Fact: The Ancient Egyptians were black and here is why.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Breh. You either a troll. Or can't interpret data correctly. Arabs didn't even exist back then when this mixing happened.

Also when it the last time women invaded somewhere? Most of the non-African ancestry in East Africa is in the mtDNA. You know the part of the genetic code passed on from mother to daughter. That is where you get the mixing coming from. The y-DNA of modern East African is largely E1b1b (which is purely African). Its the mtDNA haplogroups from South Asian (M and N) which form the large part of the non-African ancestry.

The bolded is incorrect. Most of the non-African DNA in East Africa is Y-DNA, which is men, not mtDNA. If you think otherwise, show me a study showing otherwise.

The fact most of the ancestry is from the mother's side shows that it was African males conquering the Near East and taking their women that created the modern day populations of East Africa. This is in line with what we saw in North Africa as well. North Africans are almost purely African on the male side of their ancestry (E1b1b once again). But on the female side of their ancestry they have loads of European ancestry. Directly in line with the fact the Moors imported in millions of European female sex slaves who they procreated with.

The bolded is again all incorrect. Virtually all non-black ancestry in East African and Northern African people comes from Y-DNA, the male and father side.

You insistence of believing it was Eurasian males coming into Africa and creating these populations is why I suspect you are a white supremacist. Because this has always been the lie they have pervaded. That it was white Hamites coming in from Eurasia that came into North Africa and "civilized" the black Africans. When the truth is actually the opposite. It was black Africans that went into Eurasia and civilized the white savages and in the process took some of their women as sex slaves which they procreated with and created a new mixed population.

Enough. The studies I posted imply Eurasian males traversed into Africa and bred East Africans. Show otherwise with scientific study or concede you're wrong and be quiet. And don't call me a cac again. I'm Roddy Right and you're more a cac than anyone on this forum.
May 16, 2012
This is where we agree to disagree here in regards to Nilo Saharan people. Please answer this question,

1. If Nilosaharan people were the first or the originators of "Nile Valley civilization, why is the Asiasiatic language the oldest written language in the region? If the Nilosharan people were once dominant, then logically it is fare to reason they would had create the first writing system in the "nile valley".

However this is the first form of writing in what is now Egypt and North Sudan.


Semna Temple Sudan. From the Sudan National Museum.

Afro Asiatic language(above) the oldest form of writing system in both North Sudan and Egypt

Interesting write up about Kerma from good old wikipedia.

I understand among scholars it is a contested issue, in regards to the language families of certain groups during that period.

Kerma Culture - Wikipedia

I think people are getting lost in semantics here. There are "Afro-Asiatic" speakers today that look very similar to Nilotic speakers. Just go to the Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia. The reason people are getting lost in the weeds over language groups is because we link phenotype to this modern language groups which is WRONG.

Ancient Egyptian civilization probably was started by people who spoke a language that would be categorized today as Afro-Asiatic. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that the phenotype of the original Ancient Egyptians was identical to most modern day Afro-Asiatic. This is as foolish as thinking the original people who started the Hebrew language or Arabic language resemble the modern day Arab/Jewish populations.

The Sphinx and the busts/statutes of the earliest Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt are pretty clear on their phenotype. They resembled what is today called the "true negro". I don't like to use that word cause I think it was designed to separate modern black people. But there is no denying how the original Ancient Egyptians from the earliest dynasties looked. They looked "negroid" as the Eugenicists and other racist scientists who started this racial bullshyt would say. I choose to call the original Ancient Egyptians PURE AFRICANS because I don't like spreading cac lies tied to the use of the word "negro" or "negroid".


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Exactly what I was saying.

No, you were saying something else. You said Egyptians looked like Oromo along the way, for which you provide no evidence. Then you say Egyptians looked like Southern Sudanese, despite the fact the genetic study in my OP connotes that Ancient Egyptians looked like a mixture of Central, Southern and Nilotic black people. So they looked less like Nilotic people and more like Mike Tyson, for example.
May 16, 2012
The bolded is incorrect. Most of the non-African DNA in East Africa is Y-DNA, which is men, not mtDNA. If you think otherwise, show me a study showing otherwise.

The bolded is again all incorrect. Virtually all non-black ancestry in East African and Northern African people comes from Y-DNA, the male and father side.

Enough. The studies I posted imply Eurasian males traversed into Africa and bred East Africans. Show otherwise with scientific study or concede you're wrong and be quiet. And don't call me a cac again. I'm Roddy Right and you're more a cac than anyone on this forum.

You keep saying this yet provide no links. Most East African and North African males have the haplogroup E1b1b being their primarily male lineage. Is it your contention that the haplogroup E1b1b originated OUTSIDE of Africa?

And for the record, most mainstream scientists believe E1b1b is of African origin. Only the most radical white supremacists contend the E1b haplogroup originated outside of Africa. And they do this because there is a sizeable number of European males with E1b1b as their male lineage. These cacs claim it isn't of African origin because their racism won't allow them to believe that they are descended from black men from Africa that fukked white women in Europe.

Once again this is why I think you're a white supremacist masquerading as some super pro-black dude on this site. Because only hardcore white supremacists believe this fringe argument. And its only super hardcore white supremacists that try to think it was whites from Eurasia that came into Africa and mixed with native Africans to create a modern population in Africa. All the data and historical record contradicts this. All the data and history suggests it was the other way around. It was black men from Africa that went into Eurasia and procreated with white women creating the modern populations we see in Southern Europe (like the Italians and Spanish). In addition it was these black men from Africa going back to Africa with white female sex slaves that they would then procreate with in North Africa that created the modern mulatto population we see across North Africa.

Your beliefs and arguments are the fringe of the fringe when it comes to white supremacy.
May 16, 2012
No, you were saying something else. You said Egyptians looked like Oromo along the way, for which you provide no evidence. Then you say Egyptians looked like Southern Sudanese, despite the fact the genetic study in my OP connotes that Ancient Egyptians looked like a mixture of Central, Southern and Nilotic black people. So they looked less like Nilotic people and more like Mike Tyson, for example.

I use words like Nilotic or Oromo just as modern analogs for what the phenotype of the peoples that lived in Egypt probably looked like. These modern populations have only come into existence recently so to suggest they existed back then would be foolish.

Whatever words you wanna use I don't care. My argument is simple. Ancient Egyptian civilization was started by pure Africans. However, as time passed on and they conquered other lands and spread into the Near East and Arabian peninsula getting into contact with other groups that were not native to Africa, they mixed with them. That is why as we move into the later dynasties of Ancient Egypt we see representations of people with more features that resemble modern day East African populations than the earliest representations in Ancient Egypt that we see with the bust of King Menes (for example) that has a striking resemblance to Mike Tyson.

You can use whatever words you want. I'm not interested in semantic debates. I'm only stating the fact that as Ancient Egypt progressed throughout its history, it moved away from its purely African phenotype. PERIOD. You can use whatever modern populations you want to say the OG Egyptians looked like or their later descendants. I would not argue with you if you said instead of Nilotic that it was a modern Central or South African phenotype. I just used Nilotic because of the proximity.


Apr 10, 2017
No. Its actually the other way around.

Somalis and most other Cushtic speakers are descended or probably better yet related to later generations of Ancient Egyptians. They original Ancient Egyptians were not Somali. In fact, when Ancient Egypt was born there was no such thing as Somalis or just about any other modern Cushytic speaking populations. There was only the original population of pure East Africans that all the modern groups we see now descend from. And it was this original East African population that started Ancient Egyptian civilization.

The OG population of the Nile was more "pure" African than the modern populations we see in East Africa. No diss but the DNA studies are pretty clear. Most modern East Africans have some non-African ancestry. That non-African ancestry was acquired as a result of the conquests the Ancient Egyptians (and other related civilizations in the Nile Valley that we know little about did).

Just look at the profile of the Sphinx:


The prognathic jaw is a dead giveaway of its purely African origin. Also you have to look at how old the Sphnix truly is. There is weather erosion on it from torrential rain fall. The last time the Giza plateau or anywhere else in the Sahara desert had rainfall significant enough to produce the erosion seen in the Sphinx encampment was over 7,500+ years ago. So its possible the Sphinx is thousands of years older than the recognized start of Ancient Egyptian civilization.

I think the Sphinx is our greatest peak into what the original source population of Ancient Egyptian civilization looked like.

^^this^^ I have always suspected that the original Egyptians looked this way because the original population came from an Ancient "Saharan" peoples who moved eastwards as the area became more and more desert. Also the Libyan mummy showed specifically Negroid features too....
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