we should all be concerned about each other beloved. as much as you are a piece of shyt I would still have your back in a racial dispute. then slap the shyt out of you in private cuz you just a disappointment
...but that's between me and you.
as for this reparations talk that's a rather random shot and it always has been a random accusation that really began with that another agent we exposed here early *shocker ....Yvette c*nt. I don't have any objections with reparations for slavery and never have. Now you being a Dominican I don't know how
you fit into that picture or why you even brought that up other than it was the false launching point for the campaign that spearheaded so many years of online diaspora wars. the claim that "we" wanted what was theirs AA (excluding you of course) you might have to go see some Eurocacs for yours. Now that that era is steadily falling behind us we see the proponents of it the veterans of the buffoon wars drop their false shield and armour and come out for what they always were. self haters and racists in disguise.
time reveals all.