Tony D'Amato
It's all about the inches
What professional musician would want that azzhole beat? What producer would even submit that sh1t
Please tell me Em produced it
Please tell me Em produced it
you guys that are saying "the beats and hooks suck but the lyrics are good are idiots. The lyrics are just as bad as the beats and hooks. Stringing random words together and rappin fast doesn't make it good. The lyrics are trash periods.
How can you hate the song with Kendrick, that shyt was pure fun. Kendrick's a fool for that verse, love it.
If you can't even like Bad Guy then wtf, fukking Stan Pt 2. Beat and chorus are sick too.It's LITERALLY not one good song on here.
I heard SOULJA BOY mixtapes before that had at least one good song.
But Eminem, one of the best lyricists of all time, can't manage to put together a single listenable song?
Oh how the mighty have fallen