a side public option will not work with private insurances running it as is right now. The reason it will not work is because our priv insurance companies will not play nice. they are greedy b*stards that do not care about the well being of our citizens. they care mostly about their bottom lines. that is a known fact.
So with this known fact. what would happen with a public OPTION.
The Public option will end up inheriting all of the super sick people and non of the super healthy people. which means you can't tax those people who want the priv option to help pay for the public option. those people will be offered dirt cheap plans with the priv insurance companies. since they're never sick, the priv insurance companies will make a lot of money without having to pay out much. while the government public option will go bankrupt in no time flat because for ANY insurance. you need people who never actually use the insurance to pay more into it than the people who do use it, actually use.
this is why you need that bernie M4A. we are all in, so we all have to pay in.
That's what warren wants too. A public option.
Private insurance exists in every other country as well.