Been rewatching the seasons after 5 finished and, even though this season had it's detractors, I really liked it first time through, liked it more second watch through before SSN 4 and this time I was really keying in on the parallels between this season and the politics of the time to now: what is truth; what are facts; what is reality; and how technology now can easily conflagrate them. As you play off this season being made in the 2016 election cycle, you can clearly see the parallels as it's Gloria as the American Ideal vs Varga as the MAGA exploitation of that American Dream for personal profit. The promise of justice vs the century later robber barons of late stage capitalism puppeteering the show having the who will win faceoff in that last moment. (And Varga won in that instance in the real world as we've been suffering the fallout ever since.)
Such a great season of character, questions and conflict. I've only seen 4 once and liked it better than most, so I'm cautiously hoping that improves the next watch through as well. Such a tremendous series born from such a random remake of a decades old film into a tangentially related anthology show. It really shouldn't exist but is one of the best things television has done.