Fallout 4 (Official Thread)

LV Koopa

Jester from Hell
Nov 18, 2014
but there's a big difference between people complaining about copy & paste(which wasnt the case with fallout) and people complaining about radical changes that hurts the series. I think NV is the best Fallout(maybe tied with Fallout 1 from the 40% of the game I've played), it introduced a lot of good things to the series such as iron sights, companion wheel, faction reputation, faction disguises, hardcore mode, and weapon modding. Fallout 4 improved the gun play, weapon modding, and armor but that was it, the only things it added to series are base building and companion romance. Now this wouldn't be a problem if they didn't take such huge steps back on so many things, one of the biggest and most noticeable being dialogue, this example was taken from a /v/ post:

A baby is drowning in the lake:

-Fallout 1

Ask for more information
Agree to help
Decide not to help
Accidentally say something that pisses the NPC off, failing the quest
Reveal too much information about yourself, causing the Super Mutants to track your vault more easily

-Fallout 2

Ask for more information
Agree to help
Decide not to help
Accidentally say something that pisses the NPC off, failing the quest
Pop culture reference about the baby

-Fallout 3
Yes, I will save the baby
Depends on the caps
I will not save the baby
[Intelligence] The baby is drowning

-Fallout New Vegas
I will save the baby
I will not save the baby
[Barter 30] Double the caps and I'll save the baby
[Medicine 30] Thanks to my medical knowledge, I will easily be able to save the baby
[Survival 15/30] Uh... yeah, I totally know how to swim

-Fallout 4
No (Yes)
Sarcastic (Yes)
Hate babies

In the final Fallout NV mission you could talk the NCR, the Legion, or both down through charisma and skill checks, in Fallout 4 you dont have that option, as you can see here(BIG SPOILERS)
Fallout 4: how to get the best ending

you dont really get that choice, no matter what you do either the institute or the BoS gets destroyed, the only way they can live is if you side with them.

Your SPECIAL skills(except charisma) and other skills have no impact on the dialogue choices anymore. Speaking of the SPECIAL skills the fact that you can level them up every time you level up cheapens them, in the beginning of other fallout games you had to carefully choose what stats you wanted to put points in, sure there was a perk that let you level up a SPECIAL stat but then you would be missing out on another stat, and you only got to pick a perk once every two levels and with the level cap there WILL be certain perks you will miss out on so you have to plan or know what kind of character you want to or are building. That's gone in Fallout 4, there is no more 'hmmm which perk should I choose' it is now 'hmm which perk do I need the most for the current situation', it doesn't really matter what you choose to level up because there is no level cap and you can become the master of everything.

Also from what I've played so far(48 hours) there is little variety in the way you can solve quests. In new vegas there were quests where you only had 1 option, but there were many quests that also had 2 or 3 options. For example, in the white glove society cannibal quest you had 3 or 4 options.
Beyond the Beef

I haven't seen this a quest in fallout 4 yet with more than 2 options, and many of the quests with two options are complete bullshyt because it changes nothing about the way the quest turns out.
For example, this quest
Synth Retention

Before the fight with Gabriel, you talk to a courser and you can tell him that you think resetting the synth is cruel and killing him is better, and the courser says something equivalent to 'okay', when you get to the top you can talk Gabriel down, but that doesn't matter, because his friends will attack you and the courser will say 'i have my orders' and reset him.

I'm enjoying Fallout 4 but I completely understand why many people are complaining about the lack of role playing.

Also the writing and story telling for NV was great, here's a video comparing NV's story to F3's

holy shyt this makes Fallout 4 sound incomplete as fukk


May 21, 2012
Played all day, with only one crash to desktop (which is good for me with this game...it's been causing me trouble like no other). Went to the glowing sea, and now I'm about to get my BoS power armor :win:

I'm liking the game for what it is. I lowered my Fallout 3 and NV expectations, and I'm gonna give this an 8/10 so far (level 24, about 20 some odd hours in). It's no fallout 3 or NV, but it's enjoyable for what it is.

I just changed my mindset. It's not about exploring for me anymore, it's about completing missions. Too bad the exploring isn't as fun as the previous games, but what are you gonna do? :manny:

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
I'm looking for the entrance to Nahant Chapel at midnight and a random Queen Mirelurk scared the absolute shyt out of me. :mindblown:
That groan and shriek she gave had me :what:
I thought I had stumbled upon some witchcraft and demonic voodoo or something.
Guess she was aware of how many bodies of her tribe I had caught.
This is why I keep the Fatman on me at all times.

I'm also level 33 and had no idea you could cop the Lone Wanderer perk and have it work with Dogmeat.
Thankfully I haven't gotten to Diamond City yet.


All Star
Jul 5, 2015
Is this game worth $80? Fukking Canadian prices for games is ridiculous :martin::aicmon:. I'm trying to play a new game though since I'm getting tired of 2k's bs and Madden.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
but there's a big difference between people complaining about copy & paste(which wasnt the case with fallout) and people complaining about radical changes that hurts the series. I think NV is the best Fallout(maybe tied with Fallout 1 from the 40% of the game I've played), it introduced a lot of good things to the series such as iron sights, companion wheel, faction reputation, faction disguises, hardcore mode, and weapon modding. Fallout 4 improved the gun play, weapon modding, and armor but that was it, the only things it added to series are base building and companion romance. Now this wouldn't be a problem if they didn't take such huge steps back on so many things, one of the biggest and most noticeable being dialogue, this example was taken from a /v/ post:

A baby is drowning in the lake:

-Fallout 1

Ask for more information
Agree to help
Decide not to help
Accidentally say something that pisses the NPC off, failing the quest
Reveal too much information about yourself, causing the Super Mutants to track your vault more easily

-Fallout 2

Ask for more information
Agree to help
Decide not to help
Accidentally say something that pisses the NPC off, failing the quest
Pop culture reference about the baby

-Fallout 3
Yes, I will save the baby
Depends on the caps
I will not save the baby
[Intelligence] The baby is drowning

-Fallout New Vegas
I will save the baby
I will not save the baby
[Barter 30] Double the caps and I'll save the baby
[Medicine 30] Thanks to my medical knowledge, I will easily be able to save the baby
[Survival 15/30] Uh... yeah, I totally know how to swim

-Fallout 4
No (Yes)
Sarcastic (Yes)
Hate babies

In the final Fallout NV mission you could talk the NCR, the Legion, or both down through charisma and skill checks, in Fallout 4 you dont have that option, as you can see here(BIG SPOILERS)

Your SPECIAL skills(except charisma) and other skills have no impact on the dialogue choices anymore. Speaking of the SPECIAL skills the fact that you can level them up every time you level up cheapens them, in the beginning of other fallout games you had to carefully choose what stats you wanted to put points in, sure there was a perk that let you level up a SPECIAL stat but then you would be missing out on another stat, and you only got to pick a perk once every two levels and with the level cap there WILL be certain perks you will miss out on so you have to plan or know what kind of character you want to or are building. That's gone in Fallout 4, there is no more 'hmmm which perk should I choose' it is now 'hmm which perk do I need the most for the current situation', it doesn't really matter what you choose to level up because there is no level cap and you can become the master of everything.

Also from what I've played so far(48 hours) there is little variety in the way you can solve quests. In new vegas there were quests where you only had 1 option, but there were many quests that also had 2 or 3 options. For example, in the white glove society cannibal quest you had 3 or 4 options.
Beyond the Beef

I haven't seen this a quest in fallout 4 yet with more than 2 options, and many of the quests with two options are complete bullshyt because it changes nothing about the way the quest turns out.
For example, this quest <spoilers removed>

I'm enjoying Fallout 4 but I completely understand why many people are complaining about the lack of role playing.

Also the writing and story telling for NV was great, here's a video comparing NV's story to F3's

it's a series with 5 games (not including spin-offs), made by 4 different developers. it's hard to point to anything and say "this is Fallout". I know a lot of people feel that NV was the pinnacle of the series, but I prefer FO3

I agree the game has been getting away from the RPG elements, and becoming more of a straight up action game. but that's just the way things go as they chase more mainstream appeal. and we'll probably find out that this is the best selling Fallout yet

FO4 is far from a perfect game, but I'm liking it a lot. for one thing the city is much more intricate and interesting compared to previous games. it's almost 'too much' as far as there being a lot to explore. but I like looting and shooting things, so this game's been fun for me


All Star
May 28, 2012
Played all day, with only one crash to desktop (which is good for me with this game...it's been causing me trouble like no other). Went to the glowing sea, and now I'm about to get my BoS power armor :win:

I'm liking the game for what it is. I lowered my Fallout 3 and NV expectations, and I'm gonna give this an 8/10 so far (level 24, about 20 some odd hours in). It's no fallout 3 or NV, but it's enjoyable for what it is.

I just changed my mindset. It's not about exploring for me anymore, it's about completing missions. Too bad the exploring isn't as fun as the previous games, but what are you gonna do? :manny:

And I have the exact opposite impression. I'm having a great time exploring, and I haven't even met Garvey at the Castle yet. There are so many locations, so much on the map (that's not even marked on the map), way more than what was in FO3. I think we're all remembering those games with nostalgia goggles. Granted, I'm pissed they left out so much shyt and dumbed down the RPG aspect, I'm still amazed by how much they crammed in the city.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
one thing I wonder about is does it really matter if I build up bases/settlements or not, it seems like cool thing to do if you find it interesting but completely fine to let them sit a 0% happiness, untouched.

May have already been answered but I personally haven't touched any settlement because none of it interests me.
Micromanaging outside of my own inventory is tedious to me and feels more like a chore.
Thus far, I don't think you're penalized at all.
However, I think you do benefit from it via resources and caps readily available between settlements and what not.
Don't believe it's anything that ultimately matters, though.

Mr. Manhattan

May 3, 2012
What kind of demonry is going on in the museum of witchcraft brehs, this shyt is getting me paranoid :damn: :damn:


I'm outta here
Last edited:


May 21, 2012
And I have the exact opposite impression. I'm having a great time exploring, and I haven't even met Garvey at the Castle yet. There are so many locations, so much on the map (that's not even marked on the map), way more than what was in FO3. I think we're all remembering those games with nostalgia goggles. Granted, I'm pissed they left out so much shyt and dumbed down the RPG aspect, I'm still amazed by how much they crammed in the city.
Up until today I've been exploring. Most locations are just filler, with maybe a terminal to read or holotape to listen to. They only location that gave me that "whoa" feeling was Hugo's Hole and all the hallucinating. There are a ton of locations, that's for sure, but they typically are just places to kill enemies. I want more story or backstory or surprise or something. The locations haven't been giving me that so far. I explored most of the northern part of the map, so maybe the south will give me that. Or at least I hope so. :manny:


Aug 24, 2014
I'm starting my own Mercenary group with my followers.:demonic:
Me, MacCready, Cait, Strong, Hancock and Dogmeat

First I built my personal outpost is in Hangman's Alley :banderas:

Then I got our trap operation outta the Red Rocket boomin :win:

After that I built up Jamacia Plain and moved people in, because I'm a community leader not a drug dealer :umad:

And now I'm building my troops a HQ at Starlight Drive-in:obama:


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Up until today I've been exploring. Most locations are just filler, with maybe a terminal to read or holotape to listen to. They only location that gave me that "whoa" feeling was Hugo's Hole and all the hallucinating. There are a ton of locations, that's for sure, but they typically are just places to kill enemies. I want more story or backstory or surprise or something. The locations haven't been giving me that so far. I explored most of the northern part of the map, so maybe the south will give me that. Or at least I hope so. :manny:

That's how I felt going in, and I wasn't exploring like that, but there is a lot of shyt going on, I ran in one place and there was some goon getting ready to kill this guy for whatever reason and I had to choose to save him, let him die or kill everyone.. Then there is silver shroud vigilante missions, there is a lot of random shyt going on, the island is its own little horror movie..

I'm starting my own Mercenary group with my followers.:demonic:
Me, MacCready, Cait, Strong, Hancock and Dogmeat

First I built my personal outpost is in Hangman's Alley :banderas:

Then I got our trap operation outta the Red Rocket boomin :win:

After that I built up Jamacia Plain and moved people in, because I'm a community leader not a drug dealer :umad:

And now I'm building my troops a HQ at Starlight Drive-in:obama:

How did you get the secret door bookcase?

I was doing a goon HQ at redrocket, although now that you mentioned it starling drive isn't being used for anything..


Feb 21, 2014
Duval County
Up until today I've been exploring. Most locations are just filler, with maybe a terminal to read or holotape to listen to. They only location that gave me that "whoa" feeling was Hugo's Hole and all the hallucinating. There are a ton of locations, that's for sure, but they typically are just places to kill enemies. I want more story or backstory or surprise or something. The locations haven't been giving me that so far. I explored most of the northern part of the map, so maybe the south will give me that. Or at least I hope so. :manny:

Hard to expect that out of a game that's this open world and non-linear. Fallout 3 had like 1 cutscene in it the entire time. Same for Skyrim.

You can't get a unique experience for each location you walk into because that's simply unrealistic.


May 21, 2012
Hard to expect that out of a game that's this open world and non-linear. Fallout 3 had like 1 cutscene in it the entire time. Same for Skyrim.

You can't get a unique experience for each location you walk into because that's simply unrealistic.
Yeah, but I expect it for more than 10% of the time. I'll go back to exploring later. I'm gonna beat the faction quests and main story first. Exploring just isn't doing it for me in this game. Maybe I changed, but I loved exploring in Witcher 3. Something about exploring in this game is boring to me. :yeshrug:


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
Holy shyt I FOUND A NEW VAULT IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL. i didnt even know where this was it wasnt even on the map... I'm gonna explore this place and get the last bobblehead... :banderas::lolbron: