Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!

Apr 25, 2018
You might be right
Look at the polls before warren came up with her medicare for all plan payment and went all in trying to out left the socialist and his supporters she was leading in iowa and NH , now she is trailing in both of those caucus/primaries, she lost alot of moderate voters thinking she would gain kudos with bernie broes but its catch 22 because she isnt sanders nothing she says would ever appease them or make them vote for he over him, TYT and ana kasparian and bernie supporters in the media were smearing her so dingeniously as her reward same thing happened to kamala when she entered bernie medicare for all pipe dream bs bill pot hole. It never works and she has potentially gotten the moderates not to see her as a good option. All because she wanted to out left bernie sanders and pander to his cult followers. damn shame because she is the best politican running.


Feb 4, 2015
The Godverse
Look at the polls before warren came up with her medicare for all plan payment and went all in trying to out left the socialist and his supporters she was leading in iowa and NH , now she is trailing in both of those caucus/primaries, she lost alot of moderate voters thinking she would gain kudos with bernie broes but its catch 22 because she isnt sanders nothing she says would ever appease them or make them vote for he over him, TYT and ana kasparian and bernie supporters in the media were smearing her so dingeniously as her reward same thing happened to kamala when she entered bernie medicare for all pipe dream bs bill pot hole. It never works and she has potentially gotten the moderates not to see her as a good option. All because she wanted to out left bernie sanders and pander to his cult followers. damn shame because she is the best politican running.

Yeah, Medicare for All just isn't that popular. Most people like their health insurance and want to keep it. She's better of coming up with a "Medicare for All Who Want it Plan."


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
They just had their endorsement episode and she, of course, endorsed Bernie, but Cenk also went for Bernie. Made a pretty compelling case. Respect.

Cenk been in the progressive game damn near twenty years. Y'all were on meth if you thought he wasn't gonna go with og Bernie. :russ:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Cenk been in the progressive game damn near twenty years. Y'all were on meth if you thought he wasn't gonna go with og Bernie. :russ:
He’s been very complimentary of Liz precisely because he’s been in the progressive game for damn near 20 years and has seen the work she’s put in, especially around his pet issue of corruption. He explicitly said his endorsement was not a rebuke of Liz. He really likes her and he consistently pushes back on the dumbass Twitter left anti-Liz takes. Unlike them, his endorsement of Bernie was intelligent and principled.


Jun 3, 2012
Is this a real answer?

He linked a youtube video that shows the event itself...your confirmation bias is that strong?

This isnt a good look
Yes it is a real answer, and the bad look is to link a Daily Caller video. Do you know what the Daily Caller is? And it wasn’t just a video of the event itself it was DC commentary as well. This topic has already been discussed thoroughly, and it is AstroTurf bullshyt. I have no problem criticizing Warren when it is deserved. I have done so several time. But this is not a reason to do so.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
She wont win iowa and you can thank her moving to the left to please bernie sanders vile and evil supporters as a result, this is the second campaign bernie sanders has destroyed due to his bullshyt medicare for all program first was kamalas. Warren lost points in the polls once she came out with the plan to pay for it and moderates shied away from her but the kudos she was looking for from bernie supporters and the far left never came all she got was derision and smears and hateful attacks from TYT and bernie sanders propaganda media outlets. When history is written this will be her fatal flaw thinking going far left was going to win her the nomination, she trails in Iowa and NH and wont win NV and SC her campaign is basically done all thanks to sanders and her pandering to this b*stards

Pete bringing education back into the debate might save her campaign. She needs to get in Pete’s ass and really define herself as a mainstream progressive. He and Bloomberg are perfect foils for her to show how the billionaires are trying to buy there way into keeping disparities the same in society to their benefit. Also shout out Pete’s horrible record with black people. It should be emphasized cause it’s a part of his sparse record.

Also candidates need to realize Bernie bro’s are a personality cult and can’t be appeased. Some of the stuff he is allowed to propose is only going to work for him cause his followers will support him in everything.


Jun 8, 2012
Look at the polls before warren came up with her medicare for all plan payment and went all in trying to out left the socialist and his supporters she was leading in iowa and NH , now she is trailing in both of those caucus/primaries, she lost alot of moderate voters thinking she would gain kudos with bernie broes but its catch 22 because she isnt sanders nothing she says would ever appease them or make them vote for he over him, TYT and ana kasparian and bernie supporters in the media were smearing her so dingeniously as her reward same thing happened to kamala when she entered bernie medicare for all pipe dream bs bill pot hole. It never works and she has potentially gotten the moderates not to see her as a good option. All because she wanted to out left bernie sanders and pander to his cult followers. damn shame because she is the best politican running.
she may be the best "politician" running. but We the people dont need another great "politician". and thats the point you and your types miss.

Kamala signed on to the bernie bill disingenuously so did liz. so did most of those people who signed on and ran from what medicare for all bernie was actually pushing. like you said a great politician. poll tested, lick your index finger and put it in the air to see which way the wind blows. then go that way with your policies. thats all of these "politicians" sure liz had a thing for finance. but outside of that her policies were bernie policies. but her medicare for all plan wasnt true medicare for all because everytime they ask her about it. she would start shuffling her feet and half answering. which is what kamala was doing and so was yang until recently.

you dont think people can see that? of course they can. so they dont get on board because they know its not genuine.
Apr 25, 2018
she may be the best "politician" running. but We the people dont need another great "politician". and thats the point you and your types miss.

Kamala signed on to the bernie bill disingenuously so did liz. so did most of those people who signed on and ran from what medicare for all bernie was actually pushing. like you said a great politician. poll tested, lick your index finger and put it in the air to see which way the wind blows. then go that way with your policies. thats all of these "politicians" sure liz had a thing for finance. but outside of that her policies were bernie policies. but her medicare for all plan wasnt true medicare for all because everytime they ask her about it. she would start shuffling her feet and half answering. which is what kamala was doing and so was yang until recently.

you dont think people can see that? of course they can. so they dont get on board because they know its not genuine.
then why is joe biden still leading nationally and in key caucus/primary? he does not support medicare for all and wants a public option not bernie and warren idea


Jun 8, 2012
Yeah, Medicare for All just isn't that popular. Most people like their health insurance and want to keep it. She's better of coming up with a "Medicare for All Who Want it Plan."
stop these lies, stop these lies my friend.


people like their PCP/Doctor(s)
people MAY like the coverage they have (assuming they actually had some health scares and they actually had to find out if they were covered for these weird illness/and diseases, etc.

but no one Loves United Healthcare or Blue cross, etc.

Maybe Kaiser because kaiser is not a normal healthcare setup. they are an all in one medicare like, VA like setup. you go to them for insurance and you go to them for their doctors at their clinics and their hospitals. you cant' see anyone outside of their ecosystem and still be in network.
when you are referred to someone for a specialty, you are referred to a specialist within kaiser. this is the only insurance i could say someone would say "i like my INsurance" since there insurance is therefore then tied to their doctors, hospitals, ER's, Urgent Cares, Surgeons, etc.

when they ask people about medicare for all, the question is being incorrectly asked ON PURPOSE.
the only time they asked it correctly is when it showed that most people want it. and thats when they included the word about being able to keep your doctor. because unlike the ACA you would be able to keep your doctor since in medicare for all, all doctors/providers of services would accept the medicare for all plan. there would be no exceptions.

once you explain to people their actual insurance benefits will be just as good and most times even better with medicare for all. they would then say they like it and want it.

once you explain to them they will pay more in taxes but a lot less overall since no more premiums,deductibles, out of pocket expenses.

anyone that can do basic math would rather pay $100 more in payroll taxes per month and $200 less in insurance premiums, deds, copays per month the old fashion way.

yall need to stop the lying.

Having medicare for all means no one is no longer stuck on a job they hate or dead end job due to having to keep said job to keep their health insurance for themselves and their family members. you can get up and quit that job and go get a better job or try your hand at starting a business because you still have healthcare.

when the next union negotiation comes up. they can't hold health insurance over your head. they have to show you the money. these companies can't squeeze these union people by locking them out without a contract and have them scared because they need their insurance but they wont have it until the contract is signed. so some will buckle under pressure because they have babies and kids with health problems that cant wait.

Only someone making millions off the current system wouldnt want medicare for all. anyone else talking that talk has no clue of what they speak. period.


Jun 8, 2012
then why is joe biden still leading nationally and in key caucus/primary? he does not support medicare for all and wants a public option not bernie and warren idea
we know why old man crazy a.. joe is still leading.

be honest with yourself. joe looks crazy as sh... everytime they hit him with the close up. he's talking reckless every other tuesday. doesnt matter, still right there. the man is like a hemorrhoid. he wont go away. But why? because people are sheeple. People hate trump for obvious reasons, and they are so tried of the over the top trump nonsense, that they are just begging for any semblance of normality. which to them is what we use to have pre trump which was....Obama and Biden. this is the only reason he's still there.

if he didnt have that connection he would be dying away like kamala at this point in time.

Mayor Pete with his zero substance self, is only up in the polls because he blew the bank on these places thanks to the big donor groups giving him the cash to do so. people are easily swayed when it comes to politics. especially if you bombard them with ads and especially if when the media sides with a certain view point to keep their rich pockets lined.

people are bombarded every day with this idea that we should go with a corporate centrist. knowing good and well the reason trump was created was due to dems & repubs effing over the majority of regular non well off people.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
we know why old man crazy a.. joe is still leading.

be honest with yourself. joe looks crazy as sh... everytime they hit him with the close up. he's talking reckless every other tuesday. doesnt matter, still right there. the man is like a hemorrhoid. he wont go away. But why? because people are sheeple. People hate trump for obvious reasons, and they are so tried of the over the top trump nonsense, that they are just begging for any semblance of normality. which to them is what we use to have pre trump which was....Obama and Biden. this is the only reason he's still there.

if he didnt have that connection he would be dying away like kamala at this point in time.

Mayor Pete with his zero substance self, is only up in the polls because he blew the bank on these places thanks to the big donor groups giving him the cash to do so. people are easily swayed when it comes to politics. especially if you bombard them with ads and especially if when the media sides with a certain view point to keep their rich pockets lined.

people are bombarded every day with this idea that we should go with a corporate centrist. knowing good and well the reason trump was created was due to dems & repubs effing over the majority of regular non well off people.

Not going to lie it’s true people are fukking stupid