Effeminate white man is tired of you brehs complaining about fat black women and single mothers.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Of course you would. :dame:

What I find telling about all of this is: say you don't like only single mothers and fat women (did the original video even mention race? It's not important anyways) and somehow you hate all black women. I mean really now. This is the larger issue.

You can trash all black men with no backlash. Say black men are trash while poor Okwonko in the middle of a village in Africa is wondering why you're mentioning him. He milks goats as he's supposed to. Drinks palm wine responsibly. And he still gets trashed. I cry for poor Okwonko. No tiktoks will be made by ugly zesty cacs and if you point out not all black men you get dragged for it. To hell with nuance. Say you don't want to date a portion of the black community, all hell breaks loose. Seriously now. :hhh:

The same world that literally celebrates black male death and pain?

The same world that referred to black male youths as "super predators"?
The same world that has black women telling other black women to abort their black male fetuses with little to no backlash?
And you think this same world is going to be oh so sympathetic to black women, the same world that allowed forced sterilization of black women for mere drug offenses? Really?

In any case, the fact that many people ignore the the balkinization of the black community, and hence the black vote and thus the splitting and weakening of the vote in a manner that does not help black women is beyond telling. The same people who complain about the videos above will ignore this. Even more so I thought this shyt was just the internet. Now it's real? Now this we should be concerned about? This is the problem. We obviously have a tiered society in the black community and some people feel slighted by this.

The funny part is, black women (some) will, in some ways, get what they want but it'll come in the form of resounding apathy but it will not go the way they want. It is easier to not care and care about oneself instead. No one will accuse you of hating black women for making a general statement about an issue. No one will claim you hate your mother and so on and so on. We are already seeing it from an electoral standpoint in some places. We see this as black female homelessness increases to the point some places have to hand out literal focused and directed reparations (cacs are laffing) bonues makeshift welfare payments for single black mothers only. Skyrocketing obesity with black women at the forefront as the most obese group in America. It's bad out there, black women do need help but with republicans acting out on black and women's rights, it'll only get worse for them and a lot of black guys will only be worried about their own and not women as a whole since many of them will act like they don't exist.

The funny part is, this is actually done already, with podcasts that call out those that are dispensing bad advice too. It's one big giant network. This is the problem I have with the zesty in OP. There are so many others videos but he focuses on these ones, ignoring his ilk who are up to fukk shyt too. His concerns reek of bullshyt.
Okonkwo was that dude

Things Fall Apart>>

I haven’t read that book in forever

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Yes to hobbies, but the other thing??

There should be a stigma around that. The answer can’t be to check out because things aren’t necessarily going as planned/the way you want. That’s part of this experience.
Nah I fukks with you but I can’t rock with this

That’s actually one of the cruelest things in humanity to me, the fact people are pressured if not outright forced to continue living a life they’re absolutely miserable living just because people who don’t have their same level of misery don’t see their lives the same way.

I overall agree with @Wiseborn

People need to get in where they fit in. Not even just when it comes to dating, in all aspects of life. Part of that starts with other people who’s lives are objectively “better” or fronting ass people not shaming people for living a less than ideal life.

Like when I see people clowning dudes for being un/under employed. There’s literally not enough jobs for every single adult male to make $80k+. And society needs people to work those low paying jobs to function properly. Hell there isn’t enough jobs period for every single adult to have one.


Feb 16, 2017
Nah I fukks with you but I can’t rock with this

That’s actually one of the cruelest things in humanity to me, the fact people are pressured if not outright forced to continue living a life they’re absolutely miserable living just because people who don’t have their same level of misery don’t see their lives the same way.

I overall agree with @Wiseborn

People need to get in where they fit in. Not even just when it comes to dating, in all aspects of life. Part of that starts with other people who’s lives are objectively “better” or fronting ass people not shaming people for living a less than ideal life.

Like when I see people clowning dudes for being un/under employed. There’s literally not enough jobs for every single adult male to make $80k+. And society needs people to work those low paying jobs to function properly. Hell there isn’t enough jobs period for every single adult to have one.
Exactly there's plenty of people who's lives sucked since they were born and every day is a torture. The funny thing is that most dudes with severe genetic deformities are pretty happy because they don't expect to live the life of Reilly it's the dudes that are able bodied and average gang as a opposed to ugly gang who's incensed that a bytch that they like won't talk to them.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
What's your definition of warring? White feminists have been calling out their men for the last several years even specifically using "White men" in their posts. Brie Larson, for example, told White dudes to have a seat, and she's been getting hate ever since.

Anyway, people keep ignoring the crazy amounts of c00ning that guys were doing at the start of the decade on social media. That's what help led to this entire "pink pill" and "divestment" phenomenon. It is blowback.
Your timeline is out of whack. Ppl like Krystelin Karazin(or however you spell) is the mother of the divesting movement. She’s been popular on the internet since the mid 00s. The social media c00ning at the start of the 2010s happened way after the seeds of the pink pill movement were already planted. Go read some old forums from the 00s. Pre Kevin Samuels, pre Tommy Sotomyor, pre all of that. You already had seeds of the divest movement. Not just in niche Internet forums, but even in media. Guess Who’s Coming home remake, Something New, and a host of other movies aimed at Black Women “stepping out of her lane to find happiness”. Movies like Lakeview Terrace(jealous black men), etc. ABC News Reports on why successful black women are unmarried and highlighting the failures of black men and black patriarchy. All of this predates KS, Tommy Sotomyor, Andrew Tate, etc.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
A lot of them sound like the “incels” people talk about. Either they were on the short bus or on the spectrum, but it’s like many don’t realize how it makes them look like they can’t get ANY women they want because they keep focusing on what they don’t want.

There are men out there who are rich, broke, fine, unattractive, big, fit, extroverted, introverted, etc who don’t consistently make these videos because they know what women want, and they have/are it so they have their pick.

Just like the women who actually attract men who have their shyt together would never get on the internet to complain about men.

If you have what the gals/guys want, you would be fielding offers from at least some who fit what you’re attracted to.

It’s like complaining about money/the current economy. The people who have it aren’t complaining- they’re still buying houses, filling up the tank and going about their daily lives.

People (men and women) keep harping on this stuff because they themselves are the people who aren’t doing the work to get a better partner.

The guys I know have women literally thrown themselves at them. Friends and family alike. They are successful and well groomed and can’t keep the women away. Which taught me to be on my shyt in regards to looks & personality so that I remain competitive.

A lot of folks come from families that didn’t teach them to compete from a young age. Girls used to comment on my looks and say I was wasting money on hair/nails when I was younger, but guess what? My mom taught me to stay fly. You can totally do those things yourself, or pay to get them done. Either way, keep it together 🤷🏾‍♀️ Those girls had an attitude with me, but wondered why every guy I attracted had his shyt together- even when he was 20 (because young men who come from successful families start getting money in HS/early college years. I’m watching it in my family now).

Now everyone’s out in the real world and realizing that we have to WORK for everything, including each other. Exercise can be fun, but I don’t necessarily LIKE working out 5 days a week.

You know what I’m doing today, though? Making my green smoothie and doing a double today and tomorrow. Why? Because I understand what is considered valuable about women. I’m not going to be a size 20 and say men are shallow. I’m just going to be a size 6 and continue putting in the work.


Aug 10, 2015
It is weird to constantly talk about things that you hate that don't bear any weight on your life. Like literally people on here go on and on about how they hate women they don't want to date anyway. It doesn't make sense. Oh and Lizzo.

Buddy, caping for Lizzo is a big order. Idk if you have a net big enough to catch her :hubie:


Mar 11, 2022
Nah I fukks with you but I can’t rock with this

That’s actually one of the cruelest things in humanity to me, the fact people are pressured if not outright forced to continue living a life they’re absolutely miserable living just because people who don’t have their same level of misery don’t see their lives the same way.

I overall agree with @Wiseborn

People need to get in where they fit in. Not even just when it comes to dating, in all aspects of life. Part of that starts with other people who’s lives are objectively “better” or fronting ass people not shaming people for living a less than ideal life.

Like when I see people clowning dudes for being un/under employed. There’s literally not enough jobs for every single adult male to make $80k+. And society needs people to work those low paying jobs to function properly. Hell there isn’t enough jobs period for every single adult to have one.
I cannot get behind that.

Firstly, comparison is the thief of joy. We all aren’t going to have the same lives, same experiences, same advantages/disadvantages. It’s important that people don’t mock others’ lives and situations.

That being said, life isn’t created for us to end it ourselves. The ability to reason doesn’t mean we should ultimately reason to check out of this experience because it’s rough. And I understand I’m speaking from whatever bit of privilege I have, but nah…there are plenty of things I can compare about my life to that of some relatives and say “Oh man, they lucked out in the situations they were born in compared to mine” (again, not saying I had some horrible life). Not to mention other people who really have it great. But that’s life.
That can give you the fire and ambition to change your situation, or understanding to accept it. But you don’t have to check out.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
I cannot get behind that.

Firstly, comparison is the thief of joy. We all aren’t going to have the same lives, same experiences, same advantages/disadvantages. It’s important that people don’t mock others’ lives and situations.

That being said, life isn’t created for us to end it ourselves. The ability to reason doesn’t mean we should ultimately reason to check out of this experience because it’s rough. And I understand I’m speaking from whatever bit of privilege I have, but nah…there are plenty of things I can compare about my life to that of some relatives and say “Oh man, they lucked out in the situations they were born in compared to mine” (again, not saying I had some horrible life). Not to mention other people who really have it great. But that’s life.
That can give you the fire and ambition to change your situation, or understanding to accept it. But you don’t have to check out.
This is definitely coming from a place of privilege :unimpressed:

You have no clue what a person who wants to kill themselves is going thru. A person gotta have some severe pain whether physical, mental or both to want to end their own lives. It’s easy for people with a relatively good life to have your point of view using the justification of “I go thru things too” when the person who wants to die would trade their problems for yours a hell of a lot quicker than you’d trade yours for theirs.

It’s fukked up people are basically forced to live because a person can literally be prosecuted for attempting suicide and thrown in an institution.

The way society looks at and treats people who are suicidal is one of the cruelest parts of humanity especially since it’s a viewpoint shared by the majority.

Hoodoo Child

The Urban Legend
Jul 22, 2017
The Crossroads
Nah I fukks with you but I can’t rock with this

That’s actually one of the cruelest things in humanity to me, the fact people are pressured if not outright forced to continue living a life they’re absolutely miserable living just because people who don’t have their same level of misery don’t see their lives the same way.

I overall agree with @Wiseborn

People need to get in where they fit in. Not even just when it comes to dating, in all aspects of life. Part of that starts with other people who’s lives are objectively “better” or fronting ass people not shaming people for living a less than ideal life.

Like when I see people clowning dudes for being un/under employed. There’s literally not enough jobs for every single adult male to make $80k+. And society needs people to work those low paying jobs to function properly. Hell there isn’t enough jobs period for every single adult to have one.
While I agree with restoking the flames of competition in men, I'm still torn on suicide. Because on hand, yeah we don't know what another person might be going through, cus' we're not walkin in their shoes; but on the other - if you feel it's the right thing to do, then it needs to be in an environment where it's legally welcomed and can be safely done in the most humane way possible.