it makes no sense what dana's problem is.
you can't pay your HW champ the 7 figures he deserves? and after upping the price of the ppv? he's even about to come out in the new jackass, was just fast and furious, a franchise, and then youre trying to do a ufc africa which you could use him to promote it, the man is on fire right now, but you're mad at having to give him 7 figures? I thought he was a smart investor
id give him a contract right at the presser, splash cash and gold at him, then have him do a victory tour both in the U.S, Europe and then Africa. you could promote the shyt out of him now that he has down time after the surgeries. this idiot is going to lose him to boxing, francis is a free agent, and those boxing promoters don't play and are cash strapped.
He only likes to throw money at Brock, Rhonda and Connor