This is the usual simplistic, over-generalized, empty rhetoric-packed copout answer we've come to expect from you.
I'm not sure how you can chalk up the 300 years of oppression and second class citizenship of black people in American to the "government" (
) and the human condition, especially considering a fundamental tenet of libertarian ideology is that human nature is essentially constant and immutable.
The plight of black Americans was a product of the "spontaneous ordering of society" libertarians like to spout. Society spontaneously decided to treat black people like shyt because they were racist and evil, from the political and business elite, down to the average moron who liked to lynch people. Only when government started to take action to curb slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, social apartheid, etc. did that begin to change.
You'll probably say that that stuff goes against the libertarian principles of non-aggression and personal freedoms, blah, blah, blah, but that means nothing, it's just axiomatic statements divorced from realities and chains of causation.
I'm not sure how you can say I'm conflating the market from the law of the land, as if the law is not a product of the marketplace of ideas. And that market decided enslave, rape, murder, torture, segregate, bomb, and legally neuter the black population. That wasn't some tyrannical oligarchy doing that AGAINST the will of the majority.