Elephant in the room


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
A PC gamer who’s platform includes constant changing of graphic cards. Ran, cpu, etc complaining about SKU models(which only Xbox is doing btw)

:what: I didnt upgrade my PC for 7 years and it played every game at max still and even then, thats the complaint against PC's right? Fair enough. This is a new complaint against consoles.

So Sony isnt releasing a PS5 Pro a few years down the line? Okay :troll:


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
Microsoft and Sony are interested in making money, not pleasing you fanboys. Technology constantly changes so if theres a new console in like 2023/24 then thats just what it is. Like look at cell phones. Most cell phones these days become obsolete within like 3 or maybe 4 years. Even the next version might have some new feature or hardware that is completely different than the previous model. And multiple sku make sense cuz not everyone needs to be buying one console. Some may just want a different version. I'll use the nvidia gpu for example even tho i been slacking on my pc gaming lately. Currently I have a 1080. So i was thinking of getting the 3070 for the $500 or maybe the 3080 for $700. Both are upgrades over my 1080 anyways. I don't need no damn 3090 thats like what $1500 when either of the other ones are already decent enough. Not to mention who knows when the 4000 series may be released in like 2021 or 2022. Same with consoles. No need to buy the high end version when a standard one will work just as fine. These companies just tryna squeeze out money from people who think they need the top of the line shyt and don't realize the price will drop soon enough.


Apr 2, 2018
Thats the point, they are capitalizing on dumb consumers and unfortunately theirs hundreds of millions of dumb consumers. The word I used is shameless.

You have a great point but I think it’s important to remember that Nintendo had the industry on a 5 year refresh cycle from NES > SNES > N64 > GC > Wii but Sony and Microsoft have started widening the cycle.

The span from PS3/XBOX 360 > PS4/XBOX One was 7 years. The span between XBOX One and the Series is 7. So I do believe as these console generations persist for longer, there will be a natural space for a mid-generation refresh.

However, I’m 100% with you on the complication of the console but I don’t think Sony is doing it as much as Microsoft is. Microsoft is straight up dropping two separate configs on day one which will have tangible impacts on experience and expectations. Sony is basically saying “you want the disc drive or not”.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
You have a great point but I think it’s important to remember that Nintendo had the industry on a 5 year refresh cycle from NES > SNES > N64 > GC > Wii but Sony and Microsoft have started widening the cycle.

The span from PS3/XBOX 360 > PS4/XBOX One was 7 years. The span between XBOX One and the Series is 7. So I do believe as these console generations persist for longer, there will be a natural space for a mid-generation refresh.

However, I’m 100% with you on the complication of the console but I don’t think Sony is doing it as much as Microsoft is. Microsoft is straight up dropping two separate configs on day one which will have tangible impacts on experience and expectations. Sony is basically saying “you want the disc drive or not”.

but with Nintendo it was noticable differences rather it was carts, system design, controller, how games were saved, etc. I had all those consoles up to Wii and I never felt once like the console was just slightly different or felt slighted on the purchase.

Sony hands aint clean either. Mafukkas really bought a PS4 Pro to get the results Sony promised them on the original PS4 :francis: because they knew 60 FPS was a hot topic :francis:

This Series S bull shyt though.. :francis: one thing for sure it shouldnt count towards their total sales to compete against PS5 because it feels like theyre trying to cheat the system knowing damn well a cheaper console is going to sell better than their expensive console even though its not even as powerful as their current top end console :francis:


edit: I guess what im saying is I prefer the 5 year refresh, id rather them come out with a PS6 in 2025, with some real effort and new technology, UI, etc than them coming out with a PS5 pro as example in 2023, at the same price point, UI, controller, etc and all youre getting is a slightly better GPU.


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
It's gonna take some crazy-ass third party to come up and put the fire back under their asses. And considering most indie devs can just do shyt on PC, I'm sure it'll be decades before anyone makes a run at innovating new shyt.
It's just like Apple and cell phone companies. Just release the same shyt with a new box and hypebeasts will buy into it.

On top of that, it's like, we've had photorealistic games for a few generations now. So it's not like they can offer anything new, it's just a few frames here or there that don't matter to anyone except tryhard nerds (and most of those types play PC anyways).

Definitely the end of the golden age of gaming consoles, welcome to the silver era. :francis:


Apr 2, 2018
but with Nintendo it was noticable differences rather it was carts, system design, controller, how games were saved, etc. I had all those consoles up to Wii and I never felt once like the console was just slightly different or felt slighted on the purchase.

Sony hands aint clean either. Mafukkas really bought a PS4 Pro to get the results Sony promised them on the original PS4 :francis: because they knew 60 FPS was a hot topic :francis:

This Series S bull shyt though.. :francis: one thing for sure it shouldnt count towards their total sales to compete against PS5 because it feels like theyre trying to cheat the system knowing damn well a cheaper console is going to sell better than their expensive console even though its not even as powerful as their current top end console :francis:


edit: I guess what im saying is I prefer the 5 year refresh, id rather them come out with a PS6 in 2025, with some real effort and new technology, UI, etc than them coming out with a PS5 pro as example in 2023, at the same price point, UI, controller, etc and all youre getting is a slightly better GPU.

Yeah I get you...Nintendo is always differentiating and creating unique experiences and Sony and Microsoft are basically the Madden of consoles. Slight upgrade, new logo, and now it’s considered a new gen. I agree with you 100%.


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
To me it says build a damn PC and put whatever GPU and CPU in it you want...

Animal House

May 28, 2012
If you want to keep up with the tech that evolves during a console generation then yeah update your shyt but for me personally I could care less :yeshrug:

I still got my day one ps4 and never got the pro, to me it was a waste of money even though I’m never strapped for cash. My intention was to wait patiently for the next cycle when the upgraded versions were released. These companies want to milk their base nothing more nothing less. Early adopters of both systems were screwed as there was no discount to upgrade minus a trade in, plus they know there is a vast majority that will did the new bells and whistles making them a easy mark.


Apr 30, 2012
America's Darkside--210
Doubt the arcadium is ready for this grown conversation yet even though majority of the posters here are grown :ld:

No one else finds it shameless that both xbox and playstation are coming out with multiple SKU's on launch date ? And will count both SKU's towards 1 sales goal to compete with each other ? Its basically saying, hey we couldn't make 1 complete great console that caters towards a definite console crowd so we are going to release welfare versions under the new generation names but will be barely more powerful than current gen (looking at you xbox series x)

The original idea of the console was supposed to be a single simple solution to video gaming. You plug it into the wall, you put the game in and it you play it. That was the argument all these years vs PC gaming where you had to customize your set up, your in game settings, etc.

But this is basically what Sony and Microsoft are doing. Different rigs, that can play games on different settings, that will require different TV's and internet set ups, etc.

I also found it shameless that half way through a cycle they release the "pro" versions of these consoles, almost no different then video game companies hiding characters behind a paywall/DLC package, Sony and Microsoft have all intentions of releasing multiple SKU's during a console cycle (and again adding all these sales towards 1 sale and boasting about it even though it took 3-4 models in that period to accomplish that).

what im saying is that - the technology you will see in the PS5 Pro or Xbox Series X X or whatever dumb name Microsoft will come out with, 3 years down the road, is already available. Sony and Microsoft are budgeting right now, in a race (dont you miss when consoles had different release dates, I really dont understand the marriage that Microsoft and Sony have created to always be in competition even down to the release months and dates. Nintendo be doing its own thing and winning :hubie: ) and its completely dumbing / slowing down technology. Because as example if Sony would just wait 6 months to a year to release PS5, they would have way superior hardware -- which they will release 3 years under the "Pro" SKU and name but they HAVE to release the same time as Microsoft and vice versa to be in this race for who sells the most units the fastest.

Im sure im not articulating this the right way but basically what im saying is, you arent getting neither Sony or Microsoft A+ effort on either of these release date consoles and theyre just bidding time til they can release a superior product just 2-3 years down the line and resell it to you guys for a few better frames per second or more guaranteed 4k resolution and they know people will buy them again, doubling their sales.

The days of companies releasing just 1 great console and it lasting 7 years are done.

Not even sure why I wasted my time typing this, no one reads anything past 3 sentences on here and since this is the home of the extreme stan im sure no one is going to read this with an open mind. Just my 2 cents.

What are you talking about:dwillhuh:

Both PS5s have the exact same internal hardware, they aren't pulling an Xbox. Did you complain about consoles having different sizes of hard drives too? Your PC hardware companies release hundreds of different video cards and CPUs. Some of y'all talk just to talk:hhh:

If you don't want a midgen refresh don't buy it. I didn't and my launch PS4 is still playing all the new games. Yeah MS/Sony could put 3080s in their console but I rather they make something under $499.
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