So the guy who committed this crime wasn't the "average white male"? The cops out here murdering unarmed black men aren't the "average white male"? The judges giving black men unfair sentences and employers not hiring blacks cuz of the color of their skin aren't the "average white male"? They dont have shyt to do with us? We're supposed to let them continue to do what they're doing? And who are "the real WHITE establishment"? Teach us breh
Follow the money breh. Where it leads you is the real culprits....
As well, no, none of those above are the ones you should be worried about. Since they can be replaced. You should be worried about those in power who allow and actually cause these type of things to happen. Think about it. The media is a great tool that is used to shape the minds of people. So if those in charge REALLY wanted racial cohesion, why not use the media to cause it? Why not show news stories about blacks helping whites and vice versa and blare that news story over and over so that people are ingesting these positive type of stories? Instead, these type of stories are the ones we are bombarded with. And that leads to people being divided into two groups based on the issue. Cops vs blacks. Cops vs civilians. Whites vs blacks etc... Just peep game and you'll see this the case. And if you want to go even FURTHER down the wormhole, go to youtube and look up different perceptions of these events. Every event that bombards the news, just go to youtube and see how people try to poke holes in them. With an open mind, there is NO WAY you cannot come out of that without some type of doubt to whats going on. Look up how some on youtube view the Walter Scott shooting for instance, and you'll see that the whole story is BS, and if it is even true, it is plastered all on TV as a cause to divide people. So the real "white establishment" where your anger, ire, and distrust should be placed is to the ones that pay for laws to be passed, pay for presidents in which somehow allowed 40-42 of the 44 presidents to be somehow related, allow heroin production in Afghanistan to go on (and even defend it) and more... See THEY are who you should be lining up against in battle. Instead they got you lookin at the pawns thinking "if we deal with the pawns, we win" that isnt how you win a chess match

Pretty much... The average white person is a pawn in the game of white supremacy
Absolutely breh.