Rhyme Reason
What a degenerateThere's a thread in TLR where he's moved his position from Covid being harmless to now being a controlled plot by the elites for population control.![]()
What a degenerateThere's a thread in TLR where he's moved his position from Covid being harmless to now being a controlled plot by the elites for population control.![]()
There's a thread in TLR where he's moved his position from Covid being harmless to now being a controlled plot by the elites for population control.![]()
Won Won said:It’s always on to the next one with conspiracy tards
Covid doesn’t affect black people
Covid was made to kill black people
Covid is coming from 5G towers
Covid is just the flu
Hospitals are lying
Cooking the books to make it seem worse
2% death rate is nothing
0.0001% vaccine death rate is something
Covid was created in a lab to as part of an NWO plot
Add his Trayvon Martin take to that too. Claimed his own dad set him up as a Masonic sacrifice. It's a miracle he wasn't permabanned for that shyt.the sandy hook truther shyt should brand him as the ultimate pos on these boards
He doesn't even believe that viruses are real, so how could we have eradicated something that doesn't exist?Anyone know what he thinks about the near eradication of Polio since the introduction of the vaccines?![]()