Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!


Jun 8, 2012
:ehh:really gotta hand it to her. she knows how to rope folk in.
thats if you're anti bernie or dont pay full attention to detail. why would you choose a knock off version of something when you could have the real thing? you wouldnt, especially if it would cost you the same price. Your vote. The only reason you would if you're going with identity politics(she's a woman and we need a woman in the white house)...which is fine. your choice. other than that. if you're on the warren train for her supposed progressive policies. then you should've already been on the bernie express bullet train to progress. if you say no. then back to identity poltiics or you're just anti bernie. that goes for you and anyone else.


Jun 8, 2012
He literally just showed a video of her saying it had nothing to do with pregnancy.
They refuse to let that video play. lol. the woman said out of her own mouth she realized she needed to go back to school. do you know why? because she was on an Emergency Teacher credential. which meant she didnt have a REAL ONE. which means, you need to do more specialized schooling to get a LEGIT Teaching Credential.

I have other theories why she didnt go back to be a teacher right away and instead went to law school. I think she found out it was super hard to teach those special needs kids and she realized she wasnt about to get paid good money where she was from. so she made a choice. not mad at that choice she had a kid on the way. does that take away a possibility that they told her to leave(without saying it) due to her being visibly pregos? of course not. of course that could've been another issue as well. but guess what Why would she not mention that when she was younger and told the original story? because she's doing what white women are known for doing. making up stories to make themselves look like they've been thru more trauma than they actually have.

the true reason to do this is to not appeal to her voting base which is well to do white women. It's to make herself seem like she's apart of the working class. so that the well to do white women can see her winning those people over so they know she's a safe bet to invest in. chess not checkers.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
I'm curious to hear her report on the costs of M4A or I guess her version of M4A. She tends to be pretty good on those things. So it should be solid.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
He literally just showed a video of her saying it had nothing to do with pregnancy.
She didn't say "it had nothing to do with pregnancy". She didn't explain why she left her initial job, she just said when she didn't continue in the education field. She just left the part about how she lost her initial job out.

Did you not read the articles? In April of that school year she had already been approved to teach the next year. Then by June, they took that away from her. THEN she went back to school to get credentialed after that. The claim that "it had nothing to do with pregnancy" and that she just needed to up her credential falls apart because they had already approved her for the next year without her upping her credential. In spots where they need teachers an emergency credential gets re-upped year after year, I didn't get my full credential until I'd already been teaching three years.

In the past sometimes she's mentioned getting forced out due to pregnancy, but often she didn't mention that part. That's because back in the day women were seen as the "weaker sex" and the possibility of them getting pregnant was seen as a big liability for employers. Emphasizing losing her job for being pregnant would have HURT women in the past because it would have emphasized what's seen as women's "weakness". It's only more recently that firing pregnant women is seen as an employer's problem and not as the woman's problem.


Jun 3, 2012

I was going to post this. What tends to happen in politics are dramatic overstatements. Ana stating that Warren’s statement is disastrous, is one of the biggest overreactions ever. It would of been fair if she said that I’m a little concern that her new proposal will be a step down from Bernie’s plan and we need to look at the specifics. I’m glad Cenk was there to bring sanity to the discussion. Cenk has been fair even though it clear Bernie is his first choice.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I was going to post this. What tends to happen in politics are dramatic overstatements. Ana stating that Warren’s statement is disastrous, is one of the biggest overreactions ever. It would of been fair if she said that I’m a little concern that her new proposal will be a step down from Bernie’s plan and we need to look at the specifics. I’m glad Cenk was there to bring sanity to the discussion. Cenk has been fair even though it clear Bernie is his first choice.
whats amazing is that:

1. Bernie's plan doesn't have nearly the same scrutiny for being even less clear on details
2. Theres also a Jayapal bill
3. Its literally a framework because even the Green New Deal was damn-near a list of bullet points. The ACA was like 900 pages. Bernie's bill is like...50? Thats nothing.


Jun 8, 2012
I'm curious to hear her report on the costs of M4A or I guess her version of M4A. She tends to be pretty good on those things. So it should be solid.
Pretty good one what? she's not creating it herself. her people are, which are probably attached to some think tank group etc that will write it up and do the math on her behalf. she aint doing it. now if its a policy she championed herself from day one she will do more of that math herself and be more involved with the process. so there is no such thing as her being good at adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing. its just math. You pay X more in taxes and you pay nothing in premiums/deductibles/coins/copays.

there is nothing interesting about any of these plans. some are better for corporations and super rich and worse for everyone else. some are much much better for everyone else and the super rich have to pay more money to get the same great service they've always received. while some plans completely exclude private insurance and others try to include them(which will never work in america.) you're either all in or all out on private insurance.


Feb 28, 2018
Pretty good one what? she's not creating it herself. her people are, which are probably attached to some think tank group etc that will write it up and do the math on her behalf. she aint doing it. now if its a policy she championed herself from day one she will do more of that math herself and be more involved with the process. so there is no such thing as her being good at adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing. its just math. You pay X more in taxes and you pay nothing in premiums/deductibles/coins/copays.

there is nothing interesting about any of these plans. some are better for corporations and super rich and worse for everyone else. some are much much better for everyone else and the super rich have to pay more money to get the same great service they've always received. while some plans completely exclude private insurance and others try to include them(which will never work in america.) you're either all in or all out on private insurance.
Her daughter is a lobbyist for kaiser. Guarantee the insurance and health care companies will have their hands in whatever policy she crafts. Imagine supporting a watered down open to corruption lying version of Bernie.


Jun 8, 2012
Her daughter is a lobbyist for kaiser. Guarantee the insurance and health care companies will have their hands in whatever policy she crafts. Imagine supporting a watered down open to corruption lying version of Bernie.
doesnt have to be that way. but it probably will. Listen, half my family works in healthcare and so do i. all of us work for private companies. but ask me if i care when it comes to Medicare for all? I'm willing to take that job loss L for my fellow citizens. Now i also know that where there will be job loss which no one talks about. there will also be a hiring spree working for the govt arm for medicare for all. no it will not replace the same amt of jobs that were there before since we didnt need them to begin with. a lot of us are working places and doing jobs we dont need to be doing if we're really honest about efficiency and costs. again thats fine by me. sure it wont be easy but its by far the best way forward for all of us. and as long as i'm an able body i can go find another job even doing what i do for these healthcare companies. I can do it for the government or some other private company in another area of business.


Jun 8, 2012
whats amazing is that:

1. Bernie's plan doesn't have nearly the same scrutiny for being even less clear on details
2. Theres also a Jayapal bill
3. Its literally a framework because even the Green New Deal was damn-near a list of bullet points. The ACA was like 900 pages. Bernie's bill is like...50? Thats nothing.
you sound silly. there is no comparison between bernie and warren on healthcare. PERIOD. there is no debate. anything that warren does today is AFTER what bernie has already put out there. Its a lot easier to piggy back on a great idea and expound on that vs having to come up with a good idea without having some other person(s) ideas to use as a jump off point that has already been vetted for better or worse.

Look bernie aint never lied about it being his idea. its an idea of people that have been even before him in america as well as we know its ideas from other 1st world countries around the globe. But he was brave enough to stick his neck out there. this is the one thing i use to give hilary credit for. what she attempted to do back when bill was president opened up the door for the ACA which has opened up the door for M4A. even if that aint what hil was truly trying to do. she gets some credit for that. but thats where it stops. There is no comparing candidates to bernie on healthcare. PERIOD. any attempt to do so is fake. you either in it and on that bern plan and want to add even better stuff to it. lets say for fun liz comes with a better progressive plan than bern. fine. What if bern changed his plan to be even more progressive than liz's. i bet my next check, you will cry like a baby talking about how bernie only changed his plan because how great liz's plan was. when in reality the only reason liz is publically speaking about M4A is because the coast is clear and bernie already has taken the early bullets for it. Cut it out. this is not a discussion.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
you sound silly. there is no comparison between bernie and warren on healthcare. PERIOD. there is no debate. anything that warren does today is AFTER what bernie has already put out there. Its a lot easier to piggy back on a great idea and expound on that vs having to come up with a good idea without having some other person(s) ideas to use as a jump off point that has already been vetted for better or worse.

Look bernie aint never lied about it being his idea. its an idea of people that have been even before him in america as well as we know its ideas from other 1st world countries around the globe. But he was brave enough to stick his neck out there. this is the one thing i use to give hilary credit for. what she attempted to do back when bill was president opened up the door for the ACA which has opened up the door for M4A. even if that aint what hil was truly trying to do. she gets some credit for that. but thats where it stops. There is no comparing candidates to bernie on healthcare. PERIOD. any attempt to do so is fake. you either in it and on that bern plan and want to add even better stuff to it. lets say for fun liz comes with a better progressive plan than bern. fine. What if bern changed his plan to be even more progressive than liz's. i bet my next check, you will cry like a baby talking about how bernie only changed his plan because how great liz's plan was. when in reality the only reason liz is publically speaking about M4A is because the coast is clear and bernie already has taken the early bullets for it. Cut it out. this is not a discussion.
you're an idiot

Clinton health care plan of 1993 - Wikipedia


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Her daughter is a lobbyist for kaiser. Guarantee the insurance and health care companies will have their hands in whatever policy she crafts. Imagine supporting a watered down open to corruption lying version of Bernie.
yall really want unsuccessful kids and shyt :laff:

and before you say this is political nepotism you're an idiot. Warren got elected in 2013 the first time. And she's 70 years old. Her daughter picked the last moment to start doing well in her career :francis: