This album consists of
1. some songs Earls flow doesn't matches up with the beat
2. some songs the beat doesn't matches up with Earls flow
3. some songs you can barely make out what Earl is saying
4. some songs are poorly mixed as a result
5. some songs have incomplete production
6. some songs are totally incomplete musically and vocally
All true and I loved IDLS, IDGO and consider it a modern day classic but I feel like with this album, this is the "aesthetic" he's going for
Just the way IDLS, IDGO had that extremely monotonous dark tone to it throughout the whole album with Earl voice and the mixing
I think he doing something similar here with all the short tracks, unmixed vocals/drums, flow sounding choppy. He tapping into that "otherworldly" feel he gave us on the last album and the only way to do that is through an unorthodox approach to the production and sequencing of the tracks
Earl don't come off like he would ever release some lazy unmixed trash, especially as someone who don't even be releasing that much music