aka #DiamondNightmare
Dope cover
do they have red nekks??????how is BALLS equal to kangaroo steak? having said that yes people do eat bulls balls and shyt like that.
i'm just talking about people who eat weird shyt, there's whole restaurants dedicated to eating weird & wacky foods, balls, things that are still alive and moving, a lot weirder than kangaroo. you should watch Bizzare Foods it's a cool show but dude eats some disgusting shytdo they have rednekks??????
i'm just talking about people who eat weird shyt, there's whole restaurants dedicated to eating weird & wacky foods, balls, things that are still alive and moving, a lot weirder than kangaroo. you should watch Bizzare Foods it's a cool show
but dude eats some disgusting shyt
this is the same house from the OG cover?? dumb ass fans destroying shyt like thatBakk to the cover art.
poor house. it got stripped like whoa and they even stole the gutters.
poor tree. its missing branches frm his sikk fans hanging off the limbs and shyt. wtf.
they even took the awning. sikk fukked up fans. smh
this is the same house from the OG cover?? dumb ass fans destroying shyt like that
Dope cover
em will do 800 - 1mil first week
but i dont know how those COD sales will affect things. Does does ever sale of COD count as a MMLP2 sale because if so....
whats the point of eating a moving living insect unless youre in the wilderness dying of hunger.
have you tried things that have a thorax??
i know its meat. you said you seen cacs eat bugs and worms and spiders and shyt. so i asked if you ever ate anything with a thorax...you're talking crazy shyt. kangaroo is MEAT, insects and bulls balls are not. they used to sell kangaroo tails in the freezer section of my old town.
a picture of a old house is dope?
i've seen it on tv not in real life. i have eaten witchetty grubs tho LOL and i have seen people eat honey ants (you suck the honey from the end section lol) that's just bush tucker shyt tho, you don't go to the supermarket and buy a bag of honey antsi know its meat. you said you seen cacs eat bugs and worms and spiders and shyt. so i asked if you ever ate anything with a thorax...
tyson sells kangaroo tails in your neighborhood?
he might fukk around and top MMLP 1st week #'s 1.7mil