Elizabeth Warren proposes "Wealth Tax"


Aug 9, 2014
I wish someone loved me as much as Perfectson loves billionaires :wow:

I simply think if you earned money and you purchased something with money you earned that has already been taxed, you should not have to pay another tax annually in the asset you purchased. It's stupid , makes no sense...its literally double/exponential taxation .

How does this make sense, someone please explain it . How does taxing someone twice and then annually on an asset that is sitting in their home make sense just because it's expensive ?

That's not how you fight income disparity , it literally an attack on rich and not enpowering the poor or even contemplating the reasons why theirs an income disparity . Someone buying a 10m painting isn't the reason for someone being poor.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

I get there, and the host introduces me to the guests, accurately observing that several of them are named Bob. (Plus one Bill.)

It’s not an exciting crew, but it’s a good cause, and I feel like I’m enlivening people’s retirements.
It’s in a place called the Players Club. Not as in playas. As in actors. It was founded by John Wilkes Booth’s brother, which should have been a sign of the ambush that loomed.
I tried to be pleasant. There were the usual liberal private club comments about how amazing India is, etc. The Taj Mahal is great, apparently.
Anyway, we sit down, and I’m asked to give a quick summary of my book.

Which I do. And I could tell that I was losing this crowd fast. Precipitously.

They hadn’t been briefed, maybe. They didn’t know that I’m actually an opponent of, not an advocate for, winners taking all.
So now my host, who has been very nice so far, flips suddenly. Like she’s been undammed.

Hearing my mention of David Koch and how his name shouldn’t be on any building in a city full of people whose rights he has fought to shred, she chooses her hill.

She is going defend Koch.
Of course, she hates him, because she’s a good liberal. But she’s also a private club Manhattan liberal, and she knows him. They’re on things together, maybe. She gives. He gives. And she defends him because if he gave money for the building, his name should be on the building.
So I ask if she’s read DARK MONEY by @JaneMayerNYer, which exposes the Kochs for who they are.

No. Doesn’t need to. She knows him. He gave the money. It’s only fair.

It unravels from there.
Now she tells me I’m being condescending, which I probably am, because these are the people who think they’re the resistance but are in fact the reason we have a broken country atop which a former Democratic Manhattan private club liberal now sits.
So finally I ask her: Well, why did you invite me?

She mutters about liking good debate. But her husband, he’s the honest guy.

“Because we had no choice.”
I think the last words I heard him say were “God, you’re awful,” before I stood and fled.

I realized that I prefer reading Tom Wolfe novels to living in them.

Wolfe would have loved the fake money sourced from China on the place settings.
What happens in the Players Club shall not remain in the Players Club.
The whole thing was especially surprising because the host once wrote a memoir about her empathy for a pet. So I thought I’d be easy.

Her husband had a career in hotels, so I expected some hospitality.
But I was wrong, and the story has a moral: Never underestimate the defensiveness of very rich people who believe they’re progressive and who are willing to give back in any way they can — except by surrendering any of their privileges, advantages, or immunities.
Or, If you want to take America back, don’t just change the players. Overthrow the club.
I’m so sorry, but I forgot the moment when, not liking an argument I was making, the host/pet memoirist picked up both of her knives (salad; chicken main dish) and said, “Be careful: they gave me sharp knives.”
To all who are (very legitimately) asking, What was I doing there? Don’t I know about these types?

I volunteered my time for a great organization that defends journalists against imprisonment and death.

Getting ambushed in Manhattan is a small price to pay for those heroes.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
when the fukk are they gonna learn how to label these proposals :snoop:

call it the billionaire tax

I came here to say this myself:snoop: I wouldn't even call it a Billionaire tax, I would give it an obscure made up name like Fund Elation Tax and add a pork belly to it that a certain amount goes to support CHIP off top so when the Republicans talked shyt I could say

"Why do you want sick children to die?":dwillhuh:, "Why are you trying to make sick babies suffer?":gucci:

That's how you introduce fukking progressive policy:win:


All Star
May 9, 2012
Warren i like her second to bernie but i dont think she has a great chance, shes not even charismatic in an akward way like bernie, shes trying to be half in and half out which will hurt her, even though mainstream thinks this is a good strategy for some dumb reason, the DNA test was a mistake and so was drinking a beer on IG, youre not AOC, stay in your lane.


All Star
May 9, 2012
I simply think if you earned money and you purchased something with money you earned that has already been taxed, you should not have to pay another tax annually in the asset you purchased. It's stupid , makes no sense...its literally double/exponential taxation .

How does this make sense, someone please explain it . How does taxing someone twice and then annually on an asset that is sitting in their home make sense just because it's expensive ?

That's not how you fight income disparity , it literally an attack on rich and not enpowering the poor or even contemplating the reasons why theirs an income disparity . Someone buying a 10m painting isn't the reason for someone being poor.
exploiting labor is not "earning" money , dudes are lucky they get to be wealthy in a scam of a system we have, you could tax them 5 times and theyd still be wealthy , fukk them


Aug 9, 2014
exploiting labor is not "earning" money , dudes are lucky they get to be wealthy in a scam of a system we have, you could tax them 5 times and theyd still be wealthy , fukk them

That's not what's happening and you're being dishonest. So did Tesla execs scam the system ? He djdnt work hard and risk is money and time to build a company ? You have seen Steve Jobs and Bill Gates story, you're saying they didn't risk it all and created products that benefitted consumers? So thesee guys didn't work hard? Yeah there are workers who are doing menial tasks but if they are in a livable wage there shouldn't be an issue. Punishing the innovators of the country over and over again because the menial workers didn't put in the same work or risk their capital is counter intuitive. You calling them exploited is ridiculous ...


All Star
May 9, 2012
That's not what's happening and you're being dishonest. So did Tesla execs scam the system ? He djdnt work hard and risk is money and time to build a company ? You have seen Steve Jobs and Bill Gates story, you're saying they didn't risk it all and created products that benefitted consumers? So thesee guys didn't work hard? Yeah there are workers who are doing menial tasks but if they are in a livable wage there shouldn't be an issue. Punishing the innovators of the country over and over again because the menial workers didn't put in the same work or risk their capital is counter intuitive. You calling them exploited is ridiculous ...
you thinking they arent exploited is ridiculous. no i dont think they work hard, pushing papers and making phone calls isnt hard work. dudes give them credit. a lot of them had the money to go to great schools and already had built in social networks. anyway im not gonna keep arguing youre a troll


Aug 9, 2014
you thinking they arent exploited is ridiculous. no i dont think they work hard, pushing papers and making phone calls isnt hard work. dudes give them credit. a lot of them had the money to go to great schools and already had built in social networks. anyway im not gonna keep arguing youre a troll

Of course you're not going to keep arguing because youre gonna come off as a bitter jealous heater .

They put the money up, they created the ip, they worked in their garages, gates didn't graduate college and wasnt rich. It's called effort, passion, and hard work. So now because he built this empire off that hard work and innovation, he should take a piece of what he accumulated and be forced to give it to some lackey whose earning a livable wage but because they didn't strike gold is bitter and wants a handout? You talk about exploitation but the wealth tax is an exploitation tax on the rich . Youre running away because you have no argument and you know it


All Star
May 9, 2012
Of course you're not going to keep arguing because youre gonna come off as a bitter jealous heater .

They put the money up, they created the ip, they worked in their garages, gates didn't graduate college and wasnt rich. It's called effort, passion, and hard work. So now because he built this empire off that hard work and innovation, he should take a piece of what he accumulated and be forced to give it to some lackey whose earning a livable wage but because they didn't strike gold is bitter and wants a handout? You talk about exploitation but the wealth tax is an exploitation tax on the rich . Youre running away because you have no argument and you know it
im not running, ive just had this same argument with right wing trolls all the time, i dont care about your dumb ass talking points, in your mind the slaves were just hating on the plantation owners too


Aug 9, 2014
im not running, ive just had this same argument with right wing trolls all the time, i dont care about your dumb ass talking points, in your mind the slaves were just hating on the plantation owners too

Oh you're one of those. You don't like something and so you revert to the slavery analogy .

I'm a rich football player but you know what I'm a slave to an owner, who is the one taking all the risks (and tax payers )

No ...thats called an employer and you are providing a service that you negotiated to him. That is nothing slavery and there are no Plantations...thats whiney brats just babbling about shyt they don't know about... sounds familiar ?