Then just build a pc then nerd, how you gonna claim being a casual gamer and on the other hand be mad that the fukking pc is gonna be better looking,
Go look up how much parts are for a top of the line pc and then explain how they would get all that into a console for less than a grand, and still sell it at a price that most people can afford
Well, they are gonna sell somewhere near 100 to 200 million of these things
You don't think price would come down on orders like that

Why do ppl do that? See what price they would have to pay then think Microsoft would pay that anyway? they'd get a discount. Then if they want millions of them, they get a much deeper discount.
But maybe I'm speaking jibberish...
The PS3 has outsold the 360 worldwide now
No, the ps3 has outshipped the xbox 360. When it comes to active systems, the xbox outnumber the ps3 and wii and wii-u combined (Tru Story)
Let these dudes throw their fake ass numbers around like theres some big ass gap in sells lol
If you really wanted to get to the bottom of this, just check out the monthly sales worldwide.
In the US xbox outsells the ps3 by millions of systems each year.
Then people who don't follow this shyt just blert out "Uh, japan"
Japan, the ps3 sells like 20,000 systems a month. Xbox is like 2,000
Thats not gonna make up the millions gap that the US and UK.
Where is these other countries were ps3 is murdering the xbox?
Show me, cuz I never seen it. Then at the end of the year sony reports shipped and dumbasses like yourself go
You only know shipped, you don't care about sold. If you did, you'd know the truth
You would want to know the truth if you was winning so