Ya know.. this was so ridiculous I took a day stepped away and made sure I had a tactful way to approach it.
I'll start with one team
How are they better than the Steiner bros
i said making a play/case and arguably if the rnr to the steiners are the goat team.
then the bucks are in that same play.
you trying to discount two dudes as kids from their first mainstream appearance were undeniable ring general goat level talent.
whom were better than the seasoned hardy's were before the hardy's were repackaged in the attitude era.
on the same elevated level of workrate the steiners are credited for.
plus, the youngbucks take psychology to the next level way more than any tag team not named the rnr/me feud.
which arguably they have lapped via innovation if we are being honest.
you can not deny that, it is as clear as day.
the same innovation we give props to the steiners for in moveset and workrate.
the actual bucks create innovative elaborate psychological based work sequences off of and still relate it to their storytelling.
on a level the squash based steiners never really were able to do.
nor actually find consistent believeable opposition for.
nor did the steiners consistently make their opposition look great from the jobber to the feud style worker.
you kinda just hating on the youngbucks and it makes no sense at all.
as the bucks have legions of matches to easily dispute any claims on workrate and as sports entertainers are next level for this gen.
how you don't have fun and enjoy the bucks, as a goat level candidate,.....i dunno.
the bucks have been goat level since they debuted.......
from taking the dup chant and making it into the bucks chant, etc....
basically sharking the clique and making them accept the members cause they took their gimmick and are such brown nosers were forced to accept the very thing the clique openly was demonstrative about and firmly against.
that is how brilliant in all aspects of the biz these two are.
where you could see this from their very first time on tv.
bucks are darkhorse as good as the real art barr was as the juicer on first viewing.
the bucks passed the eye test being completely against what a wrassler was and it was two of them, too.
art barr