Fanboy Thread of Eternal Suffering


Apr 6, 2014
Witcher 3, I'm ready for all the flak
Boring ass story of looking for the girl and the wild hunt, controls ain't tight (I wanna run to the horse and get on smoothly in combat for transition. not run to it, look at an awkward angle, jump, keep pressing button and finally jumping on the horse), spam light and heavy attack and maybe use one spell to get through the whole game, speaking of combat and awkwardness the it's annoying and awkward as hell trying to Target and fight multiple enemies. But hey, it's a pretty game though

B b but the side quest. nikka idc about a wraith whos body is in the well. fukk that Scooby Doo Batman detective shyt and give me dark souls instead


May 6, 2012
That doesn't make any sense.

Its a really good game. I've never said otherwise. I'm just highlighting 'overrated'.

But when people talk about it like a generational game or something, I really just can't agree with that.

The gameplay is straight up average at best. The combat system forces you to deal with things like the camera and rigid animations working against you more than enemies themselves. Those same enemies are recycled far more than they should've been for a game with the resources of the studio too. That sort of approach to combat, over the shoulder, is inherently limited and unless you take a Mass Effect approach to it and go out of of your way to enhance player mobility, then you'll have players forced into a flowchart type of play instead of dynamic combat.

Little things like the equipment/rpg mechanics do nothing other than add artificial length to the game. Very few things offered through it dynamically alter how you approach any fight or situation. At least not in such a sense that it warrants the system's introduction when it was never needed in the past to achieve the same (and in many cases better) results.

The game is in many ways carried by the previous titles and Norse mythology. Which isn't 'bad' by any means - however, its important to not that many new or ambitious titles don't have the luxury of falling back on a decade of character building and one of the most interesting/frequently referenced pantheons out there. The story and narrative impact from events in it just aren't that good. At the same time, the game fails to highlight best of either when it pulls from these things. People who grew up with the boss fights and dramatic sequences highlighting these fabled gods simply got let down. You end up fighting a guy who is not only wholly uninteresting on paper but as repetitive and misused as the Didact from Halo.

Traversing the environment, while some setpieces are great, just doesn't leave you feeling like you're being offered the same level of exploration as other titles. I'm *not* stating anything about a lack of open world design. I'm more or less emphasizing that GoW loves to show you great vistas of something you'll never reach or pointing at things with the hint that the next title will take you there.

I don't know know how people can look at God of War and say it does anything better than something like a Bloodborne.

Its not terrible by any means, but its still kinda jarring to me how it dodged complaints about things that other games get knocked on immediately. In some ways, its like Fallen Order - where the atmosphere makes up for a lot of the technical/design shortcomings. Other titles get immediately checked for hyperbole as well. Breath of the Wild takes shots for simple mistakes such as weapon degradation when people bring up its amazing approach to allowing the player freedom of approach. The Witcher fans are constantly reminded how jank the gameplay is and how the sidequests really aren't that special. RDR2 plays in slow motion. So on and so forth.

God of War basically escaped any meaningful criticism because of marketing. With more time away from it, the clearer it'll be when people compare it against other games from this generation.

Its an overrated game :yeshrug: and yeah, you can be good and overrated at the same time.
This is a confusing conclusion.

How can marketing make it immune to criticism when the other games you mentioned not only are just as big if not bigger, had even more marketing?


I think your opinions are just yours and honestly not reflective of the majority at all. I disagree with pretty much all your points as that's not what I nor most people whom I saw praise it say they liked about it.

Since you feel slightly down about the game it'll look like as if people are avoiding criticizing the game yet that cannot be true as other BIG games such as UC4 or BOTW got criticized despite having super high reviews.

If there's any game I'd say I felt was overrated was Horizon Zero Dawn. Yes THAT game had pretty wack combat and imo isn't that great as it's talked up online but hey that's just me :yeshrug:

The only thing I can say GOW lacked imo was boss battles and the reuse of the Troll fights. Almost everything else was really amazing. Hell as I was playing the game I felt like it had a nice variety of enemies then I come online and see someone state the opposite makes me feel like I played a different game. I felt like there was always a new enemy type being introduced every so often.
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Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
:mjlol: Yes. MS has a great track record of listening and giving their consumers what they want.
Xbox gon get fried even worse next gen than this one
then its but but but we don't care about selling consoles
we...we...we compete with Amazon :damn:


Koba St

Feb 1, 2015
Sir, unless you think gaming consist of Sony exclusives? Then what are you even talking about? Gamepass the best thing in gaming, i get it, you don't have it and having hundreds of games for $10 or less a month isn't ideal to you. That's the cost of two games per year at full price.

Over 95% of all games are multiplatform, so unless you think xcloud won't have all that plus it's own titles, then just stop it bruh. And this notion that selling consoles is where the money's at? Well, i can assure you you're wrong. The profits from the cloud before video gaming is at 10.12 billion just for Oct- dec, here's some receipts ..
Microsoft Earnings Set for Another Cloud Record

Sony already joined Microsoft...
The Microsoft-Sony cloud partnership “was all driven by Sony” says Satya Nadella

Your talk about latency, losing your games, shyt like that. When has that happened to you or anyone you know? And how you plan on gaming in the future when there are no systems? You just gonna stick to you're older systems right? Sounds good but you're just being difficult :francis;:
If Gamepass is the “best thing in gaming” and most console games are multi platform then why is the PS4 which doesn’t have gamepass is on track to sell over 130 million and the Xbox one is on track to become one of the worst selling consoles of all time?