He only needed to do that one WM.
People are getting REALLY stupid in here.
By the time WWE bought WCW, Sting was old and done with traveling 300 days a year. Combine that with his thinking of being booked wrongly, he did what he thought what was right for him and his family.
I don't think people know how good his scheule in TNA is. He barely wrestles, has to show up 4 times a month max and gets paid $500,000. Which comes out to about $10,000 an appearance lol. Just to show up.
Why give this up? Yeah he could have made double this in a year in WWE, but it's also 5x the amount of appearances (this in back in 200.
With them throwing out this part time deals to people now (Lesnar, Dwayne, etc..) he should take advantage of it, I do agree on that.
Wait a second was this real? Or something someone just put together online?
I dont wanna hear this b.s about "being scared how his character would be treated..." Its fcking wrestling. Who cares. Stop taking yourself so seriously. So you might have to lose a match --- Jeez Sting, you've only made millions of dollars in your career.
man STFU this thread was started to grab information as to why it never happened and what a lost opportunity it has been for the WWE. I think most are already at the point in realizing that it will never come to light.People seriously need to let this go already. Sting's 54 and Undertaker can barely walk. It's over, it's never going to happen, move on to more realistic things.
I'm sick of hearing about people crying over this match not happening or Sting fukking over the fans (a ridiculous, impossible proposition. Wrestler's wrestle more to satisfy their own markisms than anything. They, fundamentally, do not wrestle for you) or whatever. He didn't want to do it. Point blank, period. And now the time for it to happen has passed. Grow up.
People seriously need to let this go already. Sting's 54 and Undertaker can barely walk. It's over, it's never going to happen, move on to more realistic things.
I'm sick of hearing about people crying over this match not happening or Sting fukking over the fans (a ridiculous, impossible proposition. Wrestler's wrestle more to satisfy their own markisms than anything. They, fundamentally, do not wrestle for you) or whatever. He didn't want to do it. Point blank, period. And now the time for it to happen has passed. Grow up.
Now this is all being said while acknowledging that Sting has had some crap in TNA as well
That whole Joker thing was a hot mess
Wait a second was this real? Or something someone just put together online?
Sting was smart enough to know that he was never WWE material, if onl his delusional fans could see this. I mean I loved sting back in WCW hey day, but yall actually want to see a person using a 80's face painting gimmick fight one of the goats
Wait a second was this real? Or something someone just put together online?
Imagine Sting off brand Goofy ass on the Mic in the E, fans would shyt on him relentlessly. Sting simply wouldn't be able to swim, I think a heel Taker wouldn't even be able to save him