Effeminate white man is tired of you brehs complaining about fat black women and single mothers.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Of course you would. :dame:

What I find telling about all of this is: say you don't like only single mothers and fat women (did the original video even mention race? It's not important anyways) and somehow you hate all black women. I mean really now. This is the larger issue.

You can trash all black men with no backlash. Say black men are trash while poor Okwonko in the middle of a village in Africa is wondering why you're mentioning him. He milks goats as he's supposed to. Drinks palm wine responsibly. And he still gets trashed. I cry for poor Okwonko. No tiktoks will be made by ugly zesty cacs and if you point out not all black men you get dragged for it. To hell with nuance. Say you don't want to date a portion of the black community, all hell breaks loose. Seriously now. :hhh:

The same world that literally celebrates black male death and pain?

The same world that referred to black male youths as "super predators"?
The same world that has black women telling other black women to abort their black male fetuses with little to no backlash?
And you think this same world is going to be oh so sympathetic to black women, the same world that allowed forced sterilization of black women for mere drug offenses? Really?

In any case, the fact that many people ignore the the balkinization of the black community, and hence the black vote and thus the splitting and weakening of the vote in a manner that does not help black women is beyond telling. The same people who complain about the videos above will ignore this. Even more so I thought this shyt was just the internet. Now it's real? Now this we should be concerned about? This is the problem. We obviously have a tiered society in the black community and some people feel slighted by this.

The funny part is, black women (some) will, in some ways, get what they want but it'll come in the form of resounding apathy but it will not go the way they want. It is easier to not care and care about oneself instead. No one will accuse you of hating black women for making a general statement about an issue. No one will claim you hate your mother and so on and so on. We are already seeing it from an electoral standpoint in some places. We see this as black female homelessness increases to the point some places have to hand out literal focused and directed reparations (cacs are laffing) bonues makeshift welfare payments for single black mothers only. Skyrocketing obesity with black women at the forefront as the most obese group in America. It's bad out there, black women do need help but with republicans acting out on black and women's rights, it'll only get worse for them and a lot of black guys will only be worried about their own and not women as a whole since many of them will act like they don't exist.

The funny part is, this is actually done already, with podcasts that call out those that are dispensing bad advice too. It's one big giant network. This is the problem I have with the zesty in OP. There are so many others videos but he focuses on these ones, ignoring his ilk who are up to fukk shyt too. His concerns reek of bullshyt.
Exactly. There’s a million videos of white men saying the same. Somehow his algorithm keeps taking him to these black male red pill vids. Even I don’t run across those vids as a black man on Twitter. Something isn’t right here. Its clear this zesty white guy has a gay best friend sister gurl pandering agenda. This is obvious.
What's stopping you from pushing back?
My pushback means nothing if the culture and media allows it…

I’ll just look like a crazy man and misogynoirist if I publicly call it out. That’s why I discuss it on the coli.

I know need that pushback to my pushback. I’m good. 😸 :smile:


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
gonna agree with the zesty dude

too many men online complaining about women
from tiktok to youtube

i never see cac content creators shytting on white women tho :mjpls:
White men (at least the successful and attractive ones) are extremely HOH status by nature due to the amount of power that they have as a group. Alot of the thick "pawgs" on here that cats on here like @Love Bizarre make threads about, are strictly pump and dump status along with asians and white passing latinas.

nose hair

Feb 14, 2014
White men (at least the successful and attractive ones) are extremely HOH status by nature due to the amount of power that they have as a group. Alot of the "pawgs" on here that cats on here like @Love Bizarre make threads about are strictly pump and dump status along with asians and white passing latinas.

Another brand new poster mentioning me. :mjlol:

What's going on here? :mjtf:

Funny y'all posters who don't like or complain about White women only focus on the threads y'all don't like

I have a lot of threads on Black women and yet, no one talks about that

in fact, one of my threads on Nia Long just got bumped

but I guess you didn't see that, huh? Yeah.... right.



Mar 6, 2015
I'm honestly less bothered by all the virotrol being directed at bw (a lot of us are numb to it at this point) than I am in realizing how the mass circulation of this type of content can negatively affect bm who don't engage in this foolishnes.

The world is watching. People will become less empathetic to the plight of bm when they see bm displaying a lack of empathy for their own women.
How so?