Dumb single mom sends her son to all white school now he is getting beat up daily


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
:snoop:Hate to point it out but I know y’all saw that flag in her bio, better not let a certain individual come across this story.

When I was in 8th grade, we were family friends with a young Bajan couple. They had a stunning little girl, smooth dark skin, high cheekbones, big almond eyes, long ponytails. Thank God they let my mother put them on game. She walked them through getting her into both independent school and child modeling. By the time she went through the testing and interview process, I already had people I knew who went there looking out for her, black and white. That's an example of the work ADOS did for pan Africanism (and why we so appalled by the more recent brandnewness).

It falls to shyt when black immigrants who have us as a potential resource shake off our warnings and rush headlong into the American night. We have sundown towns here, the metaphor holds. This was the underlying theme of Get Out. :mjlol:

nikkas gotta listen. We went through the fire for this intel. You don't pay heed, 'he who don't hear must feel.' I'm not being glib. The shyt hurts me and enrages me everytime, for the victim ofc, but this has a downstream effect on the rest of us too. How can I explain this...? It used to be a wm right of passage to, a, fukk a bw, and b, somehow abuse a bm, optimally, in a way that draws blood. We try our best not to give them those wins nowadays.