Ever been oblivious to a chicks advances?


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Met a really pretty girl a couple weeks ago. She gave good energy in person and even asked for my number.. but she has never texted first a single time. Responses are short, detached and conversations seem to revolve around her and how busy and stressed she is. can any brehs shed some light on this shyt?
One upside of this is that it's made me revaluate how I spend my time. I need to be less "free" for a lot more people.
ask her out. if she doesnt give you a firm time/date. keep it moving


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Met up once outside the first time.. I remembered she didn't look super warmly dressed the day we met so the second time we met I surprised her with a new pair of gloves. kept the tag and receipt in the bag in case she wanted to return it. She said thanks but in the same breath said she doesn't really need a pair because she's rarely outside outside (i.e she's always somewhere heated) :dahell: I thought it made sense when she said it but in hindsight it was a bit unappreciative of her. I tried to arrange a third meet after but again with the busy thing -- I said its cool and stopped pressing, she asked can we reschedule, I told her I'll try again ''at the end of the month'' but didn't. Hadn't spoken to her for like a month until 2 days ago when I felt the need to ask if she was okay when I saw her posting about how she was going through a rough time. I gave her a few words of support, she said 'thank you' and that was the end of our chat. I've cleared/archived her number from my inbox now tho, don't think there's much point keeping it.
keep it moving. i've been there
if shes bad youll wanna chase but dont waste your time


Jul 17, 2018
Hell nah. I don't feel guilty about that. Me and her have a sexual attraction but I was never trying to wife her up or save her.

She is my friend. I would never get in the middle of anything domestically with a woman and the man she's with anyway.

She told me out her own mouth Saturday that she knows she should have been left that nicca alone... but she didn't.

She knows this is on her cause she knew the dude was jealous and crazy. If anything this should be a cautionary tale to both men and women

Women, if you got a dude that is crazy, leave him alone. I know it's not black and white and sometimes it is hard to walk away cause he will come after you but try your best.

Men, if you are jealous and crazy... stop. Stop being crazy. You are irrational and emotional and these are not the traits of men. You are weak. This guy in my story for all his good looks and muscles was WEAK. And now he's in the ground. So stop before you get to that point.

Respect due.


Dec 11, 2014
Nikkas really just gon force me to tell this story tonight huh :gucci::francis:


It's the chic from this story

I posted this in 2014 to give y'all context of how long its been

So since then I see her every few months when shes in town. She travels for work and most times when she comes home, she visits me at my office

One time she started kissing on me. Another time I felt up her thighs and felt up her titties

To give yall an example of how this chic looks... breh she is a 10. A TEN. Big titties, tall about 5'8 and just sexy as hell.

She sent me some nudes one day a few years back... which I still have :banderas:

During all this time shes still with the same guy she was with in 2014. She told me stories about him sometimes, how he's jealous and got issues. She would always be lying to him about where she was cause the dude was trying to be controlling

Only issue with trying to control a 10 is... well... you cant:francis:

Brehs, I'm here to tell you that if you a jealous dude, you dont want a beautiful woman that's drop dead gorgeous and a 10 cause you cant handle it. This woman gets attention every single day cause she is literally it.

Only reason I didn't push trying to smash is ca8se shes a little of an airhead. Very beautiful but i cant have a convo with her about politics, religion, life and love. She ain't stupid. She just an airhead.

But she still sexy tho. :wow:

So anyway ole boy was really jealous and she would always tell me stories about him. One time she came to my office and he was with her. A light skinned tall muscular dude, look like the type that women like :dame:

And this dude was mean mugging me. ME. Like nikka I'm a 5'8 chocolate brotha with an okay body (at the time). I'm like :mjtf: why you trippin off me?

But you know, you can tell when your woman is digging somebody and he could pick up on the fact that she likes me even though we were both playing it cool while he was right there. This happened maybe in 2016 or 2017.

So anyway fast forward to this year. The last time I seen her was around August and I thought about her a few times and wondered why I haven't heard from her. But I didnt think about it too much

Thought about calling her but I talked myself out of it cause I dont chase. I let women chase me :hubie:

So another month goes by and I randomly think of her again (this was Feb 2020) and I look her up on FB.

When I go to her page, folks are on there leaving prayers talking about they're praying for her. I'm like :mjtf: what happened to her?

I was very busy last month and so I looked at a few of the comments but I left it alone and forgot about it.

This past thursday I think about her again and I'm like :jbhmm:

I go to her page again and I see more prayers, folks saying they're praying for her and she ain't posted nothing since October :what:

So now I'm like... :patrice:is she okay? What happened to her?

I finally break down and decide to call her. I call her and her phone is off. :patrice::what:

Now I'm starting to get alarmed. Like what the hell happened to ole girl? So I go back on facebook and get my detective on.

All these folks leaving comments talking about they're praying for her but nobody is actually saying what happened. :martin:

I go to her sons and daughters pages, same thing. Then I go to her mothers page. Her mother had something posted from back in December taking about "shes awake now and she knows where she is. She cant move the left side of her body blah blah blah"

Now I'm like :damn::damn::damn: WHAT HAPPENED

So I go to bed on that note and wake up friday morning and look some more. I'm thinking maybe she got hurt on the job or something.

Finally i come across where somebody posted a news article from back in October saying they're praying for her.

I click the link and my heart starts sinking into my stomach.

Breh this chics boyfriend shot her and then shot himself. Basically tried to do a murder suicide number. The article is saying she's in critical condition and was rushed to the hospital but of course this was back in october.

I'm sitting there like :damn::mjcry:

So I start searching through my emails from years ago because I once did something for her best friend and I was trying to find the best friends number

I finally find it and call her..no answer
:sadcam: I keep calling, call about 5 times and finally she picks up.

I'm like :damn: this is Neo, what happened to ole girl!!!

Shes like, her boyfriend shot her. You know, we talked about how jealous and crazy that dude was. He shot her in the head and then killed himself.

I'm like what happened?? How is she now?? :wtf::damn::damn:

She tells me that shes working out of town so she hasnt seen her in a minute but she was visiting her every day when she was home. I'm like, who do I talk to, to see her? She tells me her mom and gives me her mom's number

So i call the mom, explain who I am and ask if I can see her. She tells me yes and I go over the next day (saturday)

I already told someone else what happened so imma just post my messages bel0w so I dont have to type this part out

Just left her house. She's better than I thought she would be. She can speak and she remembers everything. She even brought up how she used to always tell me how crazy and jealous that dude was. She said she's glad he's dead. Then she started joking asking me if I have a shovel so I can pack the dirt down more at his grave to make sure he doesn't get back up. So mentally she's ok. Only once or twice in our convo she paused after I asked her something. But that could have been cause she couldn't hear me. I talked to her mom outside and she told me that she can't hear out of her right ear because they had to go in through her ear to drain the fluid on her brain.

She can't use the left side of her body. Her mom said she did have a stroke when she was in the hospital but she feels pins and needles so that means the nerves aren't dead according to the doctors and therapists and they say she has a chance at regaining function of her left side but it's all going to be up to her. During therapy she's going to have to push herself harder than ever.

She wanted me to touch her head where the bullet went in. I couldn't see it visually because she was wearing a head wrap but she asked me to touch it. I told her I didnt want to because I didnt want to hurt her. She kept telling me to do it so I did. When I felt it, I could feel where they removed part of her skull bone. She told me they did get the bullet out too. I guess that's obvious because I'm assuming if the bullet was still there, she wouldn't be functional. But I dont really know much about this kind of injury so I asked.

She was happy I came to visit. I felt so bad because I didn't come sooner and I told her that and I told her why... because I literally just found out yesterday. If I had known earlier, I would have been there earlier. Yesterday was her first day of therapy and she fainted. Her mom said it was because she didnt eat anything before she went. She tried to make her eat and she said she didn't want to. She has to take medicine constantly because she has extremely bad migraines. So her mom gave her the medicine right before her therapy and she threw up. Then during therapy she passed out.

Her mom said she started laughing when she came to, but the people there were scared. Her mom said this happened when she was in the hospital too. She was in the hospital from October 19th to Feb 4th.

She was resting in one of those remote controlled chairs where you can adjust it by remote. She had a blanket covering her body but I could tell that her left side was immobile. She used her right hand to lift her left hand. And I could look at her ankle and tell that it was a little atrophied. She said that all this time she's been laying down for all these months and that's why she doesn't have any strength in her body. So they're telling her she has to start sitting up and that's why she's in the specialized chair now.

She told me the type of gun he used and everything. She said she doesn't even know why he did it. According to her, it wasnt an argument or anything that day. He just walked in, walked up to where she was and shot her. Then he went outside and killed himself. She said she hates him for what he did to her. She started telling me how she used to always tell me she was going to leave him because he was jealous and crazy but they made up and she went back to him. I can tell that's messing her up because she knows she should have just left him a long time ago.

It was so sad brehs. Like she is messed up, man. Probably won't ever be the same


Sorry if yall were expecting a happy ending to this story but I literally said I didn't want to talk about this tonight

Christ almighty.

Glad you didn't get caught up in that, breh :whew:.


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Met a really pretty girl a couple weeks ago. She gave good energy in person and even asked for my number.. but she has never texted first a single time. Responses are short, detached and conversations seem to revolve around her and how busy and stressed she is. can any brehs shed some light on this shyt?
One upside of this is that it's made me revaluate how I spend my time. I need to be less "free" for a lot more people.
Bro, she wants you to ask her out on a date. :mjlol:


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Met up once outside the first time.. I remembered she didn't look super warmly dressed the day we met so the second time we met I surprised her with a new pair of gloves. kept the tag and receipt in the bag in case she wanted to return it. She said thanks but in the same breath said she doesn't really need a pair because she's rarely outside outside (i.e she's always somewhere heated) :dahell: I thought it made sense when she said it but in hindsight it was a bit unappreciative of her. I tried to arrange a third meet after but again with the busy thing -- I said its cool and stopped pressing, she asked can we reschedule, I told her I'll try again ''at the end of the month'' but didn't. Hadn't spoken to her for like a month until 2 days ago when I felt the need to ask if she was okay when I saw her posting about how she was going through a rough time. I gave her a few words of support, she said 'thank you' and that was the end of our chat. I've cleared/archived her number from my inbox now tho, don't think there's much point keeping it.

You bought a woman gloves!?!? :russ:

I can’t even fault her for not feeling you that day.


May 8, 2012
Tri State Area

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