Dum Shiny
I don't think it is "vague conjecture far removed from the actual situation". at least not as far removed as thinking it's similar to "nearly any other suspect". he was (supposedly) responsible for bombing the Boston Marathon, and (supposedly) responsible for throwing bombs out a moving vehicle. I think it's safe to say there's a higher chance of him having other explosive devices, compared to a random criminal, that was arrested for something that had nothing to do with bombs
'other people' could be involved with many crimes, but it becomes relevant to PSE when those other people could present some real eminent threat. and again, I don't think it would be too far removed to imagine that in this situation
I mean, these are real things we're talking about here. real body parts being removed. this isn't an appeal to the idea that leaving a 'drug-dealer' on the streets presents an 'eminent threat'. I understand the slippery slope with regards to rights, but it's also a slippery slope with regards to life. I'm sure we can all think of a few sayings about 'liberty and death', but sometimes I really like living
What you're doing in that second paragraph is what I mean by "vague conjecture." There was no evidence whatsoever that, even if they were working with someone else or had additional bombs (and I don't think you can act on that at all without surpassing a pretty extensive burden of proof), that they presented such an immediate threat to the safety of the public that they couldn't read him his rights and accede to his request for a lawyer before questioning him about it. You just can't work on the slimmest possibility of something in that way, because it inevitably leads to abuse and discrimination.
When I say "vague conjecture," I don't mean it in the same immaterial way that got Tyler's Mountain Dew ad pulled, but in attempting to extend a situation with either implausible or plausible, but not immediate, scenarios in such a way to blatantly bend the letter of the law. That's what's happening with this extension of the PSE, exemplified in this situation.