Everything was going as planned until HE happened NBA


The Immortal
Jan 11, 2017
New York
I’m hindsight those Heat teams very built terribly but most of it comes with the big 3 signing for four years instead of three

Their spacing was bad, Lebron was too passive, also injuries killed the team nobody talks about that each year somebody except Bron was hurt bad (Bosh with that abductor shyt is scary it was explained to me like your body want to stay lurched which isnt natural and to straighten up it causes great pain add in Bosh is tall and jumping it magnifies the pain.)

I’m a fan of Bron but things like this in hindsight and even up today hurts the game as a whole (it’s like somebody deleted film of others most notably Kobe being the best in the world) because how the media makes everything revolve around him it creates a number of feelings from hate, jadedness, obsession, and more but it hurts the game because it makes many indifferent to it over time.

One knock on Lebron his game isn’t pleasing to watch

I don’t care about most of the young players and I’m curious to who gets chosen next.