Events thekingsmen thinks were staged hoaxes, false flags, or conspiracies

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012

The violence today at OSU, before details emerged about the suspect

The violence today at OSU, after details emerged about the suspect

It's the typical Republican story-line for active shooter.

2. Tied to ISIS in Syria
3. Manifesto supporting killing Americans
4. Illegal Alien or Naturalized Citizen who was radicalized on-line

He thinks Trayvon Martin's father had Trayvon sacrificed to Freemasons

It's all making sense now...





Sacrifice my friend. What is it that you don't get?

September 11th, of course

That time a crazed news reporter shot dead two of his colleagues live on TV

Adam Ward and Alison Parker......Robbie Parker Adam Lanza

Gematria in the story is 3,6,9 numbers.

That time a bunch of people got killed at a college in Oregon

To address @Edub comments
Our emotion suddenly comes into play when we hear things like this blocking out any real critical thought that comes to our minds. The media has practically raised us on how to think, who to hate, how to feel, who to love, etc and they continued to do what they do best because we as people don't ask the questions, nor do we question things unless it's religion or a political party affiliation.

Some pizza parlor is a pedophile cult or something

Can you prove it to be fake? 20 pages in and nothing has been debunked. Oh wait, you won't. Digga better expose your pedo supporting ass next podcast.

Short dudes have a hard time getting laid (he made like thirty posts in this thread, so he's probably a midget)

I know short dudes that can pull fine women. Stop with the excuses.


This is coming out of the horse's mouth folks. I know a certain mod will get rid of it soon.

Apart from documents that have outlined supposed terrorist threats, like Al-Qaeda, and their connection to US intelligence agencies, like the CIA, there are a number of whistleblowers that have come out adding more fuel to the fire. Because not many are even aware of these documents, letting people know about a truth that can be hard for people to accept, let alone ponder the possibility is very important. It’s just one aspect of the veil that’s been blinding the masses for quite some time now.

The latest whistleblower is David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer, and the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence. He is a former CIA clandestine services case officer, and this is what he had to say:

“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”

The existence of ISIS and anything they do, ever

IS doesn't exist but keep thinking martial law allowed these men to move around so freely and get even close to police.

Obama's half-brother (or maybe Obama, I'm not sure)

Son is a freemason c00n using numbers, signs and symbols to fool the masses.

The San Bernardino shooters

Tashfeen is a male name, not a female. Shyt is made up just like the ISIS Leader.

George Zimmerman

Why buy into this story? The media wants you to get upset. No one is out there even cares that much about that pos but the media will continue to bring him back up.


When a bunch of cops got shot in Dallas

The news got black people where they want them....emotional, confused, angry and not thinking at all.

The time a guy in Kansas shot a bunch of his co-workers

Ironically every shooter in the last few years seems to know when a gun law goes into effect when they attack....:francis:

Um...... Keke Wyatt's breast meats?

its a conspiracy/false flag

The Orlando nightclub shooting

do your own research.

Dylan Roof's Charleston church massacre

Remember folks... There was already a bill introduced on 3/3/2015 (H.R.1217) to expand background checks for gun purchases...

EVERY mass shooting plus Coli brehs are in on it!

Everytime there is a hoax shooting there is always a coli head that knows someone that knows someone there. :francis:


@Cold Blooded I don't want to sound disrespectful homie but if you can provide evidence of your homegirl. Ever since the shootings/attacks all over the country have happened( let's include Kenya's one as well). People on the coli have claimed they know someone in almost every attack. Small world, not that small.

The UC Santa Barbara shooting

The Sandy Hook massacre of little kids

Nah my can't kill something even the families weren't allowed to see the bodies. That never happened. It was wasn't a sacrifice if the town is known for it's Insane Asylum and the 2nd biggest Satan worshipping site in the country.

The Boston marathon bombing

The event was a staged event. This is proven when the authorities claimed to look at the brothers( even without proof) as the culprits and anyone who says it was someone else or differently needs to be silenced or not taken seriously.

That Paris terrorist attack where like 120 people got killed

It was planned to bash all muslims and divide Paris even further.

Boko Haram kidnapping people

Pretty much. Especially since there isn't 200 girls in the pic and a newspaper from Australia said the girls have been returned in April.

The Holocaust

You figured some of them might have learned from the actions of the Nazis
thekingsmen said:
How do you so many claimed to be survivors my friend? This was planned way in advance...people just don't want to connect the dots.

Jews, generally

First people need to be educated on what a Semite is before people can jump on the anti-bandwagon. Many people just scream it out cause it's useful in their minds.
If Protocols are fake why is all of them being full-filled in real life?
Umm that is also what people claim to have been created by but Vactican Jesuits wrote the book...the Protocols continue in real life and are all coming true.

That's facts not fiction.[user][0]=4461

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May 26, 2012
San Diego
I profile cab drivers, at least in the US.... there's a certain type I avoid, at all cost...White, greasy stringy hair, coffee stained teeth, listening to AM radio, dirty ass cab. Now, I may be letting the late 90's thriller 'Conspiracy Theory' cloud my judgement here, but this is how I picture that poster, it's a very queasy feeling I get when I see his posts, makes me uncomfortable, and I feel so much contempt and then a wave of empathy. Because this person exists. I may slam the cab door and walk away, but he lives on. He has to work, assumedly, date, less assumedly, and make his way in the world, despite all these hilariously stupid beliefs.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

I couldn't find that.

Lemme help you.

It's all making sense now...





What does him being a mason has to do with anything?

Sacrifice my friend. What is it that you don't get?

Not a damn thing. Trayvon was killed by a psychopathic man with a God-complex, nothing more.

Says the man who knows nothing about Freemasonry Rituals.

The WOAT, yall.