Suicide King
this looks like crime. why draw any more from it than these old ladies should have had some form of security living out in the damn bush? why do you think old west cattle ranchers and even still to this day, modern day cattle ranchers on the border tend to be really good shooters? when you are in a rural place, security is your responsibility.
So, true. Africa is the last place you want to be out of touch. Lets not forget the amount of civil wars and instability that goes as far back as the 1930's. Africa is still unstable in many parts. People are acting like Africa is not facing the same problems with violence as Mexico, South America, Middle East, Chicago, etc...
You have great people over there, loving people over there, but they are starving. You think they won't do anything to eat? Expect many disputes to be resolved with violence in most cases.
Why does this have to happen ! I just want to go home ! Where the fukk can I go ?
Stay out of the tribal areas and stick to the city centers. When shiit goes down, you do not want to be in a shanty town. Same thing goes if you was in Mexico, Brazil, or Compton, it doesn't matter where across the seven seas, be smart.
Africa is not bad, but if you go, have a plan. And know a little about the geography of the place, and the current status of the places you want to go. For instance I would never go in any Arab controlled place of Africa, cause those Muslims are too backwards and they can