All of these wealthy guys all of a sudden want to give money away in the form of UBI? That's utterly laughable. If they are so adamant on their desire to give away money, why not give the actual people working at your company a significantly higher wage... one that not only matches inflation, but significantly outpaces it? Why not pay the government the money you owe them in taxes instead of trying to find loopholes to avoid paying taxes? If anyone believes that the richest and greediest men on the planet want to all of a sudden come out and hand everyone bags of money, then you are easily deceived. People believed the same lie when we were told how awesome globalization would be for us and they just had to get rid of those dirty, lowly manufacturing jobs that paid a living wage and had benefits. In return, we would get superior knowledge and service jobs like getting paid $10 working at a retail store with no benefits.