So we acting like
wasn't letting Goku run his life? Rushing into every fight trying to show up Goku and getting bodied?

Krillin had a life outside of fighting.
's jealousy over Goku motivated everything he ever did
Yeah, like the time he caught more bodies than Piccolo and Tien combined in one attack during the Saibamen fight?
Or the time he gave Nappa that work and nearly cut him in half
Or when Krillin was the only fighter who could still walk after the battle was over

And Goku had to talk him out of murking
on the spot

after Yajirobe cut his tail off

Or when he was the one who came up the idea to go to Namek and use their dragonballs to revive Piccolo, etc?
Or when him and Gohan had to save
from getting bodied by Recoome and Krillin stomped his teeth out?
Or the time where he cut Frieza's tail off right when he was about to crush Gohan's skull? (While
was sitting there shook on that

Tien had the edge in DB, but in Z? Dude spent 2/3 of the series either on some

with Chaiotzu offscreen or in the bushes while Krillin was out making moves, chilling with the ladies, and riding for his squad
is totally blameless in that same scenario, even though he could have bodied Cell RIGHT THERE but chose to put the world in danger just to have a stronger fight for himself
aaaaaannnnnnndddd rushing into the Cell fight after Trunks died and becoming the reason Gohan got his arm broken, putting the world in danger yet again?
and put the world in danger AGAIN by letting Babidi mind control him