Fascinating MJ/Kobe/Bron Comparison

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
That's odd....cause he reached 0.6 in 2008-2009.....and followed it up with two straight seasons of 0.3 attempts. So it wasn't a gradual trend until he got with Bron. Doesn't seem like a natural progression Chris was on "anyway".....he was forced into that role. And I love how you're trying to discredit Bosh to make Bron look better. Bosh was 1 of only 3 players to be a 20/10 player in the season before he showed up in Miami. How else does someone who shoots .3 three's a game avg 20 points and grab 10 boards if they aren't a force in the paint??? In fact, who in that season would you consider a force in the paint? Howard? Z-Bo? Duncan? Look at Chris numbers compared to who you think was a force in the paint and see just how on par or better his were. The revisionist history regarding everything LeBron is so weird.

Yes to those three, and Amare Stoudemire who I believe led the league in points scored in the paint during the 2009-10 season. Putting up similar numbers does not mean you have a similar game at all. Stoudemire, Howard, Randolph, and Duncan all regularly played closer to the rim than Bosh did. Bosh was never a game changer as one of the two best players on a team. He made one all nba third team in 2006-07, no other all nba teams in his career, and no all defensive teams. He led the raptors to the playoffs twice, losing in the first round both times. He wasn’t a premier shot blocker either, averaging 1 block per game on the career and peaking at 1.4 per game. He was a great number 3 who put up impressive numbers on a mediocre/bad team before signing with the heat, and he was not a banger in the paint. He played primarily with a faceup game and worked the pick & roll/pick & pop game while taking a lot of shots from mid range. He didn’t at any point have a Shaq or Duncan type game where he’d take the majority of his shots on the low block. Duncan took the majority of his shots within 10 feet, while Bosh took a lot from mid range. In fact here are Bosh’s shooting numbers his last 3 seasons in Toronto (2007-08 through 2009-10):

2007-08: 67 games played, 1,027 shots (15.3 per game). 261-409 at the rim (63.8%), 53-127 from 3-10 feet (41.7%), 76-188 from 10-16 feet (40.4%), 148-360 from 16-23 feet (41.1%)

2008-09: 77 games played, 1,263 shots (16.4 per game). 236-397 at the rim (59.4%), 74-171 from 3-10 feet (43.3%), 91-228 from 10-16 feet (39.9%), 202-418 from 16-23 feet (48.3%)

2009-10: 70 games played, 1158 shots (16.5 per game). 269-407 at the rim (66.1%), 110-251 from 3-10 feet (43.8%), 93-219 from 10-16 feet (42.5%), 120-259 from 16-23 feet (46.3%)

Only one of those seasons did he attempt even 40% of his shots at the rim. Over his last two seasons with the raptors he took about a third of his shots at the rim while taking roughly 38% of his shots from 10-23 feet. That’s always been a big part of his game. In fact, he took 37% of his shots during the Heat’s two title runs at the rim, which was higher than both of his last two seasons in Toronto. Even the last season LeBron played in Miami Bosh took more shots at the rim than from any other distance on the court and took a higher percentage of his shots at the rim that year than during 2008-09 and only a 0.4% difference than during 2009-10.


All $ IN
Mar 18, 2015
Adavanced stats is so dumb sometimes. nikkas be treating basketball like it’s baseball
May 11, 2012
While everybody was sucking Bron off during the 2015 Finals, I saw heavy shades of:flabbynsick: in his game.

I was looking beyond the high volume statistics that series.At that time, I predicted he'd fall off within 2 years.

Instead, this dude went up.Truly fukking remarkable.Nobody wants to go there, but really, is this shyt natural?:lupe:


Sa Da Tay
Sep 9, 2015
I am comfortable and I love you
A contrived stat that basically tries to figure out total points added on offense and total points saved on defense. Stats like these are beneficial to Lebron since he doesn't really play in any sort of offensive system except Bron Ball, so when he hits the bench the team's offense tanks since he doesn't have a system to fall back on. There's a reason you see Jordan's TPA start to decline as he became more ingrained in the traingle offense.

Stop breh, you're making too much sense for the stans :damn:


Leader of #CACset
Jan 10, 2015
Yes to those three, and Amare Stoudemire who I believe led the league in points scored in the paint during the 2009-10 season. Putting up similar numbers does not mean you have a similar game at all. Stoudemire, Howard, Randolph, and Duncan all regularly played closer to the rim than Bosh did. Bosh was never a game changer as one of the two best players on a team. He made one all nba third team in 2006-07, no other all nba teams in his career, and no all defensive teams. He led the raptors to the playoffs twice, losing in the first round both times. He wasn’t a premier shot blocker either, averaging 1 block per game on the career and peaking at 1.4 per game. He was a great number 3 who put up impressive numbers on a mediocre/bad team before signing with the heat, and he was not a banger in the paint. He played primarily with a faceup game and worked the pick & roll/pick & pop game while taking a lot of shots from mid range. He didn’t at any point have a Shaq or Duncan type game where he’d take the majority of his shots on the low block. Duncan took the majority of his shots within 10 feet, while Bosh took a lot from mid range. In fact here are Bosh’s shooting numbers his last 3 seasons in Toronto (2007-08 through 2009-10):

2007-08: 67 games played, 1,027 shots (15.3 per game). 261-409 at the rim (63.8%), 53-127 from 3-10 feet (41.7%), 76-188 from 10-16 feet (40.4%), 148-360 from 16-23 feet (41.1%)

2008-09: 77 games played, 1,263 shots (16.4 per game). 236-397 at the rim (59.4%), 74-171 from 3-10 feet (43.3%), 91-228 from 10-16 feet (39.9%), 202-418 from 16-23 feet (48.3%)

2009-10: 70 games played, 1158 shots (16.5 per game). 269-407 at the rim (66.1%), 110-251 from 3-10 feet (43.8%), 93-219 from 10-16 feet (42.5%), 120-259 from 16-23 feet (46.3%)

Only one of those seasons did he attempt even 40% of his shots at the rim. Over his last two seasons with the raptors he took about a third of his shots at the rim while taking roughly 38% of his shots from 10-23 feet. That’s always been a big part of his game. In fact, he took 37% of his shots during the Heat’s two title runs at the rim, which was higher than both of his last two seasons in Toronto. Even the last season LeBron played in Miami Bosh took more shots at the rim than from any other distance on the court and took a higher percentage of his shots at the rim that year than during 2008-09 and only a 0.4% difference than during 2009-10.

Yeah, this deads that bullshyt argument forever.


Heavily Armed
Sep 14, 2013
The 718
I love how none of you guys acknowledged the fact that Bosh starting shooting even MORE threes after LeBron left

Like Bosh himself even said LeBron never looked for him for 3-point shots until that Game 7 against Boston where Bosh said he was more comfortable shooting them. It was Bosh's choice to shoot more 3's.

Kobe stans will keep regurgitating he same old ass talking points against LeBron no matter how many facts disprove it.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
These stats can be interpreted in many different ways and in many ways don't paint the full picture..

That said, it's quite obvious to anybody with half a basketball brain what the G.O.A.T. top 3 looks like

1. MJ: you simply can NOT argue with 6 Finals, 6 Rings and as many Finals MVP awards
2. Kobe: you simply can NOT argue that 5 Rings and how he became the player who carried the NBA AFTER MJ left
3. LeBron: (WORK IN PROGRESS) people forget this.. he is not done, if he wins 3 rings in his next 5 years... he's #2 - easily the most COMPLETE player

Numbers ultimately don't lie.

One thing that is absolutely clear, only LeBron can be mentioned in the same vein as MJ - there is no other active player that we can say the same thing about (and definitely not one that is on the Warriors roster - if you argue this and your not GOAT Spokesmen.. you are genuinely ready for mental help

I witnessed MJ's reign, I've witnessed Kobe's Mamba reign and LeBron James' reign... there is no discussion: MJ was the greatest of all time


May 12, 2012
injuries can affect players athleticism you know that right?:usure:

so tell me why was Bosh shooting more threes after Lebron left?

Here's a novel idea....he spent years doing it and got good at it. Its not rocket science my man. If you add something to your game, why stop doing it? Look, you all don't have to act remedial just to defend Bron. Bosh 3pa went up and rebs went down each year playing with Bron. And that's a direct correlation of getting outta Bron's way and letting him play Bron-ball.


May 12, 2012
Yes to those three, and Amare Stoudemire who I believe led the league in points scored in the paint during the 2009-10 season. Putting up similar numbers does not mean you have a similar game at all. Stoudemire, Howard, Randolph, and Duncan all regularly played closer to the rim than Bosh did. Bosh was never a game changer as one of the two best players on a team. He made one all nba third team in 2006-07, no other all nba teams in his career, and no all defensive teams. He led the raptors to the playoffs twice, losing in the first round both times. He wasn’t a premier shot blocker either, averaging 1 block per game on the career and peaking at 1.4 per game. He was a great number 3 who put up impressive numbers on a mediocre/bad team before signing with the heat, and he was not a banger in the paint. He played primarily with a faceup game and worked the pick & roll/pick & pop game while taking a lot of shots from mid range. He didn’t at any point have a Shaq or Duncan type game where he’d take the majority of his shots on the low block. Duncan took the majority of his shots within 10 feet, while Bosh took a lot from mid range. In fact here are Bosh’s shooting numbers his last 3 seasons in Toronto (2007-08 through 2009-10):

2007-08: 67 games played, 1,027 shots (15.3 per game). 261-409 at the rim (63.8%), 53-127 from 3-10 feet (41.7%), 76-188 from 10-16 feet (40.4%), 148-360 from 16-23 feet (41.1%)

2008-09: 77 games played, 1,263 shots (16.4 per game). 236-397 at the rim (59.4%), 74-171 from 3-10 feet (43.3%), 91-228 from 10-16 feet (39.9%), 202-418 from 16-23 feet (48.3%)

2009-10: 70 games played, 1158 shots (16.5 per game). 269-407 at the rim (66.1%), 110-251 from 3-10 feet (43.8%), 93-219 from 10-16 feet (42.5%), 120-259 from 16-23 feet (46.3%)

Only one of those seasons did he attempt even 40% of his shots at the rim. Over his last two seasons with the raptors he took about a third of his shots at the rim while taking roughly 38% of his shots from 10-23 feet. That’s always been a big part of his game. In fact, he took 37% of his shots during the Heat’s two title runs at the rim, which was higher than both of his last two seasons in Toronto. Even the last season LeBron played in Miami Bosh took more shots at the rim than from any other distance on the court and took a higher percentage of his shots at the rim that year than during 2008-09 and only a 0.4% difference than during 2009-10.

I respect proper posting. Good shyt. It doesn't change the fact he was 20/10 (something the bruts in the paint Howard, Duncan, or Stoudamire did not do that year). It also doesn't change the fact he gradually shot more 3s each season with the Heat. Everything else you typed is just a solid description of Bosh's style of play.