Fanboy Thread of Eternal Suffering


Sep 23, 2014
Have you noticed when games come out Sony gamers run to create a narrative. Sea of thieves did 2 million real quick and they refused to believe it, even when Aaron Greenberg tweeted the 2 mill had nothing to do with Gamepass, still was in denial :wow:

And while that was witnessed by all :win: there are other tactics going on that are HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT :dame: Yes, changing narratives on Xbox games is a tried and true method. What is also applied by these virgins is the opposite when it comes to their own titles. They universally act as if any Sony exclusive is worthy of your time and money.

This gen in particular had yielded very lame results. Driveclub had a ton of gifs :hula: Bloodborne like the dark souls series that isn't widely loved is a niche genre in today's gaming universe. The last Guardian was a big deal and then less than a week later it was forgotten. Even knack had nikkaz here going "put it on hard and its a Game for adults :banderas:"

Killzone + twitch = Xbox sucks!!!

So moving forward, we are a week away from the latest Sony exclusive and already a reviewer is getting harassed because he didn't give a Game nobody played yet a perfect score. I repeat, a Game nobody has played yet, perfect score. Actual backlash :gucci: the last time fukkboy shyt like this happened was when? Oh yeah, uncharted 3 :francis:

So then it's clear scores are not dictated by the games themselves only. Because if that were true with Sony then this wouldn't be possible. You know something ain't right when nikkaz review reviews :mjlol:

Now if I'm not mistaken, not every Sony gamer cares for the God of war series, So my question to the Sony faithful is if you don't care for this title then what else is there :merchant: Real question, I heard Rekkapryde mention persona once but that game can't do 3day sea of thieves numbers. What else is Sony gamers playing, horizon still? What?
They never announced 2 million sales, they announced 2 million players. Most of those players came from game pass and never bought the game. You fell for the PR:umad:


Jan 22, 2015
MS, for whatever reason, doesn't want to take the risk to really fund the Xbox division and give them the means to create more first party studios and game offerings. They are seemingly satisfied with the status quo since they are profitable.
Truth. They’re intertwined and Xbox brand is the step child. And on the other hand Sony loves PlayStation as it’s golden child
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
No stanning. After my mom had her stroke, and I couldn't work because I have to be at least around her for a few months(hopefully) or even longer, I traded my Xbox in and copped a PS4 Why? I wanted to play JRPG's. Copped Persona 5 when I got the console. That was the beginning of March. Also Got Uncharted 4 the same day. 2 Fantastic games. I could not get on Xbox one. Also march PS dropped Ratchet and Clank for free for gamers with gold or whatever their version is. So I got that for 3. Literally 3 FANTASTIC games in bascially the span of a week, that aren't available to xbox one owners. Sony is legit putting in work with there exclusives. There wasn't a single game I felt I HAD to own as a Xbox owner. I played the shyt out of Halo 5 for a min. Don't give a fukk about Gears of War, the lack of games + No JRPG's. made me give it up. And I think I made the right choice. Especially when GOW is fixing to drop. which is another game available on PS that's not going to reach Xbox One. And from all accounts is fantastic.


Jan 22, 2015
:ohhh:Let’s be honest brehs, Microsoft’s monalisa is the Personal computer and it’s Love is for windows, besides that Gaming is something they should of jumped on years before the Xbox Og was created, it’s something they never took really serious. It’s always been that joke with those guys like “we should make games” “. Umm we do make games”. “Naw our own games” “ I thought we did all this time but yeah ima take a note on that we should make games lol”
:russ: You gotta be kidding me lol games. Hmm


Jan 22, 2015
Court I know u stopped smoking the El chapo but sometimes I think u had a relapse breh. Sony is dropping Hirashima Gawd of Thor. And it will crash buildings and burn villages and Microsoft is worried bout a pirates theives and elf’s. Sony is making blockbuster status hits. This is the stuff u can’t find on Xbox right now, even if I was a Xbox fan right now I would have envy towards Sony because even after the release of Xbox one x. Sony still outshines it this gen with the vr and stellar blockbusters only on ps4. Right now a pc user could get all the Xbox games and with a better setup than even Xbox one x.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
No one really knows Xbox strategic direction in terms of what they want to do. It has looked to me like they are desperately trying to replicate the success of steam. I think the idea is that they hit on something big with the subscription service model and be the first to lead the change to the next evolution of the gaming industry. That won't happen. Just as the subscription level games were getting more and more popular, the market decided it wanted to go the opposite direction with going back to the classic single player way of gaming (of course with updated gaming tropes). The industry is like that, it sways back and forth. Sony stuck to their guns and did what they do best and it's paying off. They're not worried about following trends, as they see things can change in an instant. As soon as Microsoft started going in that direction with subscription based modeling, the public decided that it didn't want Microsoft to do that. So now he's saying that they will begin producing single player IPs again. I don't believe him. They have had a lot of time to get sea of thieves right and they fukked that up. State of Decay 2 may be a good hit for the this year, but that's not enough.

They are getting further and further behind with these idiotic and flimsy caprice driven decisions. Phil comes off as a con artist who will do anything to chase short term success and money without having a solid plan. Much like his decisions, everything Microsoft does is half assed. Their brand is hurting t y BAD and the reputation is getting worse and worse by the day.
This is a very accurate description of Xbox's attitude and approach

After they completely botched the announcement of the Xbox One at E3 and got scorched by Sony's PS4 presentation at E3 it's been all downhill

Yes Xbox LIVE looks nice and has some cool features, the feature of getting free games (they started that) is cool - but as you said, their MAIN issue is the short-term thinking and NOT holding on to anything that actually works. Now going all in on the subscription model and becoming the 'Netflix of games' may sound great on paper - but TV shows and Games are 2 very different things because TV shows are something you experience passively and games is something you experience actively, you have to do something. It's a nice bet on paper, but in practice probably not such an appealing one to us gamers. I don't even think if they have more IPs and the right hardware that it would work for the simple fact that the transition of TV shows on TV to TV shows on Netflix is a smaller step than gamers having bought single games (or bundles) always and then fully moving them to a subscription model from a psychological point of view it's a way bigger step. I actually worry that if I could have access to a bunch of games for a certain monthly fee I would not appreciate every single game release that I'm interested because I'm getting it practically for 6 times cheaper AND for that price I'm also getting a bunch of other games. This has a risk that Microsoft is clearly not thinking about.

I've always been more of an Xbox guy (OG Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One but also the PS, PS3 and PS4) but I have to say that Microsoft has really lost their identity after the massive success of the Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE. They seem to act like they have a plan but it looks more like internally they don't even really know the plan. Consider how the Kinect was their MAIN thing at one point and now nobody uses it or talks about it.. this may happen to their Subscription service after putting in way too much time and losing more grip on their player base who are looking at exclusive games coming out on PlayStation that they want to play.


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall


Jan 22, 2015
This is a very accurate description of Xbox's attitude and approach

After they completely botched the announcement of the Xbox One at E3 and got scorched by Sony's PS4 presentation at E3 it's been all downhill

Yes Xbox LIVE looks nice and has some cool features, the feature of getting free games (they started that) is cool - but as you said, their MAIN issue is the short-term thinking and NOT holding on to anything that actually works. Now going all in on the subscription model and becoming the 'Netflix of games' may sound great on paper - but TV shows and Games are 2 very different things because TV shows are something you experience passively and games is something you experience actively, you have to do something. It's a nice bet on paper, but in practice probably not such an appealing one to us gamers. I don't even think if they have more IPs and the right hardware that it would work for the simple fact that the transition of TV shows on TV to TV shows on Netflix is a smaller step than gamers having bought single games (or bundles) always and then fully moving them to a subscription model from a psychological point of view it's a way bigger step. I actually worry that if I could have access to a bunch of games for a certain monthly fee I would not appreciate every single game release that I'm interested because I'm getting it practically for 6 times cheaper AND for that price I'm also getting a bunch of other games. This has a risk that Microsoft is clearly not thinking about.

I've always been more of an Xbox guy (OG Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One but also the PS, PS3 and PS4) but I have to say that Microsoft has really lost their identity after the massive success of the Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE. They seem to act like they have a plan but it looks more like internally they don't even really know the plan. Consider how the Kinect was their MAIN thing at one point and now nobody uses it or talks about it.. this may happen to their Subscription service after putting in way too much time and losing more grip on their player base who are looking at exclusive games coming out on PlayStation that they want to play.
Sony and Nintendo are more the type that plan on things, even if Sony rushes out a idea of a plan, they’re so in sync with the brand of PlayStation the idea is already in testing and early alpha.. Microsoft on the other hand can throw out a idea of a concept and rush it barebone and it is less successful because the product wasn’t planned and fully utilized effectively

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
I feel the opposite of most post in here, microsoft is trying to play for the long run and it appears to not really working out but truthfully they are just fine. People never remember or respect who did it 1st but who did it last. I dont think MS was ever about big 1st party titles and sony wasn't either. But they stumbled on something with god of war and the rest is history.

MS was all about creating a platform to do everything on and that developers could develop games for easy, hence why every single system is easier to develop for than others. MS got ahead of there self with the x1 with the always on and connected and it hurt this gen alot.

But they still kind of have gotten around to that vision of being able to play your games you want on any system anywhere with gamepass and backwards compat.

The thing is again it wont matter in the future because as soon as sony or nintendo copies it, it'll be just another thing that "every system should have"

What new tech has sony ever release that has lasted I'll give them cd's and blu rays but that about it? People seem to be just saying stuff now.

There is nothing microsoft can say to people that will appease the "You need a triple A 1st part title too" crowd.


May 7, 2012
Man, this isn't complicated. With there being a lot of chatter about whether or not we even need consoles, and there being so many different ways to play games, you need to have prodicts (games) out that make the consumer say they NEED to buy your system. Microsoft just hasn't found that hit yet. A goos portion of the problem is that they're leaning hard on franchises that simply need to take a break. Sony has gone out in a limb with developing a relatively deep roster of exclusive franchises, allowing games like God of War to go away for a while and reinvent themselves. Hell, if Uncharted was a Microsoft franchise, 1: it doesn't get restarted in the middle of development like it did, and 2: they likely don't let the studio position it as a definitive end for the franchise's main character.

MS is probably banking on Halo and Gears to hit big (we're likely looking at one of those two announcing another entry at or around E3, probably Halo), bur both franchises are at the point where mostly core fans are going to be the ones interested in buying, and those folks probably already bought an XBox. These franchises aren't likely to pick up significant new players when there's likely a discussion being had by a marketing team somewhere about how they need to steer away from calling it Halo 7 to keep the title "fresh".

What makes it worse is that it makes the new franchises they're developing higher pressure, since they NEED to be hits. There's little room for leeway, so if say, Sea of Thieves isn't a massive hit, they're less likely to greenlight a sequel.

Let's not even get into Microsoft's lack of first party (or even second party, really) studios to be able to create new IP. Because for real, under most other publishers, Rare would've BEEN closed down, and had their best talent scattered elsewhere.
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The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
You mentioned Mass Effect and Anthem. Those are made by EA:stopitslime:

I thought MS brought out bioware... :mindblown: I'm losing my fukking mind... :pachaha:

But Still MS has not put any games out that has blown sony out of the water in all this time with tons of money they have at their disposal...:mjlol:


Jun 3, 2012
Detroit Lions, Michigan Wolverines & LWO
just buy what you like stop complaining :russ:
It’s not complaining. Most of us want MS to make us want their console. It’s just not worth it tho. It’s literally nothing this gen that made me want a Xbox.

Racing is the only genre that is doing well on Xbox and even with that Sony still has the bigger racing game.