situation is completely different. All them other black comedians on Netflix getting paid good, cuz they hot right now. I still support her off principle for anybody saying I’m hating.

if any of the otherblack comedians had this happening to them it’s a civil rights issue. But one comedian who is not hot at all right now. . That is not civil rights. Kat Williams and most of the other black comedians said the same shyt in interviews. They said Netflix paid them based upon the number of tickets sold at they last tour. She sold 316,000 tickets only.

At 4:30

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Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Since when is Netflix

Legally obligated

To hire a particular comedian?

Do they have to hire every single comedian now?

I don't understand this. I do understand that Mo is tryna get money, but that about it


Apr 2, 2018
This is being looked at as she won her argument and it’s not. Netflix told the judge:

Netflix: Yo’ judge, this bih crazy...let’s not waste the court’s time arguing this dumb shyt...just throw this case out. :feedme:

Judge: Nah, this will go to trial and we’ll hear both sides. :win:

That’s all this is so I don’t know why people acting vindicated for saying Monique was discriminated against. They haven’t discussed the merits of her argument, just the right for it to be heard.