Ethiopia Rising Again Firmly


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Confederation is one the weakest forms of government.

Well if you have regional nation-states I don't think it's a huge deal to have a strong central govt on a continental scale. I view a continental govt more like a UN type thing it would be a means of having better cooperation through the continent but the role of uplifting the people on the ground won't go to that. It would be the individual region states with the strong govts since they'd be charged with helping the people in their constituencies. A literal United States of Africa with with the borders as currently constructed would be less effective imo, you need to create large enough individual states to where they can industrialize and take full advantage of an arsenal of natural resources in order for the continent itself to more closely unite with itself.


Dec 5, 2012
Well if you have regional nation-states I don't think it's a huge deal to have a strong central govt on a continental scale. I view a continental govt more like a UN type thing it would be a means of having better cooperation through the continent but the role of uplifting the people on the ground won't go to that. It would be the individual region states with the strong govts since they'd be charged with helping the people in their constituencies. A literal United States of Africa with with the borders as currently constructed would be less effective imo, you need to create large enough individual states to where they can industrialize and take full advantage of an arsenal of natural resources in order for the continent itself to more closely unite with itself.

how is that different than maybe a stronger African Union?

you also mention nation states; which refers to states with relative homogenous ethnic and cultural traditions. many african nations can't be considered nation-states due to the European imperialism

also: and how would the states be? presented european dictated borders or more along ethnic lines? who elects the government? single currency? how will the military work and who will fund it? how will religious and ethnic minorities be protected? official languages? educational system? has anyone thought about how unification will hampering local economic growth? where will the capital be? how much power does the unified legislature have? these are all basic questions that need to be addressed.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
how is that different than maybe a stronger African Union?

you also mention nation states; which refers to states with relative homogenous ethnic and cultural traditions. many african nations can't be considered nation-states due to the European imperialism

also: and how would the states be? presented european dictated borders or more along ethnic lines? who elects the government? single currency? how will the military work and who will fund it? how will religious and ethnic minorities be protected? official languages? educational system? has anyone thought about how unification will hampering local economic growth? where will the capital be? how much power does the unified legislature have? these are all basic questions that need to be addressed.

That's exactly what it would be, a much stronger African Union. A common law could perhaps be figured out with regards to basic human rights for all African citizens. But I think the best way to bind the continent together is in a more indirect way like confederacy. I think the literal nations themselves would be regional in order for a full blown United States to be realized. I think a continental govt could still play a vital role in the maintenance of the continent.

Well I haven't considered it for the other regions, only East Africa. As I see it, the lingua franca would have to be an outside language so as not to make one group seem greater than the other. So in the case of EA my thought is English would work since most of the Bantu areas are English speaking and English is also widely known in the Northern areas. All languages would be protected by making their language a requirement in schools according to their areas of highest concentration along with English. This helps them retain their language and culture. While I don't agree with Ethiopia's recent use of ethnic politics, I do also give the current govt credit for promoting all tribes and their cultures within the country and providing the means for groups with endangered languages to preserve those languages and cultures. So the programs are already in existence in certain respects.

Things like Nationhood have to be considered in a fully African context. As is, there are many hundreds of ethnic groups within African nations. So the unity isn't a matter of ethnicity imo, but the land itself. The commonality is the regions themselves. West Africans share similar experiences, needs, etc simply based off the environments they come from and depend on for sustenance. The same can be said for other regions as well. I think this is a concept that has been ignored in favor of a more European model since as you said these African states are creations of European imperialism.

As far as the other questions are concerned. I think a single regional currency would work, but localized currencies aren't a bad idea either as a means of keeping money within smaller communities. But a single currency would be important, I think unifying economies and militaries would be the answer as well. Mixed units in order to properly integrate all the peoples within the region in order to foster unity and make less emphasis on ethnicities. The one tricky thing is there would need to be a secular education system as the public standard and that might not fly for some that live in more Islamic societies. Honestly, the questions you ask are things I've considered and I don't at all think I'm done searching for answers. I just find it so encouraging that the EAC is moving towards this type of thing, I think including more of East Africa in this project would be a huge moment for the continent as a whole.
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Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
This is exactly what I have in mind actually when I say "Regional States", forgive the rough MS Paint drawing.
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May 7, 2012
This is exactly what I have in mind actually when I say "Regional States", forgive the rough MS Paint drawing.

you mind bringing down them west african borders all the way down to angola :steph:

between congo and angola, trillions in additional resourc... I mean there's a commonality there... yeah :steph2:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
you mind bringing down them west african borders all the way down to angola :steph:

between congo and angola, trillions in additional resourc... I mean there's a commonality there... yeah :steph2:

West Africa big enough, yall got the most land on that map....:usure:
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May 7, 2012
West Africa big enough, yall got the most land on that map....:usure:

forgive a naija boy for trying to hustle some land :lolbron:

in all seriousness though, I'm also a believer in the regional states thing, I've been trying to wrap my head around how this could all get started. a massive propaganda program? maybe a few modern african intellectuals. We'd also have to have some repatriation program with our diaspora(old and new)


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
forgive a naija boy for trying to hustle some land :lolbron:

in all seriousness though, I'm also a believer in the regional states thing, I've been trying to wrap my head around how this could all get started. a massive propaganda program? maybe a few modern african intellectuals. We'd also have to have some repatriation program with our diaspora(old and new)

lmao, I'm hip to the Naija swindle. If yall had Central Africa linked in with that it'd be too much money for yall to deal with. That's too much damn power for yall nikkaz. :russ:

But yeah, the only way something like this works is through some strong and sound ideology combined with a program of mass advertisement so as to best bring support to the idea. But repatriation would be huge on that agenda I agree, they'd be the ones to create the political atmosphere necessary imo to make this happen. There needs to be not only a maturation process with regards to African politics but a process where the real issues are being addressed rather than just being addressed for a select few people.


All Star
Feb 9, 2013
Regional integration is already a reality and it covers most of the African countries. If you take the 3 strongest and long standing ones in the EAC, SADC and ECOWAS you already have more than half the continent covered. SADC and ECOWAS have been running for over 30 years now and have established political co-operation and have shown their ability to intervene in some of the most dangerous wars like the ones in the late 90s in DRC,Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The East African one has been on and off but it now seems to be a lot more stable this time because they dint have Idi Amin and the sharp ideological differences of Kenya and Tanzania have subsided. ECOWAS already has some freedom of movement and they have an ECOWAS passport, the EAC has also been moving towards the same and travel restrictions are low in SADC. The other area being looked at are currency unions as well and i have read various articles from most regions. Most of the regional organizations are on a political basis and they reflect political allegiances more than they reflect cultural ones IMO and that's why most Central African countries belong either to SADC or ECOWAS. We could talk about why this is the case but just a reading of the histories of the countries will provide a reason why this is the case. I think an EU like common market will be the end goal, leaders are not giving up political leadership for no one even if it is in their best interests.I could name countries like Lesotho,Swaziland,Rep of Congo,Gambia and other countries carved up by Europeans that still survive.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Regional integration is already a reality and it covers most of the African countries. If you take the 3 strongest and long standing ones in the EAC, SADC and ECOWAS you already have more than half the continent covered. SADC and ECOWAS have been running for over 30 years now and have established political co-operation and have shown their ability to intervene in some of the most dangerous wars like the ones in the late 90s in DRC,Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The East African one has been on and off but it now seems to be a lot more stable this time because they dint have Idi Amin and the sharp ideological differences of Kenya and Tanzania have subsided. ECOWAS already has some freedom of movement and they have an ECOWAS passport, the EAC has also been moving towards the same and travel restrictions are low in SADC. The other area being looked at are currency unions as well and i have read various articles from most regions. Most of the regional organizations are on a political basis and they reflect political allegiances more than they reflect cultural ones IMO and that's why most Central African countries belong either to SADC or ECOWAS. We could talk about why this is the case but just a reading of the histories of the countries will provide a reason why this is the case. I think an EU like common market will be the end goal, leaders are not giving up political leadership for no one even if it is in their best interests.I could name countries like Lesotho,Swaziland,Rep of Congo,Gambia and other countries carved up by Europeans that still survive.

Its a lot of info in this post I still need to get privy too. I've been searching for some books that can give me a better idea of the history of politics and its development in East Africa. I know Ethiopia pretty decently but I definitely need to learn up on the EA's to the south.

The bolded is very important to me, I think that's something that eventually will have to end if regional nationhood is to work imo.