yeah i agree
its not antiquity, the muslim ottoman empire didnt end until WWI, how is that antiquity?
its completely justified to compare islamic expansion to western expansion, only a muslim that wants to play the victim card would suggest otherwise
so what, if you go by the past those same things would happen under islam
yeah and that was the same exact reasons the countries of western europe expanded
yeah when empires in europe, africa and asia were weak or non existent that is when the isalmic empires expanded
the parallels between western expansion and islamic expansion are obvious to any neutral person reading history
so did western countries, are you being stopped from practicing your religion?
wow, that is a complete lie, there was a lot of "collateral damage" in islamic expansion
nah i didnt bring it up because you are black, i brought it up because i am black and the things that happened in africa under islamic expansionism is what i was referring to more than what happened in europe
the rest of your paragraph is just words from a brainwashed black muslim trying to defend an evil, imperialistic religion that enslaved and committed genocide against black africans
lol @ you trying to defend islamic slavery, these are arabs capturing black africans
this picture isnt from antiquity, this is AFTER the europeans had stopped slave trading
you are obviously telling lies about islam and telling lies about islamic history, its truly a disgusting thing to watch
You act like Islamic slavery... especially Islamic slavery in Africa is top secret or something. wow, you're opening some eyes on here with points we've heard a million times. Point is, you bring it up of no where for a reason...and it has nothing to do with you being black. You don't even like most black people and you're very dismissive of most aspects of black America culture... so you can miss me with all the BS.

I told no lies about the situation.. do some research. .and nothing in what I said was a defense.. But I'm not going to ride with you and pretend that Islam created slavery, created slavery in Africa, or that Islamic slavery was the worse most damaging form of slavery, or that it's the slavery that most of my people here in America are a result of.
Also, if Islamic expansion is what you are referring to in the context of this conversation - then you are simply retarded and unwittingly transparent. The spread of religion in one case was a motivator during battle (read the writings of both sides) and in the other a justification. In one case, greed, violence, and thinking of the rest of the world as savages was the motivator justified by religion.... in the other case there were different motivativations besides greed and superiority.
Some one listening to your half pro black ass would think that arabs invented slavery instead of them taking advantage of pre-existing supply lines and resources. And FYI your points are worthless .... Muslims in northern Africa had millions of European slaves.... it's really dangerous to only know pieces of history that fit into your hating ass agendas. Also, the pic isn't showing arabs capturing africa slaves after WW1... Its of them trading for them with African leaders... But of course now we are going to pretend like black people weren't being burned, oppressed, colonized, apartheid, hung, and mentally destroyed "AFTER the Europeans had stopped slave trading".
Hyping up the WW1 European empires, that are responsible for the way you currently feel about black American youth and rap music, Just to diss Islam.. is