Fat People And Excuses


Florida Man
May 1, 2012
Everyone got an excuse...then I see people damn near crippled at the gym everyday religiously working out. The one legged man on the treadmill is inspiration to me as well as the guy with ms riding his scooter in the rain to come to the gym.


May 6, 2012
I used 'no gym membership' as an excuse for the longest time

until one day I decided to just put on my shoes and go to the nearest jogging friendly area

and then I was like :facepalm: who needs a fukking treadmill

now lately I'm discovering that even if you don't have time to go outside you can do sh1t in like your damn room/office

like with steps, jump rope, pushups, situps, couple small weights, whatever

I think though there isn't a lot of information for ad hoc, non equipment having beginner exercise out there, everyone's trying to get you into a weight room or sell a DVD or join a class or whatever

we need workout gurus who say sh1t like "look for beginners you can just do a 30 minute routine in your house in the morning and that will start getting your blood pumping"

as for diet though, I can't lie, there's a lot of good information about food out there , people just don't follow it


The White King TuT
May 21, 2012
i used to have a class in college with a morbidly obese girl. she wasn't ashamed of the fact she was 400-500 pounds and she would frequently talk about the fact she was on disability. She had to sit on a bench instead of a regular desk. Worst part was that she had a "helper" that worked for the college(they get assigned to all the "disabled" students) this helper would literally sit around and do nothing except get stuff out of the fat girl's back pack for her so she wouldn't have to lean down from the bench. The fat girl was actually of a decent intelligence, could take notes and seemed to keep up in the class. I felt bad for her until i saw her eating chips and drinking dr pepper at 7 am. it was hilarious just to watch her waddle down the hallways before and after class.

at one point i had a boss who was so fat she wanted to rearrange the office at my job so the printer would be right next to her desk so she wouldn't have to get up and walk 3 feet to the printer. she always wanted a lot of stuff to get done at work but never wanted to do anything that required her to have to stand. after 3 months she had to quit due to health related reasions
May 30, 2012
Some people are born fat.

Remember with Jules said to Vincent vega, " Ofcourse he's fat. He's a samaon. Give him a break"

I can't really fault people with their weight problems when I see some people can eat 4000 calories a day and not gain any weight. Life isn't fair, and they (the obese) got shafted. Why rub it in?


May 6, 2012
Some people are born fat.

Remember with Jules said to Vincent vega, " Ofcourse he's fat. He's a samaon. Give him a break"

I can't really fault people with their weight problems when I see some people can eat 4000 calories a day and not gain any weight. Life isn't fair, and they (the obese) got shafted. Why rub it in?

well for me it's not about whether it makes sense to "rub it in" or be mean, obviously it doesn't

but the body is a biomechanical system, if they're committed they can change the basic input/output of calories in, calories out

when the diabetes or whatever kicks in they'll have to start paying attention anyway, might as well pay attention now


May 6, 2012
i don't really mind. the only people that sort of irritate me are the ones who keep claiming "i have a condition". 3/4 of them don't have shyt. they just don't care about the fact that they are fat and that's cool. just keep it real.

also even if you have a condition, this should actually make you even more careful with what you eat and how much you exercise. people get told by their doctors that they're genetically more pre-disposed to obesity and that's it, they take that as an excuse to eat and drink anything in large quantities and not exercise because hey, it's not their fault.

it's kind of like someone being told they have a mild mental health issue and they start to use that as an excuse to act like an a$$hole to everyone.
May 30, 2012
i don't really mind. the only people that sort of irritate me are the ones who keep claiming "i have a condition". 3/4 of them don't have shyt. they just don't care about the fact that they are fat and that's cool. just keep it real.

also even if you have a condition, this should actually make you even more careful with what you eat and how much you exercise. people get told by their doctors that they're genetically more pre-disposed to obesity and that's it, they take that as an excuse to eat and drink anything in large quantities and not exercise because hey, it's not their fault.

it's kind of like someone being told they have a mild mental health issue and they start to use that as an excuse to act like an a$$hole to everyone.

i don't think that's very fair. Everyone has a right to the pursuit of happiness. 2200 calories a day, for me or you, may be an adequate amount of intake, but for someone with a different metabolism or someone with a thyroid affliction, 2200 calories/day is enough to put them into the obese range.

I just don't think its fair for me to judge someone when they can't enjoy the same things in life that I can and simply because factors that are 100% out of their control. I can eat an extra piece of cake and not really worry about it, but they can't. Your suggesting that they should live with an overall limitation on their happiness and just suck it up. Is that fair and equitable?

Someone with mental health issue SHOULD be given special consideration even if they are being an a$$hole. Maybe they just don't have the mental ability to detect negative reactions from other people? Maybe they don't have the ability to conceptualize what is and what isn't an a$$hole.


May 6, 2012
I just don't think its fair for me to judge someone when they can't enjoy the same things in life that I can and simply because factors that are 100% out of their control. I can eat an extra piece of cake and not really worry about it, but they can't. Your suggesting that they should live with an overall limitation on their happiness and just suck it up. Is that fair and equitable?

it is a tiny tiny minority of the exploding obese population all over the world who have thyroid disease or are plagued by metabolism to get weighty by eating healthily all day

if you like food and want to eat as everyone else, or as you desire... fine

but the vast majority of overeating and underactivity is a result of corporations selling you junk and controlling your lifestyle

nobody was eating huge bags of Lays until someone made them


May 6, 2012
i don't think that's very fair. Everyone has a right to the pursuit of happiness. 2200 calories a day, for me or you, may be an adequate amount of intake, but for someone with a different metabolism or someone with a thyroid affliction, 2200 calories/day is enough to put them into the obese range.

I just don't think its fair for me to judge someone when they can't enjoy the same things in life that I can and simply because factors that are 100% out of their control. I can eat an extra piece of cake and not really worry about it, but they can't. Your suggesting that they should live with an overall limitation on their happiness and just suck it up. Is that fair and equitable?

Someone with mental health issue SHOULD be given special consideration even if they are being an a$$hole. Maybe they just don't have the mental ability to detect negative reactions from other people? Maybe they don't have the ability to conceptualize what is and what isn't an a$$hole.
it's also not fair that i'm not an ecto and that ectos can eat large quantities of food while i can't eat the same amount of food as them without gaining significant amounts of weight. doesn't mean i should let myself go. matter of fact, it means i gotta be even more careful. that's life.

it's not fair and equitable that some people were born with a silver spoon in their mouth while i wasn't born to rich parents. doesn't mean i should just stop trying to make money.

not fair that i was born in north america while some kids are born in warzones. etc etc

as far as someone with a mental disability. i didn't mean the people who really can't tell the difference. i meant the people who are told they might have a mild issue and suddenly because they can say "hey it's not my fault, i have a condition!!" they start to act like jerks cause they fool themselves into think they aren't responsible of anything anymore. i'm not talking about legit cases of that shyt.


May 6, 2012
it is a tiny tiny minority of the exploding obese population all over the world who have thyroid disease or are plagued by metabolism to get weighty by eating healthily all day

if you like food and want to eat as everyone else, or as you desire... fine

but the vast majority of overeating and underactivity is a result of corporations selling you junk and controlling your lifestyle

nobody was eating huge bags of Lays until someone made them
cosign. not saying those people don't exist. but looking at the amount of people who claim that shyt, the numbers don't add up. some people are lying/exaggerating
May 30, 2012
it is a tiny tiny minority of the exploding obese population all over the world who have thyroid disease or are plagued by metabolism to get weighty by eating healthily all day

if you like food and want to eat as everyone else, or as you desire... fine

but the vast majority of overeating and underactivity is a result of corporations selling you junk and controlling your lifestyle

nobody was eating huge bags of Lays until someone made them

My Grandfather made an entire extension to his house without Power tools. he was always active and was never a fat person. that was just the lifestyle of the 50's in America. People did carpentry work or gardened.

I think the majority of obesity has to do with our PC-oriented lifestyles, and by PC I mean everything from Xboxes, smartphones and Tablets. Americans were already lose physical activity hours to the Television, and the PC raised inactivity levels substantially.

But Americans are Chubby. I think Ashley Graham is closer to the Average.


and that level of obesity is something that is controllable

But to say that these people lack discipline and are lazy, even though they have struggled with weight issues their entire lives is another thing entirely. This CLEARLY is not the product of someone's volition, and it's not some small percentage.





I'm mean seriously, If they could really lose weight, and not live with the pain of being overweight, they would do it in a second. Many people at those weight levels have to resort to Medical procedures (stomach resizing) because they have tried everything.

Just saying to these people, "just go run some miles and eat less, you fat fukk" seriously lacks compassion and understanding.


May 6, 2012
yeah I wouldn't say "lazy"

you actually have to be at a long term caloric deficit to lose weight, which is much harder than being at a low weight and maintaining it

I mean, many young dudes who congregate in forums like this one can do it, but for the average person cutting and bulking and all that precise body manufacturing is on some superman sh1t