Every since Rakims prime, Hip Hop has had the wrong definition of what the 3rd eye really is..


Jan 24, 2015
My contribution to the thread:

I've opened my third eye before and the O.P. is pretty much spot on imo. First of all, I didn't seek out consciousness, but it came about a year after I quit smoking weed (Had been a habitual smoker) I had also been a pescatarian for a bout a year. More than that, I was O.D. about what I put in my body to the point where I didn't eat ANY processed food, drink water with fluoride, and I was even making my own natural lotion. My mind and body were CLEAR. Literally no thoughts were in my head.

It was during this time that I discovered meditation and after a while started having out of body experiences and really started to be aware. I was really on a different wavelength for a while and shyt was beautiful. But I ended up back smoking and fell off on being disciplined and lost that shyt. Now I'm still conscious because once you unlock that shyt it's open, but I'm not on the level that I used to be on.

Knowledge of self is the most important thing in this life. Meditation is the gateway.


May 6, 2012
I'm interested:feedme:

started reading this back in 1997. And I've been going back and forth ever since. This book falls in the line of the same category of The Bible or Quran or The Art Of War because you cant just read it once...U have to constantly go back and forth to research.


here's the pdf:



May 6, 2012
But its not "mystical'...its "metaphoric"

Now u just spoke about what we "need" but keep game.

When Black people ran the world...The Tree Of Life was their foundation.





The Tree Of Life had Black folks running things for over 3000 years homie......The Tree Of Life was all we knew when we were running the show. All those things you mentioned we had in abundance when The Tree Of Life was the foundation.

Wonder why it got quiet when I posted this. More then likely its because of lack of knowledge of Black history

Most Black folks arent even familiar with The Tree Of Life and its sad because that was the first spiritual system that developed all religions. This is why Jews, Christians and Muslims all call on Sphere 0 which is Amen when they end their prayers. This system aligned spirituality and government(which is the exact opposite of how we get down in the USA) and thru doing it like that there is supposed to be a unification of spiritual and social fullfilment.

Most Black folks have been fooled by that whiteman into believing that the Egyptians were polytheist. No! Thats a misinterpretation. Amen is the subjective unknown that uses 10 objective Faculties(which the whiteman interpreted as "dieties") to create reality. Its the connection between the first and the the all. Making everything one. Its monotheism at its finest.

King Narmer united upper and lower Egypt around 3100BC signaling the alignment of Amen and Ra(This is also metaphoric). This was over thousands of years before Abraham existed. Amen was popular way before Abraham so one has to ask...If The Egyptians were worshipping false Gods then why do the top 3 religions all call on this popular god named Amen when they end their prayers???

Black folks have been psyched out by the Bible but all of that is really racial.

Egypt = Black people = ten plagues cursed= Bad
Isreal = Jews which arent the original Hebrews but subconsciously we align them with white people = Gods chosen = good


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
I fuxx with Rakim, Wu Tang , Joey Badass and a host of others who have name dropped the term "3rd Eye" yet when Rakim first tried to break down what the "3rd Eye" was on the song "The Ghetto" he was a bit off(I wont even go into the part of that song where he refers to himself as "the asian")....and most rappers who speak on the "3rd Eye" usually have it mixed up.

Way before Taoism or Hinduism there was the Kemetian Tree Of Life

The 3rd Eye is the Tehuti faculty(2nd spehere) on the Tree Of Life. But this faculty can only be obtained once man has absolute control over his lower faculties which are: 10th sphere = Physical, 9th sphere = ego, 8th sphere Mans Earthly Knowledge, 7th sphere = mans imagination, 6th sphere = Mans will, 5th sphere = divine justice, 4th sphere, divine law, 3rd sphere, divine power...Once these favculties have been mastered then can one obtain access to the Tehuti faculty which is "Divine knowledge" (The 1st Sphere is Divine man aka Ausar aka Osirus aka Nirvana aka Bhudda aka Being Christlike)


Acoording to the Tree Of Life, no one can gain access to the 2nd faculty until they have completely mastered sphere's 10 - 3 first and this can only be done when man has mastered controlling his lower desires as well as being excelled at stilling his mind thru meditation.

Most people have confused the 3rd Eye with "The Minds Eye" which is really the Het Heru faculty ( 7th sphere on the Tree Of Life) This is your "imagination" not the 3rd eye. In the metaphoric story of Ausar(Osirus), Heru (Horus) cannot beat Set (Satan) until his destroyed Eye is restored by Tehuti(Toth). This is where the universal symbol of The Eye Of Horus comes from.


But the symbol is really metaphoric for how man cannot gain divine wisdom unless he has mastered his lower facilities. In other words..if your body is filled with junkfood and lack of excercise...Your ego has you really feeling yourself based on your earhtly accomplishments...Your Eartly knowledge(Sebek) has you thinking u know everything...Your imagination(Het Heru) is filled with nonsense, foolishness and sex and your will (Heru/Horus)is only moving towards your lower desires...The Divine Justice(Herukhuti) will not let you enter into the divine plane to where divine law(Maat) allows you to move upwards into the tree of life to where you can gain access to divine power(Seker) followed by Divine Knowledge/wisdom(Tehuti/Toth) so that you can return to your original self which is Divine man(Ausar/Osirus). When man finally reaches the level of Ausar/Osirus, this is the true meaning of reaching what Buddhism refers to as "Nirvana." This is also the true meaning of what Christians refer to as "Being Christ like"


Egyptian influence is so strong that even the founding fathers of the USA had to acknowledge it by putting the animal symbol of Horus/Heru(The Eagle which coincidentally is also the National Bird of The USA) as well as the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill. They knew that mans will has divine powers to accomplish what it conceives. Your will is your highest power possible.

Also, if you notice on the Tree Of Life...Sphere 1, 2 and 3 are shaped like a pyramid. SMH @ the historic detractors saying that the shape of the pyramids is a mystery...NO!! The shape of the Pyramids represents Sphere's 1, 2 and 3 from The Tree Of Life.

i been trying to school these charlatans on this for years mayne,good luck on resurrecting these sunken ship hull skulls capsized in Davy Jones locker..

from capsized to capstone

Jack Don the G

What am I? A farmer?
May 12, 2012
Great break down of the tree of life @smokeurobinson .

But can you please give me examples how/when rappers are misinterpreting the third eye?

In my experience they don't elaborate that much when talking about the third eye (expect small mentions of opening it) so I dont know how you was able to distinguish between the definitions.

You seem to be claiming they are misrepresenting the third eye to being the "imagination" sphere of the tree of life.

But from my understanding they are referring to the 6th chakra, the third eye in hindu tradition. Third Eye Chakra - Ajna

While I dont know much about the tree of life, I have some knowledge of chakras and buddhism.

And from what you wrote the third eye in tree of life don't sound exactly the same as the third eye in the chakra system (even tho you might be correct that it comes from Kemetians tree of life).

Opening your third eye chakra don't mean you have attained nirvana/enlightenment like you seemed to imply.

All that means is that you see through the "illusion". You see that all is one. Many think they are enlightened here but you are still stuck in dualism. Implying everything is one at the same time implies the opposite. you cant have 1 without 0. And you can easily get attached to the nice feeling of feeling one with the universe.

Zen buddism is very focused to bring the student beyond this point. They try to deprogram all conceptual thinking since its thinking/mind that creates the reality we live in. With concepts like pure/impure and good/bad you are still stuck in a conceptual world. Even all is one is a mind made concept.

One favorite Zen story of mine is a monk traveling in a desert. By the time it gets dark he still haven't found a good resting place and all his water is gone. He is so tired he's crawling on the ground.
Just when he is about to give up and lay down to die he feels something in the dark. Its a bowl of water just laying on the side of the road. With the last strength in his body he manage to drink it. Its the best water he monk have ever tasted. Exhausted he passes out.

In the morning he wakes up refreshed after a good nights sleep. He turns over and sees a cracked human skull beside him. It is filled with maggots crawling in it and on the bottom there is some filthy water with even more maggots. Seeing this the monk realizes that the bowl that he drank from the night before was the cracked skull. He immediately pukes. What was once the best water he ever drank was now making him puke. On seeing this a bright flash hit his mind and he was enlightened.

Our mind makes our reality.

Im sorry I got a bit of topic but I like when spiritual topics comes up on the coli.

Sorry if I misinterpreted you in anyway btw.

Just to repeat myself.

In what way are the rappers describing the third eye wrong? I have always thought they talked about the chakra systems third eye and not the tree of lifes. Since the rarely goes deep into its hard to tell.

Tree of lifes third eye and the third eye chakra seem close but when you say reaching this is nirvana you are "wrong". What you are describing seems more fitting the discretion of the crown chakra (even tho buddhist might disagree even here).

I do have an issue with rappers talking about the third eye tho. Since most of them use it as a buzz word without talking about a way life that could lead to "opening" it.
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Jack Don the G

What am I? A farmer?
May 12, 2012
Wonder why it got quiet when I posted this. More then likely its because of lack of knowledge of Black history

Most Black folks arent even familiar with The Tree Of Life and its sad because that was the first spiritual system that developed all religions. This is why Jews, Christians and Muslims all call on Sphere 0 which is Amen when they end their prayers. This system aligned spirituality and government(which is the exact opposite of how we get down in the USA) and thru doing it like that there is supposed to be a unification of spiritual and social fullfilment.

Most Black folks have been fooled by that whiteman into believing that the Egyptians were polytheist. No! Thats a misinterpretation. Amen is the subjective unknown that uses 10 objective Faculties(which the whiteman interpreted as "dieties") to create reality. Its the connection between the first and the the all. Making everything one. Its monotheism at its finest.

King Narmer united upper and lower Egypt around 3100BC signaling the alignment of Amen and Ra(This is also metaphoric). This was over thousands of years before Abraham existed. Amen was popular way before Abraham so one has to ask...If The Egyptians were worshipping false Gods then why do the top 3 religions all call on this popular god named Amen when they end their prayers???

Black folks have been psyched out by the Bible but all of that is really racial.

Egypt = Black people = ten plagues cursed= Bad
Isreal = Jews which arent the original Hebrews but subconsciously we align them with white people = Gods chosen = good

Lets not forget that hinduism also have amen in their religion.

Om or Aum.

The "cosmic sound" that refers to the Atman, the true self.


May 6, 2012
Great break down of the tree of life @smokeurobinson .

But can you please give me examples how/when rappers are misinterpreting the third eye?

In my experience they don't elaborate that much when talking about the third eye (expect small mentions of opening it) so I dont know how you was able to distinguish between the definitions.

You seem to be claiming they are misrepresenting the third eye to being the "imagination" sphere of the tree of life.

But from my understanding they are referring to the 6th chakra, the third eye in hindu tradition. Third Eye Chakra - Ajna

While I dont know much about the tree of life, I have some knowledge of chakras and buddhism.

And from what you wrote the third eye in tree of life don't sound exactly the same as the third eye in the chakra system (even tho you might be correct that it comes from Kemetians tree of life).

Opening your third eye chakra don't mean you have attained nirvana/enlightenment like you seemed to imply.

A few examples of rappers misinterpreting would be In the song The Ghetto..by Rakim...He's speaking on the imagination in that song. Ghostface just did a video called "Wu Goo" where he claims that THC vapors opened his 3rd eye but according to legend u cant do that trying to get a high for recreational purposes. The body has to be pure. Joey Badass .....Pick any song..."Like Water"....."suspect"..."Enter The void" ...dude mentions the 3rd eye in like half his songs but he also follows it by mentioning that smoking weed opens it up.

And the 3rd eye is the 2nd facilty.....Nirvana is supposed to be the 1st. Where man is detached from all emotional encorages. In all honesty....I'm not trying to rattle anyones beliefs but according to legend....Every religion/philosophy has jacked bits and pieces of The Tree Of Life. This might be the root of the difference in definitions. Now I say that to say, take that in theoretically. My word isn't the end all be all. I'm objective in all of this, I dont have a personal attachment to The Tree Of Life. Thats just me pointing out whats out there

Jack Don the G

What am I? A farmer?
May 12, 2012
A few examples of rappers misinterpreting would be In the song The Ghetto..by Rakim...He's speaking on the imagination in that song. Ghostface just did a video called "Wu Goo" where he claims that THC vapors opened his 3rd eye but according to legend u cant do that trying to get a high for recreational purposes. The body has to be pure. Joey Badass .....Pick any song..."Like Water"....."suspect"..."Enter The void" ...dude mentions the 3rd eye in like half his songs but he also follows it by mentioning that smoking weed opens it up.

And the 3rd eye is the 2nd facilty.....Nirvana is supposed to be the 1st. Where man is detached from all emotional encorages. In all honesty....I'm not trying to rattle anyones beliefs but according to legend....Every religion/philosophy has jacked bits and pieces of The Tree Of Life. This might be the root of the difference in definitions. Now I say that to say, take that in theoretically. My word isn't the end all be all. I'm objective in all of this, I dont have a personal attachment to The Tree Of Life. Thats just me pointing out whats out there

Yea I think we both agree on talking about opening the third while talking about drugs is kind of stupid.

But at the same time I think drugs can be a (not good/not bad) start on a spiritual path.

Weed and other hallucinogens can show you how the ego is an illusion etc.

But once you realize that I think drugs are of little use.

After you have cured a disease you dont keep on taking medicin.


May 6, 2012
Yea I think we both agree on talking about opening the third while talking about drugs is kind of stupid.

But at the same time I think drugs can be a (not good/not bad) start on a spiritual path.

Weed and other hallucinogens can show you how the ego is an illusion etc.

But once you realize that I think drugs are of little use.

After you have cured a disease you dont keep on taking medicin.

Just like with mesc and mushrooms what u are speaking of would need moderation which I have seen done before. I've seen a show where some lady was going thru depression and in moderation with a professional by her side she went thru sessions where she was able to cure her depression. But hood cats aint trying to do moderation, they want there daily 6 to 8 blunts rolled in fanta leaf. Nikkas aint trying to ingest their marijuana.

Jack Don the G

What am I? A farmer?
May 12, 2012
My nikka Ab-Soulo got that shyt down pact. Check out "Pineal Gland" if you haven't already. He talks about using DMT and sacred geometry a bit.

Actually, Soul have said in a interview hes talking about dreaming.

By the time he made the song he had never tried DMT. I dont know if he have taken it by now tho.


May 6, 2012
There is a reason that the whiteman unwraps African mummys and places their corpses in museums for display(which in my opinion is very disrespectful) He does that because during the ancient times many of those African kings were worshipped by the masses as "Gods" so the whiteman displays the corpses as a way of saying to the world "You see, these Ancient Black kings were mortal men just like us and they fooled the people of their time." But when you get to the bottom line, you notice that for centuries powerful men have aligned themselves with either being divine or being blessed by the divine. Men playing God/divine. Its everywhere.

But you see...notice how no one ever compares the role of the king in the Bible to the role of the Egyptian kings. Basically they had the same role....the king stays righteous and God blesses the land and the people....If the King is unrighteous God punishes the king, the land and the people suffer. Excluding the intermediate periods Egypt would go thru hundreds of years of peace and prosperity. One has to ask...well what was the formula? As a Black man in America we've never experienced hundreds of years of peace and prosperity so at some point u will have to stop and study what was the formula that created a platform for hundreds of years of peace and prosperity for Black folks.

@The HONORABLE SKJ you stated that we need to REEVALUATE OUR AGENDAS financially. .spiritually and emotionally..

well wouldnt researching how Black folks actually had hundreds of years of peace and prosperity be a start??

Man Down

Oct 6, 2015
Southern California
Actually, Soul have said in a interview hes talking about dreaming.

By the time he made the song he had never tried DMT. I dont know if he have taken it by now tho.

I feel you. And I'm sure the nikka has tried the shyt by now. I used him as an example because he seems to be the only rapper to have an understanding of the Pineal gland, "3rd Eye". I mean he has the Tree of Life tatted and I'm sure not for nothing.


HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
@The HONORABLE SKJ you stated that we need to REEVALUATE OUR AGENDAS financially. .spiritually and emotionally..

well wouldnt researching how Black folks actually had hundreds of years of peace and prosperity be a start??


Because when I asked you how can we apply these "ANCIENT PHILOSOPHICAL IDEALS" to the Realities of TODAY...


You keep talking about WHAT WE HAD...WHAT WE DID...WHO WE WERE..

Instead of what we can do NOW to empower ourselves FINANCIALLY...SOCIALLY and EMOTIONALLY. ..

SORRY "BROTHER" but you don't have to go BACK IN TIME TO "AFRICA" to find solutions to today's problems we have as Black folks..

it's right in front of our face. ..

matter of fact JUST LOOK IN THE MIRROR

KNOW THYSELF..LOVE THYSELF and treat others as If they were your SELF..

which leads to SELF AWARENESS. .SELF ESTEEM and SOLIDARITY with other like minded SELVES....

BLACK FOLK didn't just rely on no damn TREE OF LIFE for our survival and prosperity. ...

we come as Nubians..Kushytes...Moors...Falashas etc.



You up here talking like some negro who just discovered Afrocentricity in Prison..


Newsflash "Hakim"

Nothing you say is NEW...or PROFOUND

I been aware of this as applied it in my life since the 90s. ... :manny:

All you doing is SPECULATING....

I ain't got time foe Dat

the BLACK RACE ain't got time for it



So Mote it be...

