Ebro and Tariq Nasheed debating over #DACA


Aug 25, 2015
Ebro is just virtue signaling in that tweet.

Isn't it interesting that he has to virtue signal instead of saying something like, "black people we have to stand for Hispanics like that time they stood for us in..."

Virtue signaling all he can do because he knows that haven't earned our self-sacrifice and support.

But we'll give it anyway because that's what we do:yeshrug:


Sep 11, 2015

It's all for yourself going forward and I hope many black ppl get they asses on code and stop the love everybody lifestyle.

fukk'em and didn't they vote this dude in :what:

Just cuz you know a few rap artists, don't mean we are obligated to come together, fukk you and your cause, yea I said it and mean it


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Isn't it interesting that he has to virtue signal instead of saying something like, "black people we have to stand for Hispanics like that time they stood for us in..."

Virtue signaling all he can do because he knows that haven't earned our self-sacrifice and support.

But we'll give it anyway because that's what we do:yeshrug:
The entire way he phrased that was very condescending.


Omniversal Guardian
May 4, 2012
Dr Boyce Watkins made a very interesting point with one question.....

If African Americans were out here fighting for reperations for the TRILLIONS of dollars that were robbed from our ancestors, would Latinos OR ANY OTHER GROUP for that matter be out on the front lines fighting for us?

And I don't mean a few tokens, im talking about MILLIONS of Latinos on the front line like they want us to be for them. Think about that.

You see these cowards in here trying their best to act like black folks ain't the main ones fighting white supremacy EVERYDAY, even for groups who could give a shyt about us. Sorry latinos/hispanics/mestizos or whatever the hell u call yourselves BUT THE JIG IS UP.

Your whole demographic is full of c00ns....yall so busy trying to call out black people why don't you go deal with that self hate that exists in your own communities. Yall ain't nothing but the white mans lap dog, you can't be trusted and I don't blame any black person who doesn't give a fukk about u being deported. Just go look at how most of these central and south American countries treat their darker skin citizens. The jig is up, stop sucking so much white dikk and maybe we'd take u seriously


May 21, 2012
Y'all nikkas sound stupid advocating for black people to only care about injustices that only involve black people. Period.

What's wrong is wrong and what's right is right. Being all up in arms about some of us caring about DACA just shows some of y'all just want to be contrary and have some shyt to complain about. Wish some of you fake ass militants would keep Tariq's dikk out of your mouths with all that smart dumb bullshyt y'all be talking and be fake out raged about.
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Aug 25, 2015
Y'all nikkas sound stupid advocating for black people to only care about injustices that only involve black people. Period.

What's wrong is wrong and what's right is right. Being all up in arms about some of us caring about DACA just shows some of y'all just want to be contrary and have some shyt to complain about. Wish some of you fake ass militants would keep Tariq's dikk out of your mouths with all that smart dumb bullshyt y'all be talking and be fake out raged about.

Take this entire post and direct it at Hispanics.

Come back to us and let us know how they respond


May 21, 2012
Take this entire post and direct it at Hispanics.

Come back to us and let us know how they respond

So because some Hispanics are ignorant we should sit back and fight ignorance with ignorance huh? That is what makes sense to you? Some of you dudes are so confident in your simple mindedness while being so loud and wrong, it's ridiculous.

Hoodoo Child

The Urban Legend
Jul 22, 2017
The Crossroads
Dr Boyce Watkins made a very interesting point with one question.....

If African Americans were out here fighting for reperations for the TRILLIONS of dollars that were robbed from our ancestors, would Latinos OR ANY OTHER GROUP for that matter be out on the front lines fighting for us?

And I don't mean a few tokens, im talking about MILLIONS of Latinos on the front line like they want us to be for them. Think about that.

You see these cowards in here trying their best to act like black folks ain't the main ones fighting white supremacy EVERYDAY, even for groups who could give a shyt about us. Sorry latinos/hispanics/mestizos or whatever the hell u call yourselves BUT THE JIG IS UP.

Your whole demographic is full of c00ns....yall so busy trying to call out black people why don't you go deal with that self hate that exists in your own communities. Yall ain't nothing but the white mans lap dog, you can't be trusted and I don't blame any black person who doesn't give a fukk about u being deported. Just go look at how most of these central and south American countries treat their darker skin citizens. The jig is up, stop sucking so much white dikk and maybe we'd take u seriously
:whoo: Dapped + Rep
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
At this point even the undocumented are hurting themselves. This is a safety issue.

How the fukk can the government accommodate this? And y'all say they're not a drag on the tax base.

This is exactly what we're talking about.

When the round of musical chairs stops, who is left holding the bag?

Houston's Undocumented Residents Left Destitute And Fearful In Harvey's Wake
Adrian FloridoSeptember 7, 20179:40 AM ET

Victor Matuz and Iris Amador lost most of their possessions to the flooding. Because they lack legal status, they don't qualify for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Adrian Florido/NPR
As the water rose on their first-floor apartment, Rosa Sosa and her family fled to a vacant unit on the second floor. They watched in horror as it continued to rise, as it swallowed most of the cars in the parking lot that rings their sprawling two-story complex, as it stuck around, stubbornly, even after the rain stopped.

The family waited nearly two days for the floodwaters to recede. When they finally returned home, they found all of their possessions destroyed and themselves back where they were three years ago when they first crossed into the U.S., illegally, fleeing the gangs of El Salvador. They had nothing then. They have nothing now.

"The beds were the most important thing," Sosa said. She, her husband and their 24-year-old daughter, Roxana, have been sleeping on the floor. A hammock hangs in the living room for Roxana's toddler. They would like to replace the beds, but can't.

"We haven't even bought food because we have to pay rent," Sosa said. "We've just been eating the little things that people have brought by."

The Sosa family's has become a typical story in the days since Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on Texas's Gulf Coast region. Houston is home to some 600,000 immigrants without legal status — 1 in 10 Houstonians does not possess the right to live in the U.S. — and in the storm's aftermath, many of them now find themselves teetering on the edge of destitution.

Unlike other victims of the storm, immigrants in the U.S. illegally do not qualify for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The exception are those, like Roxana Sosa, who are allowed to submit an application in the name of a U.S.-born child. Even so, advocates say, many who qualify have not done so out of fear that asking for help might alert immigration authorities to their presence and ultimately lead to deportation.

"We're afraid," Sosa said, standing in the gutted living room that has been overcome by the odor of dampness and mold. "That's why we don't declare our losses. We haven't even gone to the management office here at the apartment complex."

Many immigrants in Texas were afraid even before the storm hit. They had been bracing for a tough immigration enforcement law that was to take effect Sept. 1; a federal judge temporarily blocked it last week.

Since the storm, local and federal officials have gone to great lengths to assure immigrants in need of disaster relief that seeking it will not have immigration consequences. Mayor Sylvester Turner promised the fearful that there would be no immigration enforcement at Red Cross shelters. Those applying for FEMA assistance in the name of a U.S.-born child are also protected.

The Department of Homeland Security similarly announced that the border agents it dispatched to assist with disaster relief were there to help, not to enforce immigration laws.


Much of the onus for helping immigrants without legal status is falling on private groups. Over the weekend, a group of volunteers from Austin delivered a trailer full of supplies to an immigrant neighborhood in Houston.

Adrian Florido/NPR
"We're here to make sure people can get to safe haven," said Judson W. Murdock II, the Customs and Border Protection official leading that agency's storm relief effort.

The agency said that as of Tuesday, its officers doing disaster relief had deported zero people, while rescuing nearly 1,400, along with more than two dozen pets, including a lizard.

Despite the assurances, the presence of customs and border agents in Houston has dampened some immigrants' willingness to seek help. Many rode the storm out at home. Since the water has receded, some, like the Sosas, have chosen to remain in soggy, flooded apartments rather than go to the Red Cross for food or shelter.

Carlos Ramos, an immigrant from Honduras, said that during the storm, he and several undocumented residents ventured out of their apartment complex in Southwest Houston to find food and help. But as they waded through the water, they spotted some immigration agents performing rescues.


Staff and volunteers from the advocacy group FIEL have been going door to door assessing the damage and the need for help in heavily affected immigrant neighborhoods.

Adrian Florido/NPR
"And we all said, 'What are they doing here?' and we all turned back," Ramos recalled. He said they had recognized the rescuers as immigration agents because of the letters emblazoned on their uniforms: CBP, for Customs and Border Protection.

It is, in fact, Immigration and Customs Enforcement — ICE — that serves as the government's main deportation force in the nation's interior. Nonetheless, many immigrants see them all as part of the same immigration enforcement apparatus.

"We'd heard they were here to help," Ramos said of his reaction upon spotting the agents performing rescues, "but there was that fear of not really knowing if they're going to take you away."

Advocates say the fear of immigration enforcement, poverty, lack of insurance, lack of trust in the government and other factors are conspiring to make Houston's undocumented population among the most vulnerable in the storm's aftermath. The situation has also exposed an urgent need for private groups to step in and help.

"It's really bad," said Alain Cisneros, an organizer with a local immigrant advocacy group called FIEL Houston. "A lot of families really have been left with nothing."

Cisneros and a group of other staff and volunteers have been going door to door in immigrant areas most affected by the flooding. They've been assessing damage, taking down names and phone numbers, and asking immigrant families with no other options to hold tight as they try to cobble together donations and other resources to help them get back on their feet.

"We're hoping to get donations for food, and maybe vouchers for beds and furniture, or for a first month's rent at a new apartment," Cisneros said. "But there are so many families, there's no way we could help everyone who needs it."


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Wooooooooo! Dapped + Rep

Dr Boyce Watkins made a very interesting point with one question.....

If African Americans were out here fighting for reperations for the TRILLIONS of dollars that were robbed from our ancestors, would Latinos OR ANY OTHER GROUP for that matter be out on the front lines fighting for us?

And I don't mean a few tokens, im talking about MILLIONS of Latinos on the front line like they want us to be for them. Think about that.

You see these cowards in here trying their best to act like black folks ain't the main ones fighting white supremacy EVERYDAY, even for groups who could give a shyt about us. Sorry latinos/hispanics/mestizos or whatever the hell u call yourselves BUT THE JIG IS UP.

Your whole demographic is full of c00ns....yall so busy trying to call out black people why don't you go deal with that self hate that exists in your own communities. Yall ain't nothing but the white mans lap dog, you can't be trusted and I don't blame any black person who doesn't give a fukk about u being deported. Just go look at how most of these central and south American countries treat their darker skin citizens. The jig is up, stop sucking so much white dikk and maybe we'd take u seriously
Watch the video:



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
So because some Hispanics are ignorant we should sit back and fight ignorance with ignorance huh? That is what makes sense to you? Some of you dudes are so confident in your simple mindedness while being so loud and wrong, it's ridiculous.
Look, no one is particularly happy about "breaking up families," but between the economic drag, the historic disenfranchisement, and the fact that black Americans are barely treated as equal citizens in many cases, how much sympathy do you want?

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Because other people behaved the same way. Why bother now?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Not only is this incorrect, it's highly ironic.

The truth is that black Americans, out of every group are the least ok with the victimization of others and we have a long track-record to back it up. We constantly let others co-opt our movements for their own selfish interests.

Try this experiment and tell me how it works: Everything you said about Hispanics, replace with black people and vice versa.

So your question should really read:
"I don't understand how Hispanic people, who have been so victimized, are ok with the victimization of black people."

Once Hispanics can answer this question maybe we'll start giving a shyt about their questions :manny:

I've seen black naturally-born citizens arguing and fighting for the rights of those like Elian Gonzalez, or fighting against the wall.

I would love to see Mexicans march to get Africa restored on the DV list.... But I know it wont happen... But I've seen black Americans take up that fight:ohhh:

I would love to see Asian lawyers representing African immigrants in deportation hearings pro-bono... But it would take a miracle for that to happen. But there are black law firms who specialize in this :ohhh:

Black Americans have put every single fukkin minority on their back and still some of us trying to act like they havent done enough.

It's really annoying as hell.

I see your point. But I said that because this head in the sand ideology isn't going to do anything but make us more marginalized. For as many examples of black americans taking up the cause of others the same is true of others taking up our causes. Its just not en masse how we do. That, however, is changing. The last 4 protests/rallies/marches/voting drives I have been to the crowd was mixed up of all cultures. Social equality is in the zeitgeist now, breh. That's hard to see if you only hovering around the Coli and only black folks. Lots of work still to be done. But the younger generation ain't on the alt-right wave, breh. We gotta make sure they stay that way.

1. We've never fallen OUT of line to be fukked with breh. We're still numero uno in the "White Supremacy victim" line.
I assume you know that from a historical perspective. Our hell literally have NAMES for it and are systemic breh (Slavery, Jim Crow, PIC, War on Drugs, etc).

2. Thing is, our indifference to the plight of others is a NEW IDEA that hasn't even manifested to the point to show the impacts of our "benign neglect" on others yet. Cause that would take a collective effort to do :patrice:

IMO, our works should not be geared towards exhausting ourselves to fight against other people's community specific issues. It hasn't worked in our favor. Ever. Beyond sexual access, what do black people in the US have to show for our support and solidarity for other people's plights? Better question what do we have to show for others involving themselves in our affairs? :manny:
No we havent, but specific legislation made to fukk with black people hasn't come from this administration...yet. But it will. And when it does its not going to be clandestine, or esoteric its going to be blunt and fukked up. Unless we get out ahead of it. The black man's problems aren't ones that can be sovled by the black man alone....we aren't a big enough part of the system to ignite systemic changes. The cultural attitude toward black people must change, and that can only happen through cooperation. I'm all down for collective economics, black beauty standards...hell I spend every day at work helping the BLACK youth. But NONE of them will be able to function in this world without understanding the value and POWER of cooperation with people who don't look like you. The objective isn't to exhaust yourself fighting other battles, its to win those battles against white supremacy TOGETHER.

The objective is equality NOT black supremacy.

Bruh don't mix a pipeline in with citizenship status.

Dont do that.

The comparison is in the concept of legislation not that the two are similar issues.