Yeah, Medicare for All just isn't that popular. Most people like their health insurance and want to keep it. She's better of coming up with a "Medicare for All Who Want it Plan."
stop these lies, stop these lies my friend.
people like their PCP/Doctor(s)
people MAY like the coverage they have (assuming they actually had some health scares and they actually had to find out if they were covered for these weird illness/and diseases, etc.
but no one Loves United Healthcare or Blue cross, etc.
Maybe Kaiser because kaiser is not a normal healthcare setup. they are an all in one medicare like, VA like setup. you go to them for insurance and you go to them for their doctors at their clinics and their hospitals. you cant' see anyone outside of their ecosystem and still be in network.
when you are referred to someone for a specialty, you are referred to a specialist within kaiser. this is the only insurance i could say someone would say "i like my INsurance" since there insurance is therefore then tied to their doctors, hospitals, ER's, Urgent Cares, Surgeons, etc.
when they ask people about medicare for all, the question is being incorrectly asked ON PURPOSE.
the only time they asked it correctly is when it showed that most people want it. and thats when they included the word about being able to keep your doctor. because unlike the ACA you would be able to keep your doctor since in medicare for all, all doctors/providers of services would accept the medicare for all plan. there would be no exceptions.
once you explain to people their actual insurance benefits will be just as good and most times even better with medicare for all. they would then say they like it and want it.
once you explain to them they will pay more in taxes but a lot less overall since no more premiums,deductibles, out of pocket expenses.
anyone that can do basic math would rather pay $100 more in payroll taxes per month and $200 less in insurance premiums, deds, copays per month the old fashion way.
yall need to stop the lying.
Having medicare for all means no one is no longer stuck on a job they hate or dead end job due to having to keep said job to keep their health insurance for themselves and their family members. you can get up and quit that job and go get a better job or try your hand at starting a business because you still have healthcare.
when the next union negotiation comes up. they can't hold health insurance over your head. they have to show you the money. these companies can't squeeze these union people by locking them out without a contract and have them scared because they need their insurance but they wont have it until the contract is signed. so some will buckle under pressure because they have babies and kids with health problems that cant wait.
Only someone making millions off the current system wouldnt want medicare for all. anyone else talking that talk has no clue of what they speak. period.