Can't look at twitter or youtube videos where I currently am. If I remember I'll check it out next week.
If people can speak with actual dialog, so real work can get done.
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Can't look at twitter or youtube videos where I currently am. If I remember I'll check it out next week.
Do u have a deep personal relationship with everyone h friend on facebook?
So u dont kniw personally what its like having a fb page and how little h actually end up interacting with all these people?I don't do facebook but people I know who do have at least 100 people they stay in contact with and have a personal relationship with. So this character had less than 100 people on his page. 49 were black.
@Peter Vecsey
Can yall give a brief summary of what yall are talking about? Im not quite understanding? I havent really been able to follow. He was coerced into doing this by "the powers that be" rite? I get that part and its possible. Can yall explain those Tweets that dropped at 6:40? How would that be possible if the shooting happened over 2hrs later?
So u dont kniw personally what its like having a fb page and how little h actually end up interacting with all these people?
You're calling me White because your conspiracy theories aren't clear or concise? Ok....makes senseLMAO!!! You must be white.... Riddle me the absolute formula for white supremacy....
You're talking about a country that has used every physical\psychological tool under the sun to maintain status, but a misdirection play is out of the question.........
Obviously you know dikk about the negro and his history in this god forsaken country
You looking for your oppressor to co sign the reason why you think black folks are oppressed....
The white man is something else.....
You're calling me White because your conspiracy theories aren't clear or concise? Ok....makes sense
@Peter Vecsey
Can yall give a brief summary of what yall are talking about? Im not quite understanding? I havent really been able to follow. He was coerced into doing this by "the powers that be" rite? I get that part and its possible. Can yall explain those Tweets that dropped at 6:40? How would that be possible if the shooting happened over 2hrs later?
TRUTH!I have no info about the tweets so @thekingsmen will have to give you the info on that.... I'm not saying that its not plausible that some random white kid just woke up one morning and decided to commit a hate crime of this magnitude.... I'm providing an alternative way to look at this....
The game is to keep you mad at the average white male who aint go shyt to do with you, as opposed to focusing our energy at the real WHITE establishment.....
Charleston S.C. is a Liberal controlled Area. So far in the last few years all Liberal areas have extreme gun restriction laws cutting the citizen out of protecting themselves( Washington D.C., Chicago, etc). The Obama Admin has orchestrated a group of think-tanks, private contractors and investors to gather viewpoints of Americans on Guns. What they also did was create scenarios that would bring an altering viewpoint on guns and gun control to the populace and change laws they don't agree with. So these private contractors and investors started testing their project with local district officials of all forms of government from media to fire and police depts on drills. These aren't normal drills they have but drills that may be recorded as actual events when they are not. Local residents act in these drills for maybe $100 a day for a few days or a week.
Here is some examples:
Not all events make it to the media floor board based off of participation of it's release to the public by actors themselves. If green-lighted, all participants must sign a waiver from DHS stating they comply with rules of not releasing info to anyone outside the event as it was a National Security violation. Most likely signed before you even get paid.
With that in mind media is brought in with the narrative to feed the viewers with whatever they like. The Private companies compensate the county, city, town with funds of their liking. Media provides the time-lines of anything updated.
In this case Dylann Roof, he supposedly arrived at the Church at 8:18 pm. He then at 9pm shot and killed people. However the Charleston P.D. released their official report via twitter at 6:40 pm of the shooting. The photographer assigned to the event posted 7:19 pm of cops at the Church Shooting. The reporter later reported prayers of victims at 8:28 pm.
Those were the facts brought in and re-tweeted. The news waited until 10 to bring into real time. However numbers doesn't lie. These goes back to the reason Obama handpicked Holder as head of DOJ. This proves a very important point. The biggest motive today in the The War on Everything( drugs, poverty, terrorism) is the term "Winning in the hearts and Minds of People". So the Gov't has used this a propaganda tool to manipulate people's viewpoints.
@thekingsmen has been banned from the thread
Appreciate it, now if you can get this troll @Peter Vecsey out my thread, we can continue the dialogue
I have no info about the tweets so @thekingsmen will have to give you the info on that.... I'm not saying that its not plausible that some random white kid just woke up one morning and decided to commit a hate crime of this magnitude.... I'm providing an alternative way to look at this....
The game is to keep you mad at the average white male who aint go shyt to do with you, as opposed to focusing our energy at the real WHITE establishment.....