Ever seriously think about moving back to africa?


Jul 17, 2012
I'm Jamaican but pretty sure my ancestors were from west africa. I was just doing some research and Ghana seems pretty cool. English is the main language, you can get a zip of weed for 30cents, and its one of the fastest growing economies. Plus my money would be worth a lot more over there.

Honestly thinking about stacking up in america, then investing my money in ghana and eventually going to live there. Original plan was for early retirement in jamaica but jamaicas corrupt as fukk. And technically i figure Ghana's closer to my homeland anyway.
reality is, you're probably american not jamaica but have jamaican family. you would find it hard living in jamaica let alone africa, friend


Jan 5, 2014
I'm Jamaican but pretty sure my ancestors were from west africa. I was just doing some research and Ghana seems pretty cool. English is the main language, you can get a zip of weed for 30cents, and its one of the fastest growing economies. Plus my money would be worth a lot more over there.

Honestly thinking about stacking up in america, then investing my money in ghana and eventually going to live there. Original plan was for early retirement in jamaica but jamaicas corrupt as fukk. And technically i figure Ghana's closer to my homeland anyway.
You sure you can deal with the Islamic terrorism over there?


Jun 19, 2012
I've lost contact with them now but I knew someone who was giving me advice on that. They own a house there, a..what do you call it when it's a house that people can rent a room in, like a hotel? Kind of like a bed and breakfast. She'd lived there for years when we spoke and was still there when I last spoke with her. Gave me a lot of good info, good people. I've had looser associations with other repatriates, most of them live and lived in Ghana, Nigeria... Did business in Tanzania and other countries. I used to be on a forum that had several repatriates. Some owned homes there and one built 2 schools in two different countries..one was Ghana and the other in another W. African country.


Jan 3, 2013
Southside Chicago
Funny that you rightfully understand that there are various cultures in Africa yet see the world as "Muslim" and "non-Muslim" , as if both categories were homogenous...

Trust me bruh, after being a religious minority in the West and being spied on by FBI, having agents come to my home, and being pulled out of lines before boarding planes I would never leave America just to go live in another non-Muslim country. So yes, for me in terms of a place I'd immigrate to the world is divided to Muslim lands VS non-Muslim lands. Wherever I'd go in Africa, it'd have to be a country where my religion is at the top of the totem pole and dominates the culture. I could live with regular non-Muslim civilians as neighbors but would never move somewhere overseas where non-Muslims are leading my government or military like the US.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Ummm let's see...I'm in college right now, work, have family here, no funds to go to Africa and honestly...I love Texas. Grew up here and don't see myself moving anytime soon actually. Some shyt I don't like about it but :yeshrug: This is home. I don't know how all you back to africa ass dudes think a man can just pack up everything and move to a completely different CONTINENT in a heartbeat.:what: I have a life here fool. Then on top of that you wanna clown dudes for askin questions about Africa instead of not going on a fukkin vacation this weekend? Not everybody has the income you have to travel so let em ask.. No way you coulda been serious with that last post dude. Just because you don't know any black people that have moved to Africa you wanna say all AAs don't have balls to move there as if none have ever done it :pachaha:Your argument was the Chinese, who have no reason to go there, move there so they got the balls:comeon: the fukk is in Africa for me? I don't know too much about Africa in 2014 but I know the positives. I also know the negatives: Discrimination towards AAs (some dude in here also mentioned tribalism), Ebola :dwillhuh::merchant:, STILL battling with HIV/AIDS :whoo:,etc. I'm sure there somethin else I'm leaving out. Africa is booming but they got a little more work to do before people start considering it as a new home. You back to Africa nikkaz need to be honest with yourselves.
Nobody told you to pack your shyt in leave Stay your ass where you are, but if you think the chinese being able to go to africa despite the 'fears' you have isn't balls I dont know what is. you listed a bunch of shyt why you're scared to go. Did the chinese ask 'bu bu what about ebola? bu bu what about racism?" fukk no they didn't. they said bu bu what about that money, bu bu its the fastest growing economy in the world. THAT is balls. ANYONE able to pack their shyt (which people do every day to go to america and europe) and go to a foriegn land has balls. I dont even know wtf your point was.

you may not have money now, but one day you will, and I take it youll be going to europe instead of your ancestral land. I can't think of ANY race, that would do that. A chinese person will go to china before going to europe. An indian will go to india before going anywhere, and a white person is def going to go europe before anywhere else. its basically just blacks thats on that 'bu bu what about discrimination.' btw. Ive been, and I didnt face any. I heard there was sars and racism in china, and it didnt stop me from going. Its going to take a lot more than some 'i heard' to keep me from seeing what I want to see. That takes balls. yes. yes it does. the day you jump on a plane and your feet touch foreign land and people dont speak english is the day you'll realize "holy fukk Im out here".

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
My brother. I've survived in America long enough to know that my people and I would be better off ANYWHERE but here. Gritty-ness whatever of a "third world country". Idc. Anyplace is better than here.

So you haven't:ohhh:
Breh, no one is stopping you. Experience it:lolbron:
Get on that plane and go back to the motherland.:ehh:
Start a blog and so you can pave the way and educate others who may want to do it.:obama:


All Star
Jun 12, 2014
St Louis & SD
So you haven't:ohhh:
Breh, no one is stopping you. Experience it:lolbron:
Get on that plane and go back to the motherland.:ehh:
Start a blog and so you can pave the way and educate others who may want to do it.:obama:
Ok you tell me which is better: living in the matrix where everything is a lie or living in the real world. I enjoy internet, 711 convenience stores, and being able to sleep soundly at night but don't for one second think I can't live without it. I'll glad fight for everything. And it's not about me. It's about US. To fully impact OUR futures and OUR sons futures we have to move as a collective.


All Star
May 9, 2012
Nobody told you to pack your shyt in leave Stay your ass where you are, but if you think the chinese being able to go to africa despite the 'fears' you have isn't balls I dont know what is. you listed a bunch of shyt why you're scared to go. Did the chinese ask 'bu bu what about ebola? bu bu what about racism?" fukk no they didn't. they said bu bu what about that money, bu bu its the fastest growing economy in the world. THAT is balls. ANYONE able to pack their shyt (which people do every day to go to america and europe) and go to a foriegn land has balls. I dont even know wtf your point was.

you may not have money now, but one day you will, and I take it youll be going to europe instead of your ancestral land. I can't think of ANY race, that would do that. A chinese person will go to china before going to europe. An indian will go to india before going anywhere, and a white person is def going to go europe before anywhere else. its basically just blacks thats on that 'bu bu what about discrimination.' btw. Ive been, and I didnt face any. I heard there was sars and racism in china, and it didnt stop me from going. Its going to take a lot more than some 'i heard' to keep me from seeing what I want to see. That takes balls. yes. yes it does. the day you jump on a plane and your feet touch foreign land and people dont speak english is the day you'll realize "holy fukk Im out here".
:heh: Do y'all nikkaz get down like this everyday? This is probably the 3rd time in this thread a nikka has twisted my words around. :patrice: Look I feel what you sayin and I'm not gonna argue with you but you're right about one thing..I will have enough money for Africa one day and I'm most definitely going. The fukk you think I came in this thread for? To get some insight but I guess you didn't read my other posts...Also where did you get the notion that I'm "scared" to go to Africa from? :dwillhuh: cuz I pointed out what Africa needs improvement on? Dude you were talkin about AAs being p*ssy for not packing their shyt and MOVING (not visiting) Africa..Talkin bout your Chinese friends as if they're braver than us because they decided to move there. Who gives a shyt breh honestly:manny:There's black people that move to Africa too. That was some c00nish/cacish shyt to say and it didn't sit well with me :manny: Matter fact while you talkin about how much you love Africa why don't YOU move yo ass up there:patrice:? And while you at it how about you fund your fellow coli poster so he can visit the motherland one time?:feedme:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
talk about twisting words.

Im about both, but regardless, in order to make moves you need to first visit. so again, first things first, get a damn passport and pick a damn capital before you go talking about business ventures in a land you've never set foot in. :heh:

:heh: Do y'all nikkaz get down like this everyday? This is probably the 3rd time in this thread a nikka has twisted my words around. :patrice: Look I feel what you sayin and I'm not gonna argue with you but you're right about one thing..I will have enough money for Africa one day and I'm most definitely going. The fukk you think I came in this thread for? To get some insight but I guess you didn't read my other posts...Also where did you get the notion that I'm "scared" to go to Africa from? :dwillhuh: cuz I pointed out what Africa needs improvement on? Dude you were talkin about AAs being p*ssy for not packing their shyt and MOVING (not visiting) Africa..Talkin bout your Chinese friends as if they're braver than us because they decided to move there. Who gives a shyt breh honestly:manny:There's black people that move to Africa too. That was some c00nish/cacish shyt to say and it didn't sit well with me :manny: Matter fact while you talkin about how much you love Africa why don't YOU move yo ass up there:patrice:? And while you at it how about you fund your fellow coli poster so he can visit the motherland one time?:feedme:
asking for charity ain't a good look.

as for me, going there in feb.


Feb 2, 2014

Lets be real here, AAs arent going back to Africa in large droves

Realistically, we need to acknowledge that not all African-Americans are going to make it. It's just the truth. Not enough willingess, awareness or intelligence for all of us to make it. If you're a hoodrat, I dont want you on my squad. Intelligent African-Americans need to start linking up and linking up fast as opposed to just busting out and getting in with cacs as soon as possible. We need to create a new black upper class. We have to be the gold standard for the rest of the race and we need to stick together. IR mixing for most affluent AAs should be looked down upon because that does nothing to help our race in the long run. Ideally I'd also like to have a hub for AAs but I'm not sure if there is enough affluent AAs to create one yet.

To sum this post up, Affluent AAs need to break off from the bottom feeders of our race because they are the weak link. They're hopeless. Lets recreate the definition of what it means to be black in America


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Id visit and help out once in awhile to improve relations but I wouldnt stay. My ancestors put in too much work here in the US for me to move now and leave racist whites unchecked.