Please enlighten me on this, not on some Jay Z throw in a stop and frisk name drop but show me where he legit speaks on a conscious topic rap song interview w/e
What is conscious? Speaking about social issues?
He speaks about stuff from his perspective, stuff he knows about. The reason most of these "socially conscious" rappers get shirttes on by smart people, reviewers etc is cause half of the time they don't know what the fukk they are talking about, only dumb smart and flat out dumb people appreciate it. Now if the flow, beat, creativity and shyt is correct people might still mess with it but usually those factors are sacrificed. If you can do it like Kendrick or Pac and talk about shyt you've witnessed and gone through

or shyt you are very privately active in like Killer Mike
Drake is only on his 4th album, it took cats like Bob Dylan 8-9 albums to get into certain things, as long he keeps on developing the things he talks about.
Also, he's talked about the "black American dad story" on various tracks, one of the higher social issues in our communities. And people tend to forget that he's from Toronto, their country is 20 times better as far as social issues go.