Elizabeth Warren proposes "Wealth Tax"


All Star
May 18, 2012
Of course you're not going to keep arguing because youre gonna come off as a bitter jealous heater .

They put the money up, they created the ip, they worked in their garages, gates didn't graduate college and wasnt rich. It's called effort, passion, and hard work. So now because he built this empire off that hard work and innovation, he should take a piece of what he accumulated and be forced to give it to some lackey whose earning a livable wage but because they didn't strike gold is bitter and wants a handout? You talk about exploitation but the wealth tax is an exploitation tax on the rich . Youre running away because you have no argument and you know it

You act as though every wealthy person worked hard to come up with a brilliant breakthrough. What about the majority of wealthy people who inherited wealth and fully formed businesses, who don't pay their employees livable wages. If everyone was making a livable wage this wouldn't be an issue but the reality is that there are people working multiple jobs who can't make ends meet. There are people working for some of the most profitable companies in the world that are legitimately on food stamps. I already know what you think of those people because you call their jobs menial but without people doing those jobs the innovators you love so much wouldn't have a product to sell or a means of selling it.


Aug 9, 2014
You act as though every wealthy person worked hard to come up with a brilliant breakthrough. What about the majority of wealthy people who inherited wealth and fully formed businesses, who don't pay their employees livable wages. If everyone was making a livable wage this wouldn't be an issue but the reality is that there are people working multiple jobs who can't make ends meet. There are people working for some of the most profitable companies in the world that are legitimately on food stamps. I already know what you think of those people because you call their jobs menial but without people doing those jobs the innovators you love so much wouldn't have a product to sell or a means of selling it.

The jobs are menial, it's not what I think of them but you putting fries in a fryer and then expecting the same salary as an accountant doesn't seem right to me.

I don't care how someone got their money at the end of the day, tax them on sales and purchases. Close tax loopholes but it makes no sense to continually tax them on items they've already paid tax on!

You still cannot tell me what sense this makes...its double triple quadruple taxation to infinity on items that have already been taxed (on purchase or inheritance ).

In 33 years would have paid more taxes (assuming it's 3% on all assets) then the actual assets you own !!

Am I the only one that understands basic math here. ...how does this make any freaking sense?

This tax is literally taxing someone out of house home and tax bracket


Aug 9, 2014
How is something she's said herself multiple times on television news? If you aren't aware of that fact you haven't been paying attention.

Because several people did not know this , some of us are not huge fans


All Star
May 9, 2012
You act as though every wealthy person worked hard to come up with a brilliant breakthrough. What about the majority of wealthy people who inherited wealth and fully formed businesses, who don't pay their employees livable wages. If everyone was making a livable wage this wouldn't be an issue but the reality is that there are people working multiple jobs who can't make ends meet. There are people working for some of the most profitable companies in the world that are legitimately on food stamps. I already know what you think of those people because you call their jobs menial but without people doing those jobs the innovators you love so much wouldn't have a product to sell or a means of selling it.
breh all he does is troll with right wing, seemingly anarcho capitalist talking points, "innovation" "job creators" foh, we had advancements way before the existance of capitalism, and not only inherited wealth but labor exploitation is the only way you get super wealthy under capitalism. but he prob considers workers as peasants, meantime he cant be doing that well himself cause I dont know any billionaires on message boards all day. lol its useless to argue with him. plus at times I think hes a bot or smthg cause he will say shyt like "centralist" or if AOC becomes "presidential" sure it could be a typo who knows but still


All Star
May 9, 2012
Honestly though I dont like the framing she used here "wealth tax" the framing makes it seem like a punishment, where as Bernie and AOC are just trying to bring back policies we already had in America like a higher top marginal tax rate and lower threshold for estate tax. Warren just cant get out of her own way. If Bernie doesnt enter the race, I have no faith in her to win over a corporatist.


Feb 8, 2015
You act as though every wealthy person worked hard to come up with a brilliant breakthrough. What about the majority of wealthy people who inherited wealth and fully formed businesses, who don't pay their employees livable wages. If everyone was making a livable wage this wouldn't be an issue but the reality is that there are people working multiple jobs who can't make ends meet. There are people working for some of the most profitable companies in the world that are legitimately on food stamps. I already know what you think of those people because you call their jobs menial but without people doing those jobs the innovators you love so much wouldn't have a product to sell or a means of selling it.

Let’s be real though, even after this increased tax rate goes into effect people will still hate the rich and will still say they aren’t doing enough. It’s butthurt. And 90% of people with inherited wealth are back to being poor within three generations...the lion share of most new millionaires are middle income 401k savers, entrepreneurs and high wage earning professionals. The lie that they’re all trust fund kids is sweeter to digest but outside of getting a life advantage from being male/white, most of them got it themselves.