Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!


All Star
Nov 17, 2016
You're calling for a move that would cement a destructive system in place rather than actually addressing the problems that create the system.

My dad didn't make shyt and neither me nor my two sisters were ever in childcare. I voluntarily have chosen to work in a field where I ain't gonna earn shyt, and no way I'm ever putting my daughters in childcare. If you have steady income, avoid debts, and aren't on the very bottom of the wage earners, you can make it work.

The problems are this:

Incomes too low on the bottom end
shytty parental leave laws
Too much debt (need to reform student debt, medical costs, and predatory loans)
Too many people are taught they have to chase money no matter how much they make

Sending kids to be raised by someone other than their parents doesn't solve any of those problems at all. A living wage, universal healthcare, student loan reform, better parental leave laws, doing everything possible to eliminate debt, teaching our communities to prioritize family over cash, and the UBI would all address the BASIC issues that we need to address.

You have kids? I got two. Childcare is tops my friend. This is coming from someone who "stayed at home" for a loooooong time for both because I work from home. Both my kids go to the best daycare schools in the city now. They are getting better attention than my wife or I could give. I was surprised by that.

Of course, Im paying top dollar for that. Feels like I got 3 mortgages.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
You have kids? I got two. Childcare is tops my friend. This is coming from someone who "stayed at home" for a loooooong time for both because I work from home. Both my kids go to the best daycare schools in the city now. They are getting better attention than my wife or I could give. I was surprised by that.

Of course, Im paying top dollar for that. Feels like I got 3 mortgages.

Define "looooooooong time" because if both your kids are currently in daycare then it can't be more than 4 years.

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
Oh. So that means she's in the debate then, right?
It was never in doubt.

However, pundits were trying to claim that her campaign is in trouble after her fundraising director quit because of the constraints she's placed on her campaign. To my knowledge, the only candidates who outraised her were Sanders, O'Rourke, Harris, and Buttigieg. Keep in mind that Sanders, who has more grassroots support, is the only one with similar financing constraints.


Empire strikes back
Apr 30, 2012
The Yay
is it me or shes been falling behind in buzz lately ?

hear far more buzz around Bernie and AOC. well Bernie obviously, but AOC dominating Liz aint a good look for her...

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
is it me or shes been falling behind in buzz lately ?

hear far more buzz around Bernie and AOC. well Bernie obviously, but AOC dominating Liz aint a good look for her...
Eh, AOC isn't running so she can take all the shine she deserves, especially when her most recent piece is very complimentary of Liz.

Liz is definitely behind Bernie, Biden, Pete and Beto in the MSM media buzz metric, but she's in it for the long haul. She's doing the ground work for dominating the debates. Every issue that comes up, she's going to have a robust, exciting plan for solving while the other candidates will only have rhetoric and ill-defined solutions. Marathon, not a sprint.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

I wish we would talk more about Policy (just not Elizabeth Warren’s)
Alexandra Petri
"Americans deserve a foreign policy that works fo—" THE COLUMN STARTS BELOW, PLEASE READ! "It's time to rebuild the midd—" REALLY, IT'S RIGHT HERE, TIME FOR SOME SUBSTANCE! (CJ Gunther/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)

As a valiant commentator and member of the media, I have no more fervent wish than to talk of Substance. I feed on Substance. I love The Issues. A campaign of Substance, based on The Issues — that is the one dream of my heart.

I hate eschewing The Issues, although when I heard the word “eschew,” I did get temporarily excited because it sounds like “issue,” and, as stated, I love Issues so much. I feel about them the way Sarah Palin did about magazines (speaking of Issues!): I love them, all the ones that are in front of me. Issues are what the American people care about, after all.

I just wish that the campaigns were more focused on Issues of Substance. I would love nothing better than to see a Policy proposal about an Issue.

(Why is Elizabeth Warren waving at me? I am not finished yet.)

Really any Issue, as long as it was of Substance. Child care? Wealth inequality? Housing? Sure, those sound like Issues of Substance. I am not afraid to discuss Substance, and I’m definitely capable of discussing it; just because I am mostly forced — by circumstances beyond my control — to discuss the election as though it were a game, film or sport does not mean that my passion isn’t Policy. I love Policy. I have a Policy in Canada I’ve been in close correspondence with for many years, which is why you don’t see me talking about other policies more. I’m not avoiding Substance. It is just that, alas, no one is running a substantive campaign about The Issues. And no one regrets that more than I do.

There seems to be a disturbance behind me? It looks like maybe Elizabeth Warren is releasing a plan of some kind? For an ultra-millionaire tax? Please, do not let her distract you from my calls for Substance. Do not let the noise (“I have written eight policy plans that I would like to discuss!” “Here is my proposal for universal child care!”) distract you from the signal: my call for more substantive discussion.

*hastily mutes a ninth voicemail from the Warren campaign describing its plan for breaking up Big Tech*

I am devastated to note it, but it is true, and that is why I am pointing it out. It is very brave of me, I know. Every day I am forced to talk about politics as though it were baseball, instead of delving into the details of … house-having policy?

Elizabeth Warren has a housing policy? Then, I meant, uh, the electoral co— Oh, come on! How many Policies does this campaign have? This seems like overdoing it, frankly. Talk about loading the bases.

What is that behind me? Is it Elizabeth Warren clambering into a jet plane to letter the details of another Policy, this one a plan for universal child care, plumb across the sky? Oh, God, I’m afraid to turn around. I mean, not afraid of Policy, just very — I — I’m just shaking because I’m so eager to discuss Substance.

She even has a proposal about … agribusiness? (Am I pronouncing that correctly?) Well, great. Oh. Just. I’m crying because. Because I love Substance so much.

Alas, I would be discussing Substance right now if only it were available. I mean, yes, there are seven detailed proposals posted by Elizabeth Warren where I can readily and easily access them, but my computer broke and — no, no, please don’t print them out — it’s just I have a headache,

Look, are we actually sure these are Policy? I have to say, I love Policy and Substance — I frequently tell anyone who will listen what a wonk I am, even if they did not approach me! — and yet I have no desire to talk about that whatsoever! Could it be that that isn’t a Policy?

That must be it. So don’t let yourself get distracted — by Beto O’Rourke jumping on counters, by Mayor Pete Buttigieg and “Ulysses,” by Elizabeth Warren’s “Leveling the Playing Field for America’s Family Farmers.” I think I speak for all of us when I say that if there were any actual Substance in this race, we’d all be talking about it.