What the entire fukk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm done......
Edit: Simply put for all you c00ns and negroes who are letting white deflection trolls and agents steer you from anger, this was a hit/assassination set up by law enforcement and white supremacists organizations behind the scenes to remove Senator Pinckney from the scene and as retaliation against the Black community for the recent rash of their "good ole boy club" being exposed over the recent year. Pinckney was the target and this was a message and execution, and sadly the brothers and sisters there with him were executed. This devil specifically asked for Pinckney according to the witnesses.....don't believe the agents running around, they always scurry around to keep negroes in check after an attack. Everything about this is real, this was one of their young murderous racist hynchmen they sent out on an assassination mission....its similar and the exact same way they did in the slave days, the black code days and jim crow day to inflict fear,havoc and obedience in the Black community, so they would hang one of our people from the town squares or just out in the open where black folk could see it and feel it....Same thing here nowadays......

If you MKULTRA Conspiracy theorists, deflection agent trolls, 007 James Bond hypothesizers trying to belittle the ultimate reasons and problem we have in 2015 with racists white murderous attacks on Black folks from the law to civilians don't get the fck outta my thread with your usual white deflection tactics.
What Black folk need to be doing at this very hour is surmising a plan as to creating a defense force and defensive tactics and offensive tactics in Black neighborhoods,black gatherings,black events, and anywhere else black people gather and reside against a race of devils that have murderous genetics against anything that moves..........that's the only shyt we need to be doing, fck CNN,FOX News,and all your news stations who are making a buck off a serious matter, and serenading negroes to sleep once more with this Peace bullshyt and holding hands with our enemies, while they plan ambushes at this very second......