Marlo Barksdale
Really out chea
Hip-hop is in a stagnant place because nobody filled the different roles.
It's all one kind of male rap (smokin opps) and one kind of female rap (prostitute) making "hit" songs.
Before "conscious" rappers knew how to make radio songs and "street" rappers knew how to make radio songs. Now everybody just makes the most explicit one verse song they can think of with a chorus being optional.
For the last few years even Drake hasn't been able to really make any hits that last.
It's all one kind of male rap (smokin opps) and one kind of female rap (prostitute) making "hit" songs.
Before "conscious" rappers knew how to make radio songs and "street" rappers knew how to make radio songs. Now everybody just makes the most explicit one verse song they can think of with a chorus being optional.
For the last few years even Drake hasn't been able to really make any hits that last.