Without Cockmeat, it seems the console war shyt goes on anyway
Too bad you couldn't afford to buy a vowel
Bolded for truth
Now your going off the deep end, making yourself stupid. With the internet age, we are more informed on what is good/bad. We even get demo's of every game to try before we buy. Popular GOOD games sell, shytty one's don't
If the ps3 "sold" more systems

then why are the games not selling?
I'm talking, like your entire year profile of games selling less than one game on the other platform?
Fanboys lie, number's don't
So then Kinect is guaranteed to be a hit, that means we already won next gen!!!
Sony has shipped more systems, not sold. HUGE difference...
Sony wouldn't allow anyone to sell blu-ray players for less than that price because they wanted to make the ps3 more attractive cuz it had no games.
Go head and google it...
Kinect Sports sold more than every AAA ps3 exclusive COMBINED
Shadow Complex 2 will be a launch title in that "reality" you know nothing about...
Welcome to the console war bruh