Farrakhan Was Right About Black Organizations


Nov 21, 2013
Brother you should’ve cut the convo short when he asked you this the first time. Any Black man that godamn ignorant of his own history isn’t work the conversation. Probably has a white wife, if he isn’t white himself.

Maybe so, but sometimes the convo isnt about who you're discussing with but who may be reading..


Nov 21, 2013
the minister is being sloppy with his analysis on civil right groups. the urban league rented them all the buildings that they have those business and their mosque. the naacp fought for their right to practice islam and not get persecuted for it.

You're all over the place sir. You just got done saying that its not about the minister but you keep reverting to discussing him lol.. And you still havent explained why I'd have to explain to you that there were great black civilizations that built their civilizations on their own... So Imma take the brother's advice on cutting the convo short...But to reiterate, theres nothing wrong with calling out people like you that want to talk down on the white man, then hold out your hand and beg him to unite with you... Its stockholm syndrome and the NOI wasnt down with that (in public that is)...

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I see what the Brother was saying and I’ve advocated as much. I’m also more interested in beginning to teach about what we were doing pre-slavery, specifically what mistakes we made that contributed to our becoming slaves. There’s not enough discussion about that in my opinion.
What I've written specifically, in other threads, about this lack of info about Africa pre transatlantic slave era is this.
Much of African history is lost and gone forever. There are a few ethnic groups which had written languages/script but many did not. The art and artifacts of those cultures and eras tell the story indirectly, but no written histories. Griots from those cultures might have transcribed them later, but much of it is lost.
Much of what we do know of Africa pre trans. atl. slave trade is from nation states that had converted to Islam and had adapted Arabic script.

A book that I've posted a few times is from Dr. John Henrik Clarke full pdf

read Chapter 2 Africa before The Slave Trade

again i have to disagree here. i haven't studied extensively into the role different tribes had in capturing and selling us to the europeans, but i have done some reading. i'm generally aware of the political situation of that time and the pressure some tribes were under. ironically, i was in half price books just yesterday thumbing thru a book on slavery. it was a compilation of writings, from white ship captains to african kings/chiefs and even the enslaved. I don't remember the name of the book but it included an excerpt from Olaudah Equiano, a captured slave, and John Newton who was a captain. It also included a couple of excerpts from kings of tribes who participated and colluded with the white man.

so "ya'll sold us" is rooted in reality, though i will grant that it's an extreme case of simplifying a complex situation.when caesar conquered gaul the allobroges were one of the prominent tribes at that time and they allied with the romans for most of that war, which eventually saw a million of them displaced, another million killed, and a third million sold into chattel slavery. rome then controlled gaul for the next 400 years en route to conquering the known world, so the selling out isn't something exclusive to Blacks, and to tell the truth it's not an area where I'd spend alotta time. most every if not every race of people has been enslaved at some point in their history, but no people can be completely overrun and conquered without some sellout segment of that people helping the enemy. the point i would stress when it comes to slavery is that chattel slavery was a white invention and has always been the white man's way, whether he was enslaving his fellow greeks, romans, gauls, or africans. i would stress that unchangeable aspect of his nature.

but as far as our people go, i'd like to go back further than that. you see, i believe we need to analyze what happened in northern africa in antiquity and study the different factors that led to us losing Egypt and eventually northern africa. what were our internal weaknesses - see what i'm saying? because we're always going to have to deal with outside forces, but our internal weaknesses are what gave the arabs and white folks the opening they needed. and gaining that critical foothold in northern africa basically gave the arabs and europeans an open road to the rest of the continent.

I've posted chapter 2 of this audiobook & it covers this topic
about 1 hour and 43 minutes mp3


Jun 26, 2015
You're all over the place sir. You just got done saying that its not about the minister but you keep reverting to discussing him lol.. And you still havent explained why I'd have to explain to you that there were great black civilizations that built their civilizations on their own... So Imma take the brother's advice on cutting the convo short...But to reiterate, theres nothing wrong with calling out people like you that want to talk down on the white man, then hold out your hand and beg him to unite with you... Its stockholm syndrome and the NOI wasnt down with that (in public that is)...
the only reason you like to cut the convo short is because you don't have enough info to connect the dots. the reason i don't address your comment on africans building great civilization is because that was when the bullshyt began when the afican kings and cheif allowed outsiders to do business and rum amok in the motherland. why do you think there are european names tagged on africia?


Aug 9, 2013
What I've written specifically, in other threads, about this lack of info about Africa pre transatlantic slave era is this.
Much of African history is lost and gone forever. There are a few ethnic groups which had written languages/script but many did not. The art and artifacts of those cultures and eras tell the story indirectly, but no written histories. Griots from those cultures might have transcribed them later, but much of it is lost.
Much of what we do know of Africa pre trans. atl. slave trade is from nation states that had converted to Islam and had adapted Arabic script.

A book that I've posted a few times is from Dr. John Henrik Clarke full pdf

read Chapter 2 Africa before The Slave Trade


I've posted chapter 2 of this audiobook & it covers this topic
about 1 hour and 43 minutes mp3

give me a min to go thru this


Nov 21, 2013
the only reason you like to cut the convo short is because you don't have enough info to connect the dots.

:mjlol: Is that what you think?

the reason i don't address your comment on africans building great civilization is because that was when the bullshyt began when the afican kings and cheif allowed outsiders to do business and rum amok in the motherland. why do you think there are european names tagged on africia?

Yea so your view is that "Africans" (and there was blacks in America and Europe ruling before cacs by the way) did NOTHING until they got the helping hand of white people? If this is your belief then yea, Im wasting my time. Drown in your ignorance for all I care. Those of us that know, know... :coffee:


Jun 26, 2015
:mjlol: Is that what you think?

Yea so your view is that "Africans" (and there was blacks in America and Europe ruling before cacs by the way) did NOTHING until they got the helping hand of white people? If this is your belief then yea, Im wasting my time. Drown in your ignorance for all I care. Those of us that know, know... :coffee:
if you want to tell black folks in the coli that africans did not make serious blunders when when dealing with non african people then be my guess.


Nov 21, 2013
if you want to tell black folks in the coli that africans did not make serious blunders when when dealing with non african people then be my guess.

I want to tell so called blacks that they accomplished great things without the help of anybody but themselves. The blunders you refer to happened after great kingdoms had already been established in Africa, Europe, and America by the hands of black people :coffee:

You on a black website trying to pass off the lie that blacks did nothing till cacs came around. You should have known that wasn’t gonna fly


Jun 26, 2015
I want to tell so called blacks that they accomplished great things without the help of anybody but themselves. The blunders you refer to happened after great kingdoms had already been established in Africa, Europe, and America by the hands of black people :coffee:

You on a black website trying to pass off the lie that blacks did nothing till cacs came around. You should have known that wasn’t gonna fly
what i said was NON AFRICAN BENEFITED FROM ALL THAT GREATENESS THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. at the end of the day who benefited from our god given gifts?


Nov 21, 2013
what i said was NON AFRICAN BENEFITED FROM ALL THAT GREATENESS THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. at the end of the day who benefited from our god given gifts?

No this is what you said:

“point out anytime in out history, where we achieve anything with just african people doing the work”

This clearly suggests that black people have never achieved anything on their own. Now your tune changed to:
“Well they have achieved things on their own but other people benefited from those achievements.”

That’s just you moving the goalposts because of how stupid you sound saying that on what is allegedly a black website...:coffee:
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Jun 26, 2015
No this is what you said:

This clearly suggests that black people have never achieved anything on their own. Now your tune changed to:

That’s just you moving the goalposts because of how stupid you sound saying that on what is allegedly a black website...:coffee:
it's stupid to you because you refuse to think outside the box. you have a misinterpretation of our history, you actually think african people only dealt with each other and not the outside world interms of day to day needs?


Nov 21, 2013
it's stupid to you because you refuse to think outside the box. you have a misinterpretation of our history, you actually think african people only dealt with each other and not the outside world interms of day to day needs?

You said black people never achieved things in their own when they had their own great kingdoms that they built by themselves. Point blank. And you keep saying Africa but no it was Africa along with Europe and the Americas. Black people built great kingdoms in these places without the help of cacs.

If you want to say that trading means they did not then there’s no point of saying that at all as every kingdom traded. This was just your way of suggesting that blacks people NEED help from other people to solve the problems they face.. While I know that majority of the problems they face can be solved by their own hands :coffee:
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Birmingham Civil Rights Institute re-invites Angela Davis
Updated 11:01 AM; Posted 10:31 AM

The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute has re-invited Angela Davis to accept its highest award. (Jake May)

By Greg Garrison | ggarrison@al.com

The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute announced this morning that it has re-invited controversial activist Angela Davis and again named her the recipient of its highest award.

Davis has not yet responded, the institute said in a statement released today. The Fred Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award is named for civil rights activist the Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, a native of Birmingham. Davis is also a native of Birmingham.

“This update follows a BCRI Board of Directors January 14 public apology for its missteps in conferring, then rescinding, its nomination of Dr. Angela Y. Davis in early January,” the statement said.

"Immediately after that public apology, in keeping with its commitment to learning from its mistakes and in order to stay true to the BCRI’s founding mission, the Board voted to reaffirm Dr. Davis as the recipient. Dr. Davis was immediately thereafter personally invited to reaccept the award. The BCRI respects her privacy and timing in whatever her response may ultimately be.

"At the BCRI’s founding, the basic purposes of the Institute were to ‘focus on what happened in the past, to portray it realistically and interestingly, and to understand it in relationship to the present and future development of human relations in Birmingham, the United States, and perhaps the world.’

‘“Dr. Angela Davis, a daughter of Birmingham, is highly regarded throughout the world as a human rights activist,’ said BCRI President and CEO Andrea L. Taylor. ‘In fact, the Schlesinger Library at Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study acquired her personal archives in 2018, recognizing her significance in the movement for human rights, her involvement in raising issues of feminism, as well as her leadership in the campaign against mass incarceration. Her credentials in championing human rights are noteworthy,’ she said.

"Reverend Thomas L. Wilder, interim BCRI Board Chair, said ‘at the end of the day, we stand for open and honest dialogue on issues. It is only through our ability to talk openly and honestly with one another that we can achieve true understanding and appreciation for one another’s perspectives. We look forward to continuing the Institute’s legacy as we foster dialogue and open communications, improve our Board governance and policies, and stay focused on our Vision 2020 strategic plan.’

"Wilder said that BCRI’s Vision 2020 strategic plan is based on four guiding goals:

  1. To accelerate the reach of the Institute by doubling the number of visitors by 2020, by building greater awareness, and by attracting significantly larger audiences, year over year;
  2. To promote the success of the newly designated Civil Rights National Monument;
  3. To facilitate superb programming that optimizes the Institute’s own educational, curatorial and archival assets; and,
  4. To build a healthy, adaptive and sustainable institution that is both financially self-sufficient and nationally significant.
“We ask everyone to partner with us to rebuild trust in the Institute and its important work,” Wilder said