I have zero space for this game
Somebody upgraded my nikka wit better shyt. shout out my guy
might've sent him back with that House In VermundSomebody upgraded my nikka wit better shyt. shout out my guy
I dunno what the issue was last night, maybe my PC was updating. The game runs fine again.
Anyway, I maxed out Warrior and Thief and now I'm playing Archer which is fukking ass crack so far. Jesus Christ, what did they do to it?
I was shooting at a Chimera and legit was doing NO damage. I feel like they're trolling with this shyt.
I just got a better bow and I think I'm Vocation level 4 now so I go a few more abilities. But so far this shyt is trash.
Anyway, I just made it to Battahl so we shall see. Sitting on like 40 hours so far but I'm exploring the entire map.
I haven't switch vocations from archer yet (level 42) but I'm about to but I've been bodying Chimeras and the like with ease the whole game.i haven't died for for like 20 hours once I learnt the mechanics of staying distant. It's already easy so if it's even easier beyond this I'm worried about switching
I haven't switch vocations from archer yet (level 42) but I'm about to but I've been bodying Chimeras and the like with ease the whole game.i haven't died for for like 20 hours once I learnt the mechanics of staying distant. It's already easy so if it's even easier beyond this I'm worried about switching
it doesn't. its not even an armor thing either. you're doing jackshyt unless you're buffed and perfectly placing shots or dancing around with the jump/slide core abilities.Well it's possible Archer gets better with more Vocation points but I chose to pick it up in Battahl where all the enemies are armored. So it's not doing shyt against them.