Idk but for me as of lately, I've been looking into the even more polarizing inequality in America, and have just been rapidly seeing a wave of African-Americans on the verge of being even more displaced by the lackof focus on education and in demand skills. Not mention the focuses and needs that help sustain a population. Honestly there's no way around it, but there needs to be more black engineers period. And if theyy''re underemployed or can't find work here, why help develop a nation abroad that needs engineers. And what if there were more programs here in America that really focused on pushed the next. generation young cats into taking advanced math and science courses....
I've been a proponent for this type of work for the longest. It doesn't even have to be Africa, it's places in the Caribbean that need fixing up. But to me, Black people in the States should use their connection to Africa as an advantage to leverage for more opportunities here in the US if that's their ultimate goal. Bottom line is that if Black labor can't be respected after building America then it's at least wise to have more options on the table. Aside from that, the continent is brimming with opportunities for educated Black folks whether you want an Anglophone country or take on a challenge and learn a new language. Africans for the most part come here just to stack up and get educated and they go back home because its employment for professionals and you'd live like a rich nikka on a regular American salary. Why be treated on some second rate shyt and be forced to conform here when you'd be celebrated in the motherland?