Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!


Jun 8, 2012
Percussors: Covered in certain circumstances for persons with chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema.


#1 who's plan is this? since they all have some variation of Medicare for all. #2, give us the link where you got the info for what is covered and what isnt.

and #3. if we have a true Medicare for all. it means all citizens are paying taxes for one insurance plan that our government runs on our behalf. This means, just like a corporation when they sign up their employees for health coverage with say Blue Cross(pick a state). they get together with the private insurance and say how much would it cost for us to cover X, Y, and Z. Blue cross gives them the numbers, and they create the plans based on what they would like to cover based on the amount of premiums they will need to pay as a corporation, then the company decides how much of a portion if any will the employee pay for said benefits.

So no more privates more or less(in a bernie plan). So lets say all the above isnt covered the first spin on m4a if Bernie was president. then you and I as citizens aka paying customers(tax dollars). can tell our government, we are willing to pay a little extra then what we are currently paying for our first go round of m4a. and now we want all the above covered. they will do some number crunching and come up with a figure. that will be our new taxes. You get what you pay for. nothing is FREE. its just that M4A done properly is fare more efficient healthcare, and therefore a lot cheaper. so if we want better benefits. we can pay for them. its up to us at that point. yes that means your taxes will go up. the same would happen if you worked for a company and all the employees said they wanted better coverage. if the company agreed, they would also say fine, if you're willing to pay the difference. and that would be that.

The government wont control it. WE WILL. the government works on behalf of the citizen when the citizen keeps putting people in office(pres, congress, state, local) that are for the people and not for corporations. if you keep putting corporate shills in office you get what we have now and worse. its up to you citizen. what you gone do?

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
#1 who's plan is this? since they all have some variation of Medicare for all. #2, give us the link where you got the info for what is covered and what isnt.

and #3. if we have a true Medicare for all. it means all citizens are paying taxes for one insurance plan that our government runs on our behalf. This means, just like a corporation when they sign up their employees for health coverage with say Blue Cross(pick a state). they get together with the private insurance and say how much would it cost for us to cover X, Y, and Z. Blue cross gives them the numbers, and they create the plans based on what they would like to cover based on the amount of premiums they will need to pay as a corporation, then the company decides how much of a portion if any will the employee pay for said benefits.

So no more privates more or less(in a bernie plan). So lets say all the above isnt covered the first spin on m4a if Bernie was president. then you and I as citizens aka paying customers(tax dollars). can tell our government, we are willing to pay a little extra then what we are currently paying for our first go round of m4a. and now we want all the above covered. they will do some number crunching and come up with a figure. that will be our new taxes. You get what you pay for. nothing is FREE. its just that M4A done properly is fare more efficient healthcare, and therefore a lot cheaper. so if we want better benefits. we can pay for them. its up to us at that point. yes that means your taxes will go up. the same would happen if you worked for a company and all the employees said they wanted better coverage. if the company agreed, they would also say fine, if you're willing to pay the difference. and that would be that.

The government wont control it. WE WILL. the government works on behalf of the citizen when the citizen keeps putting people in office(pres, congress, state, local) that are for the people and not for corporations. if you keep putting corporate shills in office you get what we have now and worse. its up to you citizen. what you gone do?

Naw. The government controls it. It’s a workaround they called medical necessity. So they decide if a procedure/equipment/service is medically necessary. You have no say, they have final approve and if u do want to add a procedure or equipment to being covered it takes 2-4 years.

Link. National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Durable Medical Equipment Reference List (280.1)

It’s a hidden trick Bernie has in his Bill, some black democrats tried to get it removed.

Liz used to be against it, by saying every service would be paid for. But backed down and added it to her plan as well.

It’s a dirty tactic that was started by republicans with medicaid to essentially deny services to certain populations, historically blacks.

It’s rooted in racism.

Sidenote- Biden has it as well and I support him. Ppl need to know about what her plan actually says tho, she’s being purposely opaque.


Jun 8, 2012
Naw. The government controls it. It’s a workaround they called medical necessity. So they decide if a procedure/equipment/service is medically necessary. You have no say, they have final approve and if u do want to add a procedure or equipment to being covered it takes 2-4 years.

Link. National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Durable Medical Equipment Reference List (280.1)

It’s a hidden trick Bernie has in his Bill, some black democrats tried to get it removed.

Liz used to be against it, by saying every service would be paid for. But backed down and added it to her plan as well.

It’s a dirty tactic that was started by republicans with medicaid to essentially deny services to certain populations, historically blacks.

It’s rooted in racism.

Sidenote- Biden has it as well and I support him. Ppl need to know about what her plan actually says tho, she’s being purposely opaque.
its not a trick my friend. if you pay taxes and you vote for people that run your government YOU control your plan. sure we have to agree on what we want in our plan but if we're willing to pay extra or less thats the plan we will get. it aint rocket science like some foreign government is over our health insurance.

bernies plan:


(b) Revision And Adjustment.—The Secretary shall, on a regular basis, evaluate whether the benefits package should be improved or adjusted to promote the health of beneficiaries, account for changes in medical practice or new information from medical research, or respond to other relevant developments in health science, and shall make recommendations to Congress regarding any such improvements or adjustments.

here's the link to the full plan which has links to other pieces of medicare and social security due to the fact there is no reason to write it down twice when its already in a previous document.

Text - S.1129 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Medicare for All Act of 2019

there's no TRICK. No medical coverage will cover every single thing. NON. the ACA covered way more than normal private insurance for most workers. that was a fact. but it didnt cover everything. it never will. Unless of course you the tax payer are willing to pay whatever it takes to cover any and every thing that may arise. even some things that may arise .000002% of the time. even some things those .00002% could go out and pay for themselves and it wouldnt cost an arm and a leg to purchase.

medicare for all is not a cover everything for everyone plan. its a cover most things for everyone plan. and do it for less.

priv insurance as currently constructed is covered some things for some people at a very high and highly increasing price tag.

and i want you to understand something. you never had any say as an individual when it came to what was medically necessary or not. unless you wanted to buy it outright. i know this because i use to work for a very large DME company. we sold products and we had to include with our products what is known as a LMN (letter of medical necessity). that letter would summarize the patient's isssues with a few key numbers and why they needed said device. or devices. it also in most cases needed to be accompanied by Office notes and charts for at minimum 3 to 9 months back from that persons PCP/Referring physician.

Now what this, for the most part that company did a solid job of providing a solid service to the patient's that needed it. but lets be clear, that company was out to make money especially once it was picked up by a larger company that was publicly traded on the stock market. They do have a bottom line. and sure they have things about patient health in their motto. but lets be clear, usually these business if at first well meaning are about that $$$. so you already know we were churning out DME products without the LMNs in hopes the insurance companies would pay without requesting the info. some would, others wouldnt, and some eventually asked for this info a year later and if we didnt provide it. they would retract their payments.

Now thats not it. we would also try to get patients on more expensive products or the newer ones(to have that sale on the new product market) it costs more and it has newer accessories that you need for it to work even though some of these patients were just fine with the old product from 5 years ago. no issues. why do i need a new thing? i dont. but that company wanted to show better sales in that quarter , that year, etc.

so now you have the insurance companies where they hire Nurses to read these letters of medical necessity. but they also have an agenda. TRY TO DENY as much as possible. depending on the insurance company. You know how i know this? because I use to also work from one of the larger health insurance companies in the US. So yes you have companies out there pushing shady stuff. and you have insurance companies trying to deny everything ...shady or legit if they can. it was never up to the employee or person thats paying for benefits to tell their insurance that they have a medical need for procedure A B C or equipment XYZ. that insurance payer would laugh in their face and say you aint no doctor. nor are you a nurse.

and because this is all based on the company you work for and how much money they are willing to pay. the only way you can get that overturned is to appeal it and pray that the same people who looked at it the first time the insurance company will approve your appeal(why would they, they denied it first. you dont have any new info.) So how would you get this approved? you have to go to the person paying the premium. your Job. and hope they will fight for you and tell the insurance that they will leave them and go elsewhere if they dont take care of this legit case. I've seen this play out numerous times.

So i'm telling you, you never had control. and at least with M4A, you are the citizen who pays the taxes who pays for insurance from your government. so yes you are closer to having control over what they call medically necessary or not. you can say lets relax what is medically necessary. but remember for everything you want there is a price tag. the more you relax that. the more money the coverage will cost you. as long as you're willing to pay. thats on us the citizen.
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Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
its not a trick my friend. if you pay taxes and you vote for people that run your government YOU control your plan. sure we have to agree on what we want in our plan but if we're willing to pay extra or less thats the plan we will get. it aint rocket science like some foreign government is over our health insurance.

bernies plan:


(b) Revision And Adjustment.—The Secretary shall, on a regular basis, evaluate whether the benefits package should be improved or adjusted to promote the health of beneficiaries, account for changes in medical practice or new information from medical research, or respond to other relevant developments in health science, and shall make recommendations to Congress regarding any such improvements or adjustments.

here's the link to the full plan which has links to other pieces of medicare and social security due to the fact there is no reason to write it down twice when its already in a previous document.

Text - S.1129 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Medicare for All Act of 2019

there's no TRICK. No medical coverage will cover every single thing. NON. the ACA covered way more than normal private insurance for most workers. that was a fact. but it didnt cover everything. it never will. Unless of course you the tax payer are willing to pay whatever it takes to cover any and every thing that may arise. even some things that may arise .000002% of the time. even some things those .00002% could go out and pay for themselves and it wouldnt cost an arm and a leg to purchase.

medicare for all is not a cover everything for everyone plan. its a cover most things for everyone plan. and do it for less.

priv insurance as currently constructed is covered some things for some people at a very high and highly increasing price tag.

yeah that would be the case if there was a committee of sort that we voted for. Warren and Bernie won’t put that in their plans tho, bc they understand the accountability in that.

I know medicare for all won’t cover everything but most ppl don’t.

idk if your black or not but given your example, that’s exactly how smaller populations will suffer. That’s almost verbatim on how republican governors Explain their rationale.

for example blacks with sickle cell Anemia are .0002% of the population.

So we just say fukk it and let them die?:yeshrug:

I know nothings perfect, but just like fighting for Medicare for all, you can fight to make sure Medicare for all is truly for all.


Jun 8, 2012
yeah that would be the case if there was a committee of sort that we voted for. Warren and Bernie won’t put that in their plans tho, bc they understand the accountability in that.

I know medicare for all won’t cover everything but most ppl don’t.

idk if your black or not but given your example, that’s exactly how smaller populations will suffer. That’s almost verbatim on how republican governors Explain their rationale.

for example blacks with sickle cell Anemia are .0002% of the population.

So we just say fukk it and let them die?:yeshrug:

I know nothings perfect, but just like fighting for Medicare for all, you can fight to make sure Medicare for all is truly for all.
read all of what i just wrote above. i edited a lot. and yes i'm black.

and no we shouldnt just say F it and let them die. We first do research to find out that they are out there before we didnt know. now we know. now those people dealing with that illness or parents of people /friends, etc start pushing for it to be covered under bernies M4A. it will cost us all a few more pennies on our checks. are you willing to pay a few more pennies? I am. some of your neighbors are selfish like that. so they arent. but as long as we can get a large enough consensus we will fund it and that will be added. will we have to push for it? YES. can i believe a fighter of unions like bernie would listen? YES. would i believe a pete B, or Biden or the likes would listen? NO.
Warren, sure. i dont think she's some evil chick at all. even though i think she's more of a politician than bernie is. meaning she's more about playing along than actually doing whatever it takes to do the bidding of the citizens.

what i'm saying is lets be realistic. no plan will cover every single thing from the jump. we are not willing to pay that high of a price to do so even if bernie put that out there as an option.
So if we know this is the case. what is our goal? The cover all people for as much as we can as soon as we can. not to cover SOME MORE people and with better coverage(this is the ACA we have now, way better than the trash we use to have but super costly because everyone isnt in on helping the bring the costs down.)

dont throw the baby out with the bath water. we have to make these steps. we had to do the ACA to get here. quite as kept as much as i bang on Hillary if it wasnt for her we would've never even talked about an ACA. this all happened because her pushing healthcare when bill was president and she got shut down, partly because she was woman making the ask and a bunch of men didnt want to give her that win. even me the non hillary voter can be honest about that.

Hil care leads to obamacare leads to M4A leads to better M4A. leads to better M4A.........

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
read all of what i just wrote above. i edited a lot. and yes i'm black.

and no we shouldnt just say F it and let them die. We first do research to find out that they are out there before we didnt know. now we know. now those people dealing with that illness or parents of people /friends, etc start pushing for it to be covered under bernies M4A. it will cost us all a few more pennies on our checks. are you willing to pay a few more pennies? I am. some of your neighbors are selfish like that. so they arent. but as long as we can get a large enough consensus we will fund it and that will be added. will we have to push for it? YES. can i believe a fighter of unions like bernie would listen? YES. would i believe a pete B, or Biden or the likes would listen? NO.
Warren, sure. i dont think she's some evil chick at all. even though i think she's more of a politician than bernie is. meaning she's more about playing along than actually doing whatever it takes to do the bidding of the citizens.

what i'm saying is lets be realistic. no plan will cover every single thing from the jump. we are not willing to pay that high of a price to do so even if bernie put that out there as an option.
So if we know this is the case. what is our goal? The cover all people for as much as we can as soon as we can. not to cover SOME MORE people and with better coverage(this is the ACA we have now, way better than the trash we use to have but super costly because everyone isnt in on helping the bring the costs down.)

dont throw the baby out with the bath water. we have to make these steps. we had to do the ACA to get here. quite as kept as much as i bang on Hillary if it wasnt for her we would've never even talked about an ACA. this all happened because her pushing healthcare when bill was president and she got shut down, partly because she was woman making the ask and a bunch of men didnt want to give her that win. even me the non hillary voter can be honest about that.

Hil care leads to obamacare leads to M4A leads to better M4A. leads to better M4A.........

if you’re going to do it. Do it the right way. Bernie already has the most ambitious healthcare plan globally.

Unfortunately for some reason, ppl believe democrats will be in power forever.

u give Republicans the keys to the car and the unchecked consequences would literally kill ppl. They’ll cut and deny everything, and they can also it legally. On top of that there’s no recourse bc ppl only have one option

a solid progression to what it needs to be looks great on paper. But It’s still wrong :yeshrug:


Jun 8, 2012
if you’re going to do it. Do it the right way. Bernie already has the most ambitious healthcare plan globally.

Unfortunately for some reason, ppl believe democrats will be in power forever.

u give Republicans the keys to the car and the unchecked consequences would literally kill ppl. They’ll cut and deny everything, and they can also it legally. On top of that there’s no recourse bc ppl only have one option

a solid progression to what it needs to be looks great on paper. But It’s still wrong :yeshrug:
not just dems being in power forever. Good dems. not corporate dems. but the only people that could allow repubs or corporate dems in office are who? You and me the voter. so if we allow that to happen. shame on us. stop talking about the system like it aint you and me. it is. there are humans in there that we vote for. stop voting for idiots, stop voting for selfish people. this starts at the local level and up. stop allowing those people to get a foot hold into politics so they can never reach the president or senate, etc. I voted for Kamala twice in Cali. shame on me for not doing my research. did i think about she would ever run for pres? nope. shame on me for being so shortsighted. doesnt mean i had better alternatives but thats because all of us are doing a piss poor job of knowing whos who and whats what. and if you dont like whats there, push people who you CAN trust. push a friend to run. or you run if it gets that bad. this is on us.

M4A can't cover everything off bat. it just cant. we will have to work toward it covering most things that are medically necessary or could be medically necessary. but the moment they say ok we will cover it. lets not get cold feet when the price tag comes back. people talk a good game but let me see you put your money where ya mouth is.


All Star
May 18, 2012
not just dems being in power forever. Good dems. not corporate dems. but the only people that could allow repubs or corporate dems in office are who? You and me the voter. so if we allow that to happen. shame on us. stop talking about the system like it aint you and me. it is. there are humans in there that we vote for. stop voting for idiots, stop voting for selfish people. this starts at the local level and up. stop allowing those people to get a foot hold into politics so they can never reach the president or senate, etc. I voted for Kamala twice in Cali. shame on me for not doing my research. did i think about she would ever run for pres? nope. shame on me for being so shortsighted. doesnt mean i had better alternatives but thats because all of us are doing a piss poor job of knowing whos who and whats what. and if you dont like whats there, push people who you CAN trust. push a friend to run. or you run if it gets that bad. this is on us.

M4A can't cover everything off bat. it just cant. we will have to work toward it covering most things that are medically necessary or could be medically necessary. but the moment they say ok we will cover it. lets not get cold feet when the price tag comes back. people talk a good game but let me see you put your money where ya mouth is.

You're wasting your time. I had this exact same argument with this guy in the primary debate thread weeks ago. He is not interested in how the plan actually works or what's in the bill. His mind is made up that he prefers the status quo.


Jun 22, 2014
Naw. The government controls it. It’s a workaround they called medical necessity. So they decide if a procedure/equipment/service is medically necessary. You have no say, they have final approve and if u do want to add a procedure or equipment to being covered it takes 2-4 years.

Link. National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Durable Medical Equipment Reference List (280.1)

It’s a hidden trick Bernie has in his Bill, some black democrats tried to get it removed.

Liz used to be against it, by saying every service would be paid for. But backed down and added it to her plan as well.

It’s a dirty tactic that was started by republicans with medicaid to essentially deny services to certain populations, historically blacks.

It’s rooted in racism.

Sidenote- Biden has it as well and I support him. Ppl need to know about what her plan actually says tho, she’s being purposely opaque
Now, why in the world are you a Joe Biden supporter?


Jun 22, 2014
in regards to this policy. He got rid of medical necessity in his public option plan.

all his policies are actually attainable
That's a pretty low bar. And it doesn't actually *mean* anything.
"Attainable" by what measure?

Popular support? Closely-linked to Republican policies?

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
That's a pretty low bar. And it doesn't actually *mean* anything.
"Attainable" by what measure?

Popular support? Closely-linked to Republican policies?

Most everything he wants to implement can actually be paid for by just raising the tax threshold to what Obama had.

He also isn’t selling dreams on every topic he possibly can, unlike warren. So I believe him more.

He doesn’t have any closely linked republican policies.


Jun 8, 2012
in regards to this policy. He got rid of medical necessity in his public option plan.

all his policies are actually attainable
oh boy. saying someones policy is attainable being an excuse to support them is horrible reasoning.

Here's why. watch this.

Hey rapbeats, give us a policy thats attainable:

Me: Uhh...lets make minimum wage $8.00 per hour.

to a poster like you, is this attainable? YEP.

To a poster like me, is $8.00 per hour a living wage and do these companies have the funds to pay a living wage? YES.

see the difference?

attainable means absolutely nothing if what the person is setting up isnt any type of reach for anything above what is currently going on. or its so small of a reach it wont even matter much for most people.

IF people were thinking like you, we would've never had unions in the first place. which means we would not have ever had unemployment insurance in the first place. which means companies would be paying us a lot less per hour with worse benefits and we would have to live with the fear of getting fired for nothing and not having any unemployment coming in while we look for new employment.
In a nutshell, you're afraid. which is natural. but dont let that fear cloud your judgement. Here's the other thing too. whats the worse thing that could happen with a bernie. he tries and fails to get it done and we keep what we have. real simple. you can always go back to the crap you already have.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
oh boy. saying someones policy is attainable being an excuse to support them is horrible reasoning.

Here's why. watch this.

Hey rapbeats, give us a policy thats attainable:

Me: Uhh...lets make minimum wage $8.00 per hour.

to a poster like you, is this attainable? YEP.

To a poster like me, is $8.00 per hour a living wage and do these companies have the funds to pay a living wage? YES.

see the difference?

attainable means absolutely nothing if what the person is setting up isnt any type of reach for anything above what is currently going on. or its so small of a reach it wont even matter much for most people.

IF people were thinking like you, we would've never had unions in the first place. which means we would not have ever had unemployment insurance in the first place. which means companies would be paying us a lot less per hour with worse benefits and we would have to live with the fear of getting fired for nothing and not having any unemployment coming in while we look for new employment.
In a nutshell, you're afraid. which is natural. but dont let that fear cloud your judgement. Here's the other thing too. whats the worse thing that could happen with a bernie. he tries and fails to get it done and we keep what we have. real simple. you can always go back to the crap you already have.

Comparing the ability to pay for the Public Option with the biggest movements for american workers ever is incredibly unfair and disingenuous. I think you know that.

Bernie openly admits he would have to unseat 50% of the current dems with his people in order to even present his Medicare for All agenda.

I'm not scared about M4all, I want it. It just needs to be done the right accounting for Black people and what our future status will be in this country which is 3rd behind Mexicans and white people.

The public option is the logical next step, and even Warren says so.

I believe in the public option plan that accounts for and helps ALL BLACK PEOPLE. It's the same thing your candidate want's as well, its just coming from another source that actually included black people in the decision making process for the bill.

Biden's public option is better the Warren's for black people, simple as that.


Jun 8, 2012
Comparing the ability to pay for the Public Option with the biggest movements for american workers ever is incredibly unfair and disingenuous. I think you know that.

Bernie openly admits he would have to unseat 50% of the current dems with his people in order to even present his Medicare for All agenda.

I'm not scared about M4all, I want it. It just needs to be done the right accounting for Black people and what our future status will be in this country which is 3rd behind Mexicans and white people.

The public option is the logical next step, and even Warren says so.

I believe in the public option plan that accounts for and helps ALL BLACK PEOPLE. It's the same thing your candidate want's as well, its just coming from another source that actually included black people in the decision making process for the bill.

Biden's public option is better the Warren's for black people, simple as that.

a side public option will not work with private insurances running it as is right now. The reason it will not work is because our priv insurance companies will not play nice. they are greedy b*stards that do not care about the well being of our citizens. they care mostly about their bottom lines. that is a known fact.

So with this known fact. what would happen with a public OPTION.

The Public option will end up inheriting all of the super sick people and non of the super healthy people. which means you can't tax those people who want the priv option to help pay for the public option. those people will be offered dirt cheap plans with the priv insurance companies. since they're never sick, the priv insurance companies will make a lot of money without having to pay out much. while the government public option will go bankrupt in no time flat because for ANY insurance. you need people who never actually use the insurance to pay more into it than the people who do use it, actually use.

this is why you need that bernie M4A. we are all in, so we all have to pay in.